It should be said that it is indeed young and vigorous.

Even if he was beaten, he still stared at Clark.

Sure enough. . . . . .Unbelievable young man!Clark squeezed his fists and stepped forward with a smile.

Click! "Stop! If you dare to take another step forward, I will shoot!"

A long-barreled shotgun with the muzzle pointed at Clark's head.

A bearded man stared at him fiercely.

Clark remembered correctly. . . . . .He had seen this bearded man on his first day in the town.

The other party is the owner of a bar.

He also chatted with Clark a few times with a smile. He once said that he likes eastern countries very much, and there are many praises in his words.

Results now. . . . . . "Yellow-skinned monkey, we no longer welcome you here!"

All right!It seems that Clark is indeed very unpopular.

People do not welcome him, and Clark will not continue to stay in shame.

but. . . . . . "I don't like people who lie."

He turned around and looked at the bearded man in front of him.

"Lying is going to hell."

"Can you say that again!"

The bearded man moved his gun forward with a threatening look on his face.

At this moment. . . . . .The movement here has attracted the attention of many people.

Those ones. .The residents of the town watched with indifference.

Some even cursed viciously.

Get Clark out of their town!reality. . . . . .Disappointing! "I used to like this town, but it's a pity!"

Clark shook his head.

Just when the bearded man in front of him was about to say something, Clark suddenly grabbed the barrel of his gun with one hand.

"I can't even remember how long no one dared to use this toy against me."

Clark squeezed slightly.

I saw that the barrel of the gun was bent and the muzzle was facing the ground.

"Now...what are you going to do?"

Clark smiled at the bearded man.

The bearded man is completely stupid.

He subconsciously pulled the trigger. . . . . .boom!A shot went off.

The bullet didn't go out of the barrel, but exploded directly, and the splattered iron pierced into the bearded face.

He screamed in pain!Clark looked at each other strangely.

He asked softly, "Are you stupid?"

The bearded man covered his face with his hands in pain, unable to hear what Clark said at all.

Clark is a good guy!In order to prevent Beard from continuing to suffer, he kindly slapped Beard's head into the wall.

This time. . . . . .Beard will never feel pain again.

When the people around saw this scene, they were so frightened that they scattered.

"Ahhhhh!!! Killing!!!"

Clark shook his head.

With a wave of his hand, a large sea of ​​fire engulfed these people.

In an instant. . . . . .There was a pile of ashes on the ground.

"Unfortunately, I really like this town."

Clark looked regretful.

The mind feels hurt.

Obviously he is such a good person, why do these people reject him? Sure enough. . . . . .There are too many villains in this world! !To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The United States abandoned by the world, the disappearing city

Bang!The ground crumbles!Clark's figure shot straight into the sky!At the same time, outside the town, on the only road leading to the town, two cars were driving at high speed, rushing towards the town.

Roar!Roar!Roar! ! !A non-human roar followed the two fast-moving cars.

One after another figure quickly chased behind.

The car, which has already exceeded [-] kilometers per hour, can't get rid of those who are chasing after him. . . . .Zombies.

Even the few zombies in front jumped directly on the car, tearing the car's shell with sharp fingernails. . . . . .The harsh metal tearing sound resounded!The terrifying face of the zombie, directly from the roof of the car, was reflected in the driver's eyes.

"Ahhhh!!! Don't come here!!!"

The driver was so frightened that he lost every inch of his body.

He drove the car like a dragon dance for a while, and before he drove too far, he slammed into a billboard outside the town!The car smoked thickly.

The driver and passengers in the car were almost knocked unconscious.

rustling. . . . . .The grass in front of the billboard shook.

Soon, one head. . .The zombie with a broken arm crawled up from the grass.

Roaring towards the crashed car ahead.

On the road, more zombies poured in.

Surround this car!And just this time another. . . . . .The car has crashed into the town.

There are also two zombies lying on the roof of this car.

They have torn apart the iron sheet on the roof, and their blue-gray claws are constantly grabbing into the car.

The psychological quality of the driver who drives this car is obviously better than that of the other. . . . . .The driver of the car is much tougher.

Even in the face of such a frightening scene, he still tried his best to keep the balance of the car.

but!When manpower runs out.

What's more, it's these things. . . . .I don't know what a pained and abandoned zombie is.

Tear it!one head. . .The zombie's nails cut the back of the driver's neck.

A moment of tingling quickly turned into numbness!The driver's face turned pale.

Done!At that moment, the whole world in front of him seemed to be plunged into darkness.

The zombie virus has been in the United States for four days.

The survivors who are still alive now know what the consequences of being injured by zombies will be!Or become a zombie!Or blow your head off before turning into a zombie!There is no third option! ! !For a moment, the man's heart was confused.

The hand holding the steering wheel also lost its strength in an instant.

next moment. . . . . .A car driving at high speed, head straight to the side. . .Bumped into a shop on the side of the road.

Boom!In a loud bang.

The car slammed into the shop window and headed straight to the side. . .Arch into the store.

The clerk who was ordering money behind the cashier was startled by this scene.

Even the money in his hand fell, and he didn't find it.

Just a little!She and the entire cash register were about to be crushed by the car that crashed in.

The clerk was totally stupid.

It wasn't until she heard the screams and roars from outside that she snapped back to her senses.

"How do you drive on a horse..."

Before the swearing words were finished, an extremely terrifying face appeared in the clerk's line of sight.

The face kept expanding in her line of sight.

She even forgot to run away, and when her perception was transmitted to her brain, she let out a terrified scream, pulling the zombie on her body with both hands and trying to push it away.

But she is just an ordinary person, and she is still a woman with relatively little strength. . .Ferocious zombies.

There was a tearing sound, accompanied by splashes of blood. . . . . .Less than half a minute.

The screams in the store ended.

At this moment. . . . . .The zombie got up.

As if he lost interest in the food in front of him, he turned around and rushed out of the store, running to the town outside, looking for new prey!And more than a minute later.

The clerk, who had just died, also staggered and got up at this time.

A large piece of her face was bitten off, and a lot of flesh was missing from her neck and shoulders.

But even so, she still stood up and swayed out of the smashed window.

After a while, its body became flexible.

Just run. . .Chase those in the town. .The living beings are fleeing! . . . . .Over the town, Clark watched this scene with some surprise.

These. . . . .The zombies also came by coincidence.

As soon as he had left his forefoot and back, they arrived.

"Zombie! No matter how many times I look at it, it's still so ugly!"

Clark looked disgusted.

Immediately, on his empty hand, a little frost appeared around his palm. . . . . .After a few seconds, the surrounding temperature dropped by more than ten degrees! "Ice Age!"

Clark shouted loudly.

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