A punch to the town below!With his punch, an extremely strong cold current surged out, and almost in an instant, it enveloped the entire town and a large area around it!Kerala. . . . .A burst of ice crystals condensed! ! !Wherever the frost passes, everything is frozen! ! !Under the sun, the whole town looks like a huge ice sculpture.

It reflects beautiful bursts of brilliance in the sun! ! ! "Not bad! It's kind of like that."

Clark grinned.

Ice Age or something, exactly. . .He was yelling.

In essence, it is just a means of controlling the elements.

It can't even be called an application!After all, Clark just violently caused a sudden surge of ice elements in this area.

Not really any skill at all! . . . . .a few days later.

The zombie crisis continues to break out in the United States.

The international community is also paying attention to this zombie virus outbreak in the United States!All flights from the US have been cancelled since the first day of the zombie outbreak.

No country is willing to accept these refugees.

Ghosts know if they are carrying zombie viruses. No one dares to take this risk.

Even those in the United States. .Allies, even younger brothers.

There are no exceptions, and the United States' request for help will be turned away! ! !Right now, the United States has been abandoned by the world.

The most exaggerated action is the country to the north of the United States.

Not to mention sending more than ten times more troops directly to the border, they also pulled up a protective net covering the entire border.

I'm afraid that some Americans who can't think of it will sneak to their country!And in the country to the south, they are. . . . .Want to do that too.

But on the first day of the zombie virus outbreak, several of their cities near the border had already suffered.

Now they are all too busy to take care of themselves, how can they have the energy to manage the border.

But fortunately. . . . . .even those. .The Americans crossed the border, and after they came, there were still some cities occupied by zombies.

Even if there are very few lucky ones among them, they really passed through these cities.

But waiting for them behind, there is also Lao Mo's army!In the past few days, I don't know how many Americans have prayed for God's blessing to save them from this purgatory on earth.

pity. . . . . .God didn't seem to hear their prayers.

Or maybe they heard it, but didn't bother to care about their lives or lives.

Anyway. . . . . .Just one week.

This country has been completely changed!If not there is a similar S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Such organizations, together with some troops in the United States, are maintaining order in very few cities.

Is there any in this world. . . . . .This country, the United States, is a problem!after all. . . . . .Even their president.

All have been infected with the zombie virus and turned into a head. . .Only know to eat zombies.

And those of the past. .A high-flying consortium.

Not much is left now. . . .

those that survived. . , is already seriously injured, even if this zombie crisis is lifted, it is still a question whether it can be recovered later!At the same time, the reputation of the Avengers also spread all over the world during this time.

Almost everyone knows their names.

Know how hard they have worked for this country that is about to fall!It is precisely because of the support of the Avengers that the U.S. authorities can barely keep a few cities safe.

The establishment of a human survivor base is considered to have preserved the only kind of fire left in this country!miermi.

America's famous cities.

There have been movies like Myermi's situation.

It is one of the most famous cities in the world.

And now, this place has been occupied by zombies.

The U.S. authorities are also planning to take back the city, for which they have made detailed plans and even contacted the Avengers.

With the support of this powerful team, we plan to launch a devastating attack on the zombies in this city today!Just when the newly formed high-level officials of the United States are ready to launch an operation to retake this coastal city!The sudden sound of an alarm interrupted their layout.

"What's going on?"

A few with gray hair all looked over there with ugly expressions on their faces.

At this time, a man in a suit and leather shoes ran over with sweat on his forehead and said, "Something has happened! Miermi has disappeared!"


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Chapter [-]: Conflict, Thor's Roar!

In the command room, all the bigwigs in the United States were shocked and listened to the news in disbelief.

"How could Miermi disappear!!!"

A big boss stepped forward and grabbed the shoulder of the man in the suit, and asked him loudly.

"Tell me! What the hell is going on, how could Miermi disappear!!"

The man in the suit looked a little frightened, swallowed and said, "Yes... it was before, when our plane went over to check the situation, the result..."

"Don't give me a hesitation!!!"

The boss shouted loudly.

The man in the suit was so frightened that he couldn't tell.

At this time, a big guy next to him pulled him.

"You scared people."

He said, "Come on, don't be nervous, speak slowly."

The man in the suit nodded, took a breath and said, "Our people went over to check and saw a black shadow falling from the sky, followed by the whole Miermi as if it had been bombed by a nuclear bomb. In seconds, it was destroyed!"

The man in the suit finished speaking in one breath, reached out and wiped the cold water on his forehead, and looked cautiously at the big men in front of him.

At this moment. . . . . .The eyes of these big men in front of them are gloomy, and their faces are terrifying and scary.

"Let the Avengers go and see."

One boss suggested, "Our army is running out, the Avengers are more capable, send them over because nothing will happen."

Several other bigwigs also nodded in agreement.

To put it bluntly, the Avengers are nothing but a tool in their eyes.

It's great to listen to you!If they are not obedient, they also have a way to pour all kinds of dirty water on the Avengers!Such means, they are really familiar with it! . . .Miermi, this place is now in ruins!A Kun-style fighter jet flew from a distance, its speed gradually slowed down, and it gradually hovered over this huge ruin.

At this time, the cabin door of the fighter plane opened, and a thunder light flew out from it and landed in the ruins.

"Saul, look around, I don't think it looks like it was bombed by missiles, it's a bit strange."

Natasha's voice came through the headset.

Sol, who had already landed in the ruins of this city, nodded and waved the hammer in his hand, and the whole person was. . .fly!Myermi is not the kind of city with a large population.

Even before the outbreak of the zombie virus, the city's population was only a few hundred thousand, far less than one million.

However, this city is adjacent to the sea, and it is only more than [-] kilometers away from a military base in the United States, so it will be seen by the high-level officials of the United States and plan to build a new military port.

In this way, their navies in other waters will also come.

Otherwise, these navies would not even have docked at the rest.

after all. . . . . .Now there is no country that is willing to accept them. . . . .American!Even if it is obviously impossible to be infected with the zombie virus, these. . . . .The navy sailing abroad is also unpopular!Therefore, the establishment of a new military port is imperative!But now. . . . . .The situation has undergone this sudden change.

It really makes the top executives in the United States annoyed! . . . . .After a few minutes.

Sol found an unexpected figure in the ruins.

"Natasha, look at that person, is that the one who was in New York last time..."

While Saul asked Natasha through the headset, he had already fallen from the air and landed in the ruins.

Hear movement.

Clark turned to look.

He holds the Cosmic Cube in one hand, absorbing the energy inside the Cosmic Cube anytime, anywhere.

"It is you."

Clark was not surprised to see the person coming.

However, Sol was very surprised by the cosmic Rubik's Cube in his hand.

"Why the Universe Rubik's Cube is in your hands"

Thor suddenly looked angry and asked loudly, "What about Loki, what did you do to him!"

Before, the Avengers unanimously determined that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was taken by Loki.

But now. . . . . .The universe cube appeared in Clark's hands.

Sol couldn't help thinking. . . . . .Has his brother Loki been killed by the person in front of him, or else!Why did the universe Rubik's cube appear in his hands? He didn't think that with Loki's character, he would obediently hand over such a treasure! "Loki, who knows."

Clark said casually.

This made Sol even more angry, and he even believed that his guess was right! "Bastard! How dare you kill our people in Asgard!!!"

Thor's hands overflowed with lightning, and he roared angrily.

"Did you destroy this city too?"

Sol asked angrily, "Do you know that there are likely to be many survivors alive here, how dare you!!!"

"Why don't I dare"

Clark said indifferently: "Speaking of which, I helped you last time."

"You're questioning me so loudly now, which really disappoints me. Could it be that the dignified prince of Asgard, the future king, is just... thanking his savior so much"

Clark sneered and looked at Thor in front of him with a sarcastic expression.

"If that's the case, then I'm going to take back your life."

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