"It's up to you!"

Thor roared.

Countless thunder was entwined all over his body, and the sky above his head was shrouded in dark clouds, and thunderous sounds rang out from it.

At this time, Natasha's voice sounded in Sol's headset.

"Sol, don't be impulsive, the opponent's strength is very strong, calm down!"

But at this moment Thor has already determined that Clark killed his younger brother Loki, and the hatred and anger in his heart have long overwhelmed his calmness.

originally. . . . . .Thor, the god of thunder, has a bad temper!And now. . . . . .He couldn't hold back the anger in his heart! ! ! "I want you to be buried with Loki!!!"

Boom! ! !Countless thunders fell from the dark clouds.

Thor holds Thor's hammer aloft, unparalleled in power!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: One punch, Thor dies!

Oolong cover the top, thunderous!A doomsday scene.

Under the thunder light, Sol held the Thor's Hammer aloft, and slammed hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts, all pulling them towards Clark on the opposite side.

Boom--! ! !The dazzling thunder light enveloped a large area.

A full minute or so passed.

These. . . . .Thunder just dissipated.

Sol panted tiredly and looked over there.

In the line of sight, a figure gradually appeared. . . . . . "This is impossible!!!"

Sol looked at this scene in disbelief.

In the attack just now, he has done his best to unleash the most powerful thunder in history!But. . . . . .The opponent was unscathed! ! ! "That's it"

Clark smiled disdainfully.

Sol in this period is really weak!Compared with Sol, who holds the Storm Tomahawk in the third period of the Avengers, the gap between the two is at least. . . . .Also more than ten times!And even Thor, who holds a storm axe.

They are not the opponents of Clark a year ago.

Let alone now. . . . . .A year later, Clark became even stronger.

With one hand, he can crush each other to death! "I do not believe!!!"

Thor roared, and suddenly threw out the Thor's hammer in his hand and smashed it at Clark.

Om-! ! !Thor's hammer smashed with the power of Wan Jun.

Clark only stretched out one hand, then grabbed with five fingers. . . . .It was easy to grab the Thor's Hammer that was smashed over.

Thor's Hammer was constantly struggling in Clark's hand, but with that little movement, he couldn't even shake Clark's arm slightly.

He smiled contemptuously, and his hands began to exert force. . . . . .Click!Several cracks appeared on the surface of Thor's Hammer! "Do not!!!"

Thor roared and rushed forward, trying to save his beloved companion.

But. . . . . .late! ! !Bang-!A burst of lightning exploded.

Thor's hammer shattered into pieces of metal and fell to the ground.

The figure of Sue Clark disappeared in place.

Appearing again, he had already grabbed Saul's neck with one hand and lifted him up.

"Bastard! Let me go!!!"

Clark sneered.

"Why do you always learn badly?"

He shook his head, and immediately. . . . . .Punch out!Boom! ! !Sol's body exploded instantly, turning into a blood mist!At this time, Clark looked up and looked at a small black spot in the distance.

"Did you run away?"

He shook his head slightly, too lazy to chase.

Destroy Miermi and kill Thor.

Clark earned two more damage points, a significant amount.

Mainly because killing Sol gives more points.

Although this Sol is not the one from the main timeline... Sol, this time is different from last time, Clark has completely killed Sol in this world.

Therefore, the system rewarded [-] destruction points at one time!This is also the largest amount Clarke has ever earned, a single damage point.

[-], plus [-] for destroying Myermi.

Clark has all been added to the Kryptonian template, and the unlocking degree of [-]%%%.[-] has been increased.

In this way, his template unlocking degree has reached [-]%%! "Only the last twenty-three percent are left."

After Clark glanced at it, he closed the character panel.

At this time, in the distant sky, small black dots flew towards this side.

Clark looked up there.

Whizzing!Whoosh! . . . . . .A fighter jet flew over and dropped a missile.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !The explosion sounded continuously, and the flames devoured the ruins directly.

Clark was in the flames, and the impact of the explosion didn't even make him move half a step.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, the next moment. . . . . .Bang!The ground shattered.

Clark's figure rose into the sky in an instant, and the speed exceeded [-] times the speed of sound in an instant.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !In the sky, fireballs bloomed one by one.

Twenty-six fighter jets were all destroyed in just one second: time!destroy these. . . . .Fighter, Clark stopped and looked in a certain direction.

"Humph! It's okay to be too self-sufficient, let's teach you a lesson first."

Say it.

Clark's figure instantly disappeared.

at the same time. . . . . .within the headquarters.

All the bigwigs in the United States are already in a cold sweat.

"What am I talking about! It's time to discuss it before making a decision. Now, there are [-] fighter jets! Do you know how many we have left now... Air Force!"

A big man was roaring and cursing.

Several other bigwigs had gloomy faces and said nothing.

At this time, someone said: "You said, where will he go?"

Hearing this, many people thought of something, suddenly snorted, and secretly said: Oops! "He...isn't he going to take revenge on us?"

Someone said hesitantly.

The person next to him gave him a blank look.

You all sent fighter jets over there to bomb.

Shouldn't others be allowed to take revenge. . . . . .Every day, eat as much as you want! . . . 【Last Hope】Military base.

This name was given by those at the top of the United States. This military base is indeed the only super-large military base in the United States that can still be controlled by humans.

The deployment of troops in the entire base is more than five times that of the largest military base in the whole meter before the zombie virus exploded!This is where the rest of the U.S. forces, nearly [-]% of the troops, are gathered here.

So it is hailed as the last hope!At this moment, in the sky above the military base, a figure suddenly appeared there in a sonic boom.

The radar of the base found the other party, and the alarm sounded loudly.

"What is that a person?"

On a sentry tower, a soldier looked with a telescope.

It turned out that it was a person, standing in the sky like this out of thin air, completely violating the laws of physics he knew.

Gravity is said to be eaten by dogs! "Alert! There is an enemy attack!!!"

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Shred the last hope, Tony's space-based weapon!

Clark volleyed above the military base, overlooking this huge military fortress.

"The last hope."

He shook his head and smiled contemptuously.

He saw that the anti-aircraft weapons in the military base were already aimed at him.

Whoosh whoosh! !An anti-aircraft missile hit.

Clark's thoughts moved, and ten-meter-long soil spears condensed around him.

Wave your hand!Hundreds of earth spears were aimed at those. .Missile flew away.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !The explosion sounded continuously in the sky.

A spark is blooming!inside the military base.

The commander roared at his soldiers and ordered more missiles to be fired to annihilate the enemy.

At the same time, a large number of soldiers poured out from the barracks and flew into the sky with the armed helicopters in the base.


The machine guns on the gunships began to fire.

The metal rain curtain intertwined by bullets directly shrouded the area where Clark was located.

ding ding dong. . . . . .A flurry of sparks shot out of Clark.

Swish!A figure directly smashed through an armed helicopter!Boom! Explosion!This gunship turned into a fireball directly in the sky! ! ! "That man! Is he a monster?"

The people who saw this scene all turned pale with fright.

"Use surface-to-air missiles! Give me all the most powerful missiles!"

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