The commander roared.

At the same time, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and he couldn't even wipe it off.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !In the sky, armed helicopters turned into balls of fire.

Some pilots became frightened and wanted to flee.

But an afterimage flashed.

The gunship they were driving immediately turned into a fireball and exploded.

No one is spared! ! ! "Is there any other means? Just take it out, I'll give you this chance."

Clark stood proudly in the air, his voice echoing in the ears of everyone in the military base.

This caused the commander in the base to curse again.

"Why haven't the surface-to-air missiles been launched!"

Just as the commander scolded his subordinates, the silos in the base slowly opened, and one after another huge surface-to-air missiles shot into the sky with thick white smoke.

Clark smiled at this moment.

The figure broke through the sound barrier with a bang, and instantly came to a surface-to-air missile and punched it out.

Boom! ! ! !A huge explosion sounded.

A mushroom cloud rose in the air.

Subsequently. . . . . .It was another five or six, and the sound exploded.

At the same time as the mushroom clouds rose, because the height of the explosion was too low, the military base on the ground was also affected a lot.

Some buildings collapsed. . . . . .Soldiers are buried in collapsed buildings!The whole base was a mess.

And in the headquarters.

The commander held the binoculars and stared at the center of the explosion over there.

I hoped that the monster had been killed.

Swish!The thick smoke in the sky was suddenly pierced.

A figure flew out of it, and the commander's face turned pale with a swipe, and he couldn't even hold the telescope in his hand and fell to the ground.

"It's over."

he murmured.

next moment. . . . . .Clark's speed in the air instantly exceeded [-] times the speed of sound!The whole person fell from the sky at a height of [-] meters, like a nuclear bomb, and smashed into the military base.

Rumble rumble. . . . . .The earth crumbled, and the entire surface was disappearing, being obliterated. . . . .A circle of shock waves visible to the naked eye swept away from the center point in all directions.

In the roar of earth-shattering, everything within a radius of dozens of miles was shaken into powder! ! !The dust turned into thick smoke, billowing up!A full five or six minutes passed.

The dust has settled!I saw that the original military base had been replaced by a huge pit at this time.

at the bottom of the pit.

Clark held the cosmic Rubik's Cube that glowed with faint blue light in one hand, and swept his eyes around indifferently.

Subsequently. . . . . .Bang!The figure rose into the sky, jumped out of the bottom of the pit, and landed on the periphery of the edge.

"too weak."

Clark shook his head in disappointment.

Unexpectedly, this base does not even have a nuclear bomb.

What a disappointment!at this time. . . . . .Crack! ! !A sound like glass breaking came from Clark's hand.

He looked over.

I saw that there were dense cracks on the surface of the universe cube he was holding in his hand.

After a second or two. . . . . .Bang!The Cosmic Rubik's Cube shattered directly and turned into countless tiny fragments, which fell into Clark's palm.

A 1 blue gem with a brighter glow appeared in his hand.

One of the six Infinity Gems, the Space Gem! "Is the energy of the Rubik's cube exhausted?"

There was no surprised expression on Clark's face.

As a container of space gems, the universe cube itself is very extraordinary, but the energy contained in it is limited after all.

Now it has been absorbed by Clark for a week, and it is already very good to be exhausted until today!So, Clark didn't feel sorry for it at all.

Call him to blow gently, blowing away the useless debris.

Then, with a thought, the metal elements that controlled the sky and the earth condensed into a necklace, which appeared in his hand. At the end of the necklace, a buckle firmly clasped the space gem.

Clark put the necklace around his neck.

In this way, he will no longer have to hold the space gem in his hand to absorb its energy.

After wearing it, Clark nodded with satisfaction after confirming that the energy can still be absorbed into the space gem.

"It's time to go and go to the next city."

Clark was about to leave.

at this time. . . . . . "what!"

He paused and looked up at the sky.

There seemed to be nothing in the blue sky, but Clark's eyes penetrated a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, and saw a satellite in the earth's orbit, which was running at this time, and there were huge energy fluctuations on it.

"This is... a space-based weapon!"

Clark was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, in this era, there will be such a thing as a space-based weapon.

immediately. . . . . .His gaze fell on a sign outside the satellite.

[Stark Group] "It turned out to be built by Tony."

Clark was no longer surprised.

After all, it is Tony Stark, who has countless black technologies in his brain. If it is him, it is not surprising to create a space-based weapon in this era.

"But this satellite is quite new. Could it be that it was just sent to the sky recently?"

Clark observed that on the satellite at a height of tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground at this time, a tungsten rod with a length of more than ten meters, a diameter of seventy centimeters, and a weight of nearly ten tons was already in place.

With a huge boost of energy.

This is directly with the tungsten rod hitting the ground at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour!the target aimed at. . . . . .It was Clark who was in the ruins.

"My good guy, such a space-based weapon is probably more powerful than a [-] million-ton nuclear bomb!"

At a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, the tungsten rod weighing ten tons, after flying tens of thousands of kilometers, how terrifying the destructive force it produces. Clark even wondered if Tony was crazy to build such a weapon.

Don't be afraid of being targeted by the world. You need to know that the speed of [-] kilometers per hour is already hundreds of times the speed of sound!Even the fastest missiles in existence in the world are far from reaching this speed.

This means that once the weapon is fired. . . . . .There will be no country in the world that has the ability to prevent it from attacking its target! ! !Clark remembered that the conventional speed of such a space-based weapon was far less terrible than [-] kilometers per hour, but in Tony's hands, he did it.

When this tungsten rod fell, Clark even felt that it could directly penetrate the continental shelf of the United States, and it might even directly lead to the collapse of the entire continental plate, resulting in an immeasurable chain reaction!so. . . . . .Clark will think that Tony has gone crazy and dared to create such a weapon.

He actually dared to use it! ! ! "Isn't it just killing a Thor, why did you release such a big move that perishes together?"

Clark was a little surprised.

His spiritual power spread out, and he soon found the helicarrier at a height of [-] meters, hundreds of kilometers away.


Clark blinked.

Some unexpected expressions.

"Rocky how did he get there"

Clark's spiritual power enveloped the air carrier, but unexpectedly found a figure that should not have appeared there.

At this time, Loki is using magic to transform himself into Tony Stark.

Others can't see it, but Clark can't see it.

He saw through Loki's disguise at a glance!No wonder!He just said, although Tony sometimes does things more emotionally, he won't be so messy.

It turns out that this guy Loki is doing the trick!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the erupting super volcano!

Loki, a shrewd guy, has been holding a grudge against Clark since he was taught a lesson by Clark last time and stole his psychic scepter by the way.

It's just that with his own strength, he can't help Clark at all.

So he had to find another way out.

finally. . . . . .Hard work pays off.

Infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .After the helicarrier, Loki discovered that Tony had developed an extremely powerful space-based weapon.

Unfortunately, the opponent doesn't seem to intend to use this weapon, but is going to hide it as the last hole card.

How could Loki agree to this!So, he used some means to get the launch password and password of this space-based weapon, and then stunned the genuine Tony Stark. He turned into Tony and entered the password and password through Jarvis to start this weapon.

And now, Loki was watching the area where the space-based weapon was aimed through satellite surveillance.

"Arrogant human, you shouldn't choose to run away."

Loki muttered to himself.

Although he has not known Clark for a long time, through what Clark has done in the past few times, it can basically be judged that the other party is an extremely confident, even close to conceited human being.

People like this, even if they knew they were being targeted by some terrible weapon, would not choose to run away, but would choose to stay and carry it! "This kind of weapon, even the old guy Odin can't bear it. As a mere human being, you are doomed this time!"

Loki's eyes flashed with revenge.

The hatred isn't just because Clark humiliated him before, but also because Clark just killed his brother Thor!Although. . . . . .Loki wanted Thor's life several times.

But deep down in his heart, he still has an extremely difficult feeling to let go of his brother, who is not his own.

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