Seeing Thor die at Clark's hands.

At that moment, Loki even felt his heart stop beating.

That kind of... suffocation that seemed to be submerged in water, unable to even breathe, made Loki suddenly realize that he never really wanted to kill Thor!He is just jealous!Just not poor!but. . . . .He never really wanted Thor to die! ! !But when he really understood his inner thoughts, it was already too late! "Die!!!"

Loki's hateful voice echoed in the monitoring room.

. . .Outside the ruins.

Clark found a rock and sat down, looking up at the sky.

"It's so slow!"

He has waited five minutes.

The expected attack has yet to come.

"Really... With this speed, can you really hit someone?"

Clark couldn't help complaining.

Of course, he also knew in his heart that this kind of space-based weapon was not used to attack a certain person at all, but was developed for the purpose of destroying a certain city or a certain country.

So, even if it's slow, it's not a problem.

after all. . . . . .People will run.

But a city, a country, can run, let alone. . . . . .Is it really slow? The speed of [-] kilometers per hour is actually not slow at all.

It's just because the satellite's orbit is too far from the earth's surface, and the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers will take six or seven minutes.

actually. . . . . .This is already fast!If this isn't a super day developed by Tony, if it's just a normal space-based weapon.

Stop talking for a few minutes.

If you give it an hour, you may not win the bid.

. . . . .Time, a few minutes passed.

Clark finally waited for the tungsten rod that was launched from Earth orbit.

"finally come!"

He stood up and looked up at the black spot that was constantly magnifying in the sky.

A second ago, the black spot was very small. . . . . .But just after a second - the entire shape of the tungsten rod can be clearly seen!coming!Clark stretched out a hand and spread his fingers as if to grab the tungsten rod that was hitting at a speed of [-] kilometers per hour.

0000, seconds later. . . . . .The impinging airflow at the front end of the tungsten rod slammed directly to the ground, causing the originally destroyed earth to be ravaged again![-]:[-] seconds later. . . . . .The tip of the tungsten rod made contact with Clark's palm! ! !An extremely terrifying kinetic energy acted on Clark's arm!Facing this terrifying kinetic energy, Clark's arm also bent back slightly, and then immediately. . . . .With this tungsten rod attached to his entire body, he instantly sank into the ground! ! !next moment. . . . . .The roar of the sky is the sound!A monstrous shock wave swept through. . .A hundred miles, a thousand miles. . . . . .Wherever the shock wave passed, everything was shaken into powder!The earth is torn apart!Dirt and gravel were blasted into the sky!The billowing dust covered almost one-fifth of the United States!The monstrous waves on the sea have set off!Up to: A tsunami of several hundred meters, roaring into the depths of the ocean.

At the same time, the vibration and rupture of the earth's crust has directly caused some volcanoes in the United States that may never have erupted, as if they came alive all at once.

The monstrous magma was spewed out, and thick smoke filled the air!Yellowstone Park.

In the gigantic super crater, the earth that had grown dense vegetation directly split into countless gaps, and crimson firelight radiated from the gaps, accompanied by billowing smoke rising - a loud noise that shook the sky. . . . . .Massive amounts of magma were spewed into the sky! ! !This long-silent super volcano, at this moment!Totally exploded! ! ! . . .Very deep underground.

Clark burst out of a lava.

He shook the magma stained on his hair and looked around.

"I can't believe that there is such a large space under the ground."

Clark looked down at the magma sea below, a massive surge was surging, there was a distance away, and the temperature here was terrifyingly high!It is impossible for ordinary people to survive in such an environment.

"Unfortunately! Unable to complete an evolution."

Clark shook his head regretfully.

However, this attack has allowed him to accumulate a lot of evolutionary energy. If similar attacks are repeated three or four times, it will be enough for Clark to complete an evolution.

"However, the energy required for that space-based weapon is not small. After one launch, it needs to be refilled the second time."

This is probably the only downside of this space-based weapon.

Power consumption is horrible!Even if Tony has filled the satellite with a large number of energy devices, he can still only complete one launch.

certainly!Normally, a single shot of a weapon of this caliber would suffice.

Although Clark didn't see it, he could imagine how bad the United States was right now.

The zombie crisis has not yet been resolved, and now I am afraid that it will face a new crisis! "Get out of here first."

Although this high temperature environment didn't affect Clark at all, he wouldn't like it either.

the next moment. . . . . .Clark has returned to the surface.

Sure enough—just as he imagined.

The situation in the United States is very bad right now!The eruption of a large number of volcanoes, the rupture of the crust, and the most serious one is the eruption of the Yellowstone Volcano. That big guy is the largest super volcano in the world. Once it erupts, its impact will be enough to spread to the whole world!This is not just an American thing.

At this time, people in other countries are afraid that they have already drenched the blood of the American people, especially the two countries on the north and south sides of the United States.

I am afraid that I even have the heart to directly launch missiles to attack the United States!after all. . . . . .With such a 'good neighbor who can toss', he can't be 'happy'!But at the moment, those high-level officials in the United States obviously have no time to manage these. . . . .international issues.

If Clark's destruction of Miermi, followed by the destruction of their last military base, made these bigwigs both angry and heartbroken, then now. . . . . .They are really desperate! . . .SHIELD.

. . . . .

. . . . , on the air carrier.

Loki had already been arrested at this time.

Confront the raging Avengers and a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The special agent, he had almost no ability to resist, and was directly caught.

"You lunatic! Look what you did!!!"

Rao is so good-tempered by Steve, and at this time, he has the idea of ​​killing Loki.

What he did this time was really too bad!It can even be said that the zombies have not destroyed the country, but now they are directly destroyed by Loki.

"Tony, why are you researching this weapon!"

Also blamed is Tony.

Although, this weapon was not activated by him, but not. . . . .The denial is that if he hadn't made the weapon, Loki wouldn't have been able to use it.

Although the kitchen knife hacked people to death, the person who produced the kitchen knife cannot be blamed.

But in the face of the current situation, Steve couldn't help but want to take anger at Tony, the maker.

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Chapter [-]: The crashed air carrier, Dr. Banner's decision!

In the face of Steve's accusations, Tony said nothing.

His mood was no better than anyone present.

even. . . . . .Without Steve's accusation, he already felt a deep self-blame in his heart! "Steve, Tony doesn't want that either."

Natasha glanced at Tony who was silent over there and said something for him.

At this time, Barton walked in quickly.

"Something happened, that person isn't dead yet."

He said.


Everyone present looked at him in shock.

Especially Loki, who was beaten on the ground with a blue nose and a swollen face, was even more unwilling and angry.

"Then is he seriously injured?"

Hill asked.

Barton shook his head and said, "No, he wasn't even injured."

People: . . . . . .This time. . . . . .Ruined! ! !If the other party is injured, they may go to recuperate first, and then retaliate.

But now, since the other party is not even injured, he will definitely take revenge immediately, just like the military attacked him before and he immediately destroyed the military's military base.

Nick Fury quickly walked to the podium.

"Quick, activate the stealth device!"

He is not sure whether the other party can still find them after the helicarrier enters stealth mode, but this is already the only remedy they can do now!How about running? Dr. Banner showed a hint of hesitation and hesitation on his face at this time, but it was quickly replaced by firmness, and he said, "I'll go to the laboratory, maybe I have a way to deal with that person. "

After speaking, he did not explain what the method he said was exactly, and left the command room quickly.

. . .Bang!The sound barrier was torn apart.

A figure flew from the ground to the air carrier at an altitude of [-] meters at a speed of hundreds of thousands of times the speed of sound.

Such a speed, spanning a short distance of [-] meters, is almost like teleportation, but it is different from the calmness of teleportation. The terrifying airflow brought about by the flight of this figure directly shattered the large area thousands of meters high. clouds.

time. . . . . .Clear sky!then. . . . . .Boom! ! !The air carrier was directly hit by the flying figure, and the two parts of the air carrier lost its power and fell to the ground with thick smoke.


Clark's figure stopped and looked down at the two crashing airships.

His gaze was indifferent.

Even if there are some people who are fairly familiar with him on the air carrier, he has no intention of showing mercy.

at the same time. . . . . .In a laboratory inside the falling helicarrier.

Dr. Banner, who was holding a green syringe in his hand, was still hesitating, but the sudden change made him completely determined.


He held the syringe in one hand, plunged it directly into his arm, and pressed the injection button.

With the green medicine quickly injected into his body.

next second. . . . . .A piercing pain struck and devoured Dr. Banner's brain.

He fell to the ground in pain, rolling and screaming.

As the constant pain continued to invade the brain, a layer of green skin also continued to permeate from him, quickly turning him into a completely green person.

Unlike the previous transformations, this time his body shape has not changed, all the changes are just the skin turning green.

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