but. . . . . .This is just the beginning of all changes! ! !That potion was deduced by Dr. Banner through the zombie virus, but he doesn't even know the specific effect. He only knows that it will magnify a person's physical fitness in all aspects, and may even make people feel better. Has incredible ability.

However, there are side effects that come with it. . . . . .That's what Dr. Banner can't be sure of right now!Originally, it was absolutely impossible for Dr. Banner to inject himself with a drug with unknown effect and great side effects.

But now he has no more options.

America is almost over!The Aegis also has only the last air carrier remaining to support it, but it is over now!And their enemies. . . . . .Has too much power!Even Thor died.

Dr. Banner has no choice, he can only fight.

If successful, there may be hope!But if it fails. . . . . .It can't be any worse than it is now! ! ! . . .A flash of fire flew out from the falling air carrier.

It's Tony in a steel suit.

He was still holding two people, one Steve and one Natasha.


Clark, who was watching this good show, found the three of them, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

next moment. . . . . .He instantly appeared in front of the three of them.

"meet again."

He said.

Under the mask, Tony's face sank.

"Why are you doing this"

Tony roared angrily. What happened today made him almost lose his sanity and calmness.


Clark smiled, "Probably on a whim."

Tony turned black on a whim, and Natasha and Steve in his hands couldn't even speak at this time.

They are now at an altitude of nearly [-] meters, the air is thin and the wind is still strong.

They could only keep their mouths shut and stare at Clark with hatred.

"hate me"

Clark shook his head and said, "Then continue to hate, go to hell with this hatred, if you can really see those... Hell Demon King or something, remember to say hello to me."

After that, Clark shot with lightning speed and smashed the arc reactor on Tony's chest.

Click!The blue energy escapes.

The virtual visual interface in front of Tony also dimmed instantly.

The figures of the three people fell directly towards the ground.

Clark glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze and looked to the other side.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Terrifying Zombie Hulk, Lu Chen! ! !

Ow! ! !Bang!The broken half of the sky carrier suddenly exploded with a hole.

Immediately following, a tall green figure leaped out of the hole and made a roaring sound! "I almost forgot about you."

Clark smiled knowingly when he saw the green figure.

But then, there was a hint of doubt on his face.

"Strange, how did the Hulk become so big?"

Usually, the height is only about two meters and three meters: Hulk, the Hulk, but at this moment, he has turned into a giant with a height of more than ten meters.

and. . . . . .The giant's eyes were crimson red, and there was a hint of boundless evil spirit in it.

Unlike the original Hulk, although his eyes are full of anger, they are also clear, like now, he is like a madman, completely crazy! "This......"

"Isn't he infected with a zombie virus?"

Clark couldn't help but wonder.

Apart from. . . . . . . .This possibility, he can't think of any other reason, so that a good-looking Hulk becomes the look in front of him.

Not to mention. . . . . .Clark looked at it carefully, and under the green skin of the Hulk, he did see some light blue-gray.

Gathering his blood-red eyes is obviously in line with the characteristics of a zombie! "Even the Hulk is infected with the zombie virus, amazing!"

Clark couldn't help but admire.

And right now!The Hulk who broke through the air carrier has already fallen towards the ground.

Although his strength has soared, he still does not have the ability to fly, so he is still bound by gravity and can only fall to the ground.

Of course, this point height, for. .The Hulk is nothing at all.

Not like Iron Man's. .He is just an avenger of ordinary people, and falling from this height will only end in a shattered end.

"Zombie Hulk, it's...a bit interesting."

Clark's mouth twitched slightly.

The next moment, his figure tore the sound barrier and swooped directly to the ground.

. . .Boom! ! !The tall green figure fell to the ground, and suddenly a huge deep pit was blasted out.

After landing, the Zombie Hulk roared and slammed his arms on the ground. The loud rumbling sound shook the heavens and the earth. The earth was torn apart by his thumping. Terrible crack!at this time!A figure suddenly appeared in front of Zombie Hulk.

"Try your defenses first."

The corner of Clark's mouth smiled, and then he threw a punch lightly, using only less than [-]%% of his strength.

Boom! ! !The air burst, making a thunderous roar!The tall body of the Zombie Hulk just flew out like a cannonball.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !Along the way, it smashed one mountain after another, and then fell to the ground and dragged it out for thousands of meters, and then it stopped.

Snoring!Zombie Hulk shook his head sharply.

I only felt that my head was dizzy, and the confused consciousness that had been attacked by the virus could not tell the difference between up and down, left and right.

Outside Zombie Hulk's tall body, a ferocious wound is creeping and healing, and it can be vaguely seen that the broken ribs in the wound are being repaired quickly. In just a moment, the wound that is enough to kill people is repaired as clean as new. In general, if it weren't for the bloodstains around: It makes people wonder if it was an illusion just now!Bang!A figure descended from the sky and landed in front of the zombie Hulk.

"Not bad! It didn't die."

Clark nodded in satisfaction.

You must know that after this week's improvement, his strength has already exceeded one trillion gigatons!Even if it is [-]%%% of the power, it is a trillion ton level.

With one punch, under normal circumstances, even the Hulk Hulk would have to be blown up on the spot and turned into blood mist.

But the zombie Hulk in front of him.

But not well known!And it healed quickly and recovered as before.

Simply. . .The best human flesh buns! ! !At this moment. . . . . .The zombie Hulk on the ground also recovered from the attack just now.

His blood red eyes were burning with anger.

The bloody mouth opened wide, the teeth with saliva, sharp like sawtooth, with a stench, let out a roar of the sky!Clark put his hand over his nose with disgust and turned his head away.

"It's disgusting. After turning into a zombie, is this bad breath magnified a million times?"

The furious Zombie Hulk got up, roared and charged forward, and a heavy punch containing hundreds of billions of tons of power slammed straight to the top of Clark's head.

Um. . . . .No way, the height difference is there.

He can only hit people in the head.

"Good come!"

Clark's eyes lit up, and he also threw a punch.

This time, three trillion tons of power exploded!Click!Zombie Hulk's arm was bent at an abnormal angle on the spot, and the bones stained with green blood directly pierced the skin and came out through the body.

His tall body was directly blasted into the sky by this punch.

Just in the blink of an eye, that is. . .It turned into a huge fireball in the sky, and the frictional atmosphere flew out of the atmosphere directly!Clark looked up, and then slammed the sound barrier. It only took one tenth and 1% of a second to catch up with the Zombie Hulk who had rushed out of the atmosphere. Seeing that his broken arm had recovered, he couldn't help showing surprise.

"Okay! I can't believe that even if it becomes a zombie, the state of infinite anger can still exist!"

Obviously, the strength of Zombie Hulk has been greatly improved in the very short period of time just now.

"In this case, how about trying a force of ten trillion tons?"

Clark laughed and threw a punch.

This punch!Ten trillion tons of power!The speed of the fist broke through [-] times the speed of sound in an instant!In the vacuum environment, although there was no sound, it was obvious that when Clark threw this punch, the light in front of his fist was distorted by the power of this punch!The Zombie Hulk, who just flew out of the atmosphere, was directly slammed into the abdomen of the body by this punch.

Boom! ! !The tall body turned into a 1 fireball again and fell to the ground.

Still: When in the air, Zombie Hulk's entire body has been divided into two parts, separated from the abdomen, and the body is a little less than half!Rao is so!He still hasn't died. . . . . .Even——the body that was smashed into two parts, there were countless green granulation sprouts, entangled with each other, and reassembled the two parts of the body again! ! !After [-]%%% seconds. . . . . .Zombie Hulk's body penetrated the continental shelf of the United States, directly blasted through the crust, entered the upper mantle, and stopped at a depth of [-] kilometers before it stopped!at the same time. . . . . .The entire continent of Michigan is collapsing! ! !The apocalyptic scene made countries in other parts of the world, even those who watched the jokes of the United States before, completely silent at this moment.

After half a minute. . . . . .Ow!Ow!Ow! ! !An earth-shattering roar came from the ground, and with the cracking of the earth's crust, countless sediments were lifted into the sky.

A tall figure broke through the crust of the earth and jumped into the sky tens of thousands of meters.

Swish!Clark's figure instantly appeared there.

He looked at the Zombie Hulk whose injuries were healed again, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but lift upwards.

"Unbelievable! This zombie virus has such an effect on the Hulk!"

Boom! ! !A loud bang.

Zombie Hulk fell to the ground, roaring towards the sky and beating his chest.

Bang!Clark's figure fell in front of him.

Zombie Hulk saw the enemy appear, and immediately rushed with red eyes.

Boom-!One punch!Trillions of tons of force exploded.

Ten times stronger than before! ! !Clark also smiled and threw a punch.

This punch - [-] trillion tons! ! !With a fist speed of more than [-] times the speed of sound, wrapped in a terrifying power that could destroy the world, a punch slammed into the fist of the zombie Hulk.

Bang!An arm bigger than Clark's entire body exploded, turning into a blood mist!The next moment, the fist will run over!Most of the Zombie Hulk's body was also sprayed with blood mist in an instant! ! !immediately. . . . . .The roar of the sky resounded through the sky! ! !The Zombie Hulk, who lost most of his body, survived tenaciously.

Not only that!The half of his body that he lost was still healing quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rumble rumble. . . . . .The entire continent of Michigan collapsed at an even faster rate.

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