Everything is irreparable! ! !The earth collapsed, revealing the bottomless abyss below!Massive amounts of sea water poured in, the entire continent. . . . . .are sinking! ! !Around Clark and the Zombie Hulk, the ground also collapsed in a large area. The place where they stood is the only remaining intact area, but it will not last long.

at this time!The Zombie Hulk, who has recovered a small half, rushed up again roaring!He jumped up with his only remaining leg, fell from the sky, and punched Clark.

The power of this punch turned out to be at the level of ten trillion tons!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Kill the Zombie Hulk, the characteristics of superhuman thinking!

"The last blow, what if I can survive and let you live!"

Clark muttered to himself.

Immediately, he threw a punch at the Zombie Hulk falling from the sky.

This punch - the power of a million gigatons!The speed of the fist reached [-] times the speed of sound!At a sub-light speed, it slammed into the tall body of the zombie Hulk.

That moment. . . . . .Time seems to have hit the pause button!Everything seemed to stand still.

Then. . . . . .Bang! ! !The tall body of the Zombie Hulk instantly turned into a blood mist that scattered all over the sky!The relatively intact ground under Clark's feet also instantly turned into dust and disappeared!He is flying in the air.

Below is the continent that has really sunk into the ground.

The Zombie Hulk was no longer in sight.

Clark sighed - "Invincible..."

"It's so lonely!"

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Is it a little too middle school?"

He laughed and shook his head.

At this time, he also received a series of system prompts in his mind.

After more than a dozen prompts, Clark glanced at it briefly, and then smiled wide-eyed.

"Not bad! Another [-]% has arrived!"

A dozen tips add up to a total of [-] million damage points income.

Among them, the big head did not destroy the entire Mizhou continent.

Instead, the group wiped out the entire Avengers.

The points reward given by the entire Avengers Alliance has even reached [-] million!And to destroy the Mizhou continent, there are only [-] destruction points.

Clark thought about it for a while. This is probably because this continent is already full of people. Even if Clark does not do it, it will probably become a paradise for zombies sooner or later.

Moreover, the tungsten rod at the beginning had already shattered a large part of the earth's crust.

If not for the sequels. . . . . .

Clark couldn't even get [-].

. . . . .With these [-] million destruction points, the unlocking degree of the Kryptonian template has been directly increased by [-]%% to [-]%%.

"Only the last [-]%% Clark seems to have seen the rich rewards after the Kryptonian template is fully unlocked.

When the unlocking degree reaches [-]%, the template will have a huge reward!This is what the system told Clark.

But what to give back. . . . . .Clark didn't know either.

He only knew that this reward must be very rich! ! ! "[-] destruction points, soon!"

At this time, Clark also checked the two features that were unlocked when the unlocking degree exceeded [-]% and [-]% respectively.

[Mechanical Transformation] and [Transcendental Body].

Among them, [Mechanical Transformation] is derived from the mechanical superman, which can arbitrarily transform a certain part of itself into a mechanical body, and even thinking can invade the network and so on. . . .

To be honest, Clark didn't like it.

Because it's really useless, at most. . .Let his methods be a little fresh, that's all.

but. . . . . .Another feature [Transcendental Body] made Clark a little shocked, even inconceivable!Because of this feature - it actually originated from a super-thinking man!However, Clark never thought that the Kryptonian template would unlock the characteristics of superhuman thinking!After all, Thinking Superman put it plainly, in fact. . .Superman's consciousness controls an object, it should not be a Kryptonian talent!so. . . . . .Clark has always believed that Golden Superman is the strongest member of the Kryptonian template.

But if he had known that the Kryptonian template given by the system even included Superman in it, he would definitely not think so.

To know!The strength of thinking superhuman, that is enough to be comparable to one of the ceilings of the world!That is the same level of existence as the Marvel world!The golden superman is powerful, but compared to the thinking superman, it is a bit insignificant. The two are not at the same level.

"Could it be that after my Kryptonian template is completely unlocked, its potential can even reach the height of thinking superman in the future?"

Clark wasn't stunned.

Originally, he always thought that with the help of the Kryptonian template, he was destined to reach the combat power of the multiverse level in the future, and even because of the transcendent characteristics of the Kryptonian template, it was enough to reach the most powerful level in the multiverse level.

But if you want to break through the omnipotent cosmos level, you still need to find other ways out.

for example. . . . . .Phoenix power or something.

But now, Clark found that things didn't seem to be the same as he imagined.

He actually unlocked the characteristics of super-thinking people in the Kryptonian template, which is a bit incredible!It took more than a minute for Clark to regain his senses from his contemplation.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much now. Let's first see how powerful this characteristic belongs to the super-thinking man."

Clark put aside the messy thoughts in his mind and focused on the system's introduction to the feature of [Transcendental Body].

The detached body belongs to one of the characteristics of superhuman thinking, and it is also one of the most powerful characteristics!As the name suggests, this feature is. . .Let Clark's body have the foundation of detachment, it will not make Clark invincible all of a sudden, but it can be regarded as another. . . . . .Invincibility in layer concept.

What this trait bestows on Clark is a talent.

Let Clark, in essence, detach from all conceptual existence in this world.

That is to say. . . . . .In essence, Clark is now on a par with the Marvel universe.

Of course, he doesn't have that kind of combat power.

But because of the change in nature, he will not really die in the face of damage below this level.

At the same time, all energy below this level can be easily controlled.

If it is said that the resurrection characteristics of the Doomsday, Clark can also be conceptually erased, so as to achieve the result of completely killing him.

Then after having a detached body.

Clark is already truly immortal!At least. . . . . .In a world of power level like Marvel, this is indeed the case.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Odin leads the Asgardian army to kill!


Clark couldn't help but sigh.

"That said... I can now roam freely."

he said with a smile.

Of course, even before that, Clark had never been counseled.

Gou is impossible, with such a powerful force, it is still necessary. .Goo, that's really blinding this power!It's only to cause trouble everywhere, to engage in sabotage or something.

to make ends meet.

. . .Two new features have been obtained. Although one feature is useless, the other feature is very powerful, so Clark is still in a good mood at this time.

"In other words, there seems to be no fun in this parallel world, and the rest should be to continue to absorb the energy of the Infinity Stones."

Clark looked down at the continent of Mizhou, which had sunk by [-]%, and his heart was calm, and he didn't feel guilty about it.

People only feel guilty when they think they have done something wrong.

And Clark didn't think he had done anything wrong.

That's right!He kills, sets fires, and even destroys a nation.

But he has positioned himself as a bad guy from the very beginning, a villain.

So do these things. . . . . .Isn't it the villain's job? "Where should I go next?"

Clark stood in the air thinking.

The United States is over, and it doesn't make much sense to go to other countries.

According to Clark's understanding of the system, the center of the entire Marvel universe is. . .Earth, to be precise, is the United States on Earth.

After all, it's an American cartoon!This is understandable.

Because of this, he feels that even if he destroys a few more countries, there is a high probability that he will not get much. . .integral.

"By the way, since the timeline of this world is Avengers One, Asgard should still be intact now, can I go to Asgard?"

Clark thought of something.

Speaking of which, he has killed two princes of Asgard.

The eldest prince Thor, the god of thunder, was directly punched into a blood mist by him.

Second Prince Loki. . . . . .Although this guy was not directly killed by Clark, looking at the apocalyptic scene below, Clark knew with his feet that the guy was dead.

So, the two princes of Asgard, whatever. . . .

Whether directly or indirectly, they all died in his hands.

So here comes the problem. . . . . .Why didn't Asgard's revenge come? Clark just thought of this when a huge beam of colorful light descended from the sky and slammed into the choppy sea below.

Um. . . . .Does this mean Cao Cao, is Cao Cao coming?Clark smirked and shook his head.

At the same time, his eyes were also looking into the beam of light of the Rainbow Bridge.

Swish!Swish!Swish! . . . . . .At this time, one after another silhouettes riding on warships appeared in the sky, these. . . . .All the figures appeared from the beam of light on the Rainbow Bridge, and they were all murderous, and at a glance, they knew that the people who came were not good!At the same time, far away in the Supreme Shrine of Kama Taj.

Master Gu Yi, who was making tea and drinking, also glanced in that direction.

"Even Odin came in person, that's right, after all, both sons are dead."

Master Gu Yi took a sip of the steaming tea, his face was calm, and he had no intention of interfering in it.

Right!If she really wanted to intervene, she had already intervened when Clark destroyed the mainland of Mizhou.

But she didn't do that. She just protected the temple originally located in New York. At this moment, the entire Mizhou continent was sinking. Only the one-acre and three-point land where the temple was located was like a needle of Ding Hai Shen, standing still. .

Clark had discovered this early on, too.

He didn't mean to challenge Master Gu Yi, and because Master Gu Yi had already given him a lot of face, Clark didn't choose to have to demolish the last one-third of an acre of land.

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