At this time, the army of Asgard was seen descending on the earth.

Clark's heart did not waver.

Even a little bit happy.

After all, he had just thought about whether to go to Asgard, and as a result, someone from Asgard took the initiative to send it to the door.

Original words. . . . . .Clark's trip to Asgard was more troublesome.

No matter what the nine kingdoms are all under the rule of the Asa Gods, in fact, the distance between the nine kingdoms is very far.

If Clark really wants to go to Asgard, he has to without specific directions. .Can't go around in a circle. . . . . .

but now. . . . . .Asgard's people took the initiative to send it to the door.

But it solved his urgent need!What a nice guy! ! !pity. . . . . .Clark is not a nice guy.

So he won't be merciful just because the other party is a group of good people!Swish!At this time, a group of snow-white Pegasus flew out of the beam of light of Colorful 7.

Tenma sat straddled, and he was wearing a golden armor and holding Gungnir's God King Odin! "I didn't expect His Majesty the King of God to come in person."

Clark flew to the front and looked at the Asgardian army that numbered over ten thousand in front of him, without showing the slightest fear.

Odin, the god king of the Marvel world, is actually quite strong.

Even in this world that is close to the movie universe system, Odin's strength is definitely a heavenly father-level existence.

Unfortunately. . . . . .He is old!The strength is not as good as before!When he was young, he had the strength of the peak of the heavenly father, but now I don't know how much he can show. . . .

not to mention. . . . . .Clark's strength is far stronger than him!Just counting his own strength, Clark is also the pinnacle of Heavenly Father!Compared with Odin in his prime, his strength is almost the same, and even because of his unparalleled defense, it is difficult for ordinary single-body cosmos-level existences to hurt him, let alone the mere celestial-level Odin.

and. . . . . .Clark also has the artifact Black Death Sword.

Clark, who holds the Black Death Sword, is enough to kill a single cosmos-level powerhouse.

One sword, one god group, no joke!In contrast, Odin's weapon, Gungnir, can't be compared to the Black Death Sword at all!Not a class at all!Therefore, let alone the Asgardian army led by Odin himself, even if Odin desperately revives his eldest daughter Hela and pulls it over to deal with Clark together.

Clark is not afraid at all! "Sinner! You will be punished by God!!!"

Odin had an angry look on his face. He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't been as angry as he was today.

Even if Loki tried to steal the throne some time ago, the incident was always under his control. Everything was just to train his eldest son Thor, so that he could understand what a real king should be. What kind of quality!so. . . . . .Even if things finally deviated from his control a little, Odin's heart was only a little fluctuating.

Because he knew very well that his adopted son, the evil god Loki would not die!At most. . .suffer a little.

But suffering can also make people grow.

In this case, maybe this will be a good thing too!Yet now. . . . . .His eldest son is dead!Died at the hands of this sinful man in front of him! ! !Although his second son did not die directly at the hands of the sinful person in front of him, he also died because of him!Odin is too late to save his heir!All he can do now is to avenge his sons! ! ! "Do you hate me"

Clark smiled nonchalantly.

Immediately, he looked at Odin with contempt, and said aloofly: "Just because you are an old and frail god-king who wants to take revenge"

He laughed loudly, and his posture was very much like a villain.

Odin was furious when he saw this scene.

"Army! Kill me!!!"

He roared, and the divine power of Gangnir, the weapon of the god king in his hand, exploded, shooting an incomparable divine light, which slammed into Clark on the opposite side.

Clark didn't bother to dodge such a weak attack at all.

He directly used his body to withstand Odin's attack, and then rushed into the army of Asgard.

Asgard's technology is also interesting, and it always gives people a bit of a crooked feeling.

Their warships look like ships sailing on the water, but they are actually flying in the air.

And the weapons on their warships.

The power is even weaker.

They mastered technology like this tens of thousands of years ago, but what makes people want to complain is that tens of thousands of years have passed, and his technology is still at this level!If these tens of thousands of years are given to human beings.

I am afraid that there are various weapons that are powerful enough to easily annihilate a planet 1 in the research!All I can say is, these. . . . .Asgardians really don't pay much attention to developing technology.

If they themselves have a strong enough cultivation system and develop well, that's fine, but they are a race that relies on blood for food.

Basically their genes determine their future.

Ordinary Asgardians are like that for a lifetime!That's just the way they are, they still have high self-esteem and are immersed in the glory of the past, unwilling to wake up.

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Into Asgard

In the sky.

Asgard's armies were constantly being rout.

Countless corpses fell from the sky to the sea. When the army came, there were tens of thousands of members. After just over a minute of confrontation, they were killed by Clark and discarded their armor and armor, and the number of people dropped by eight or nine!At this time, Odin watched this scene with tears in his eyes.

But his attack hit Clark, and he couldn't even hurt his hair.

This made him startled and angry! "Your Majesty! The enemy is too fierce, you better retreat!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, ah—!"

A crimson heat ray swept across, and another piece of mutilated corpses fell to the sea.

Odin's face was ashen, and he was dragged by several of his subordinates, preventing him from coming forward to die.


Vorstage raised his head and shouted loudly.

next moment. . . . . .A beam of colorful 7 beams shot into the sky, covering the few people including Odin.

"Hehe, it's finally here."

When Clark saw this scene, he waved his hand, wiped out the last thousand Asgardian soldiers, and then dodged and sprinted, rushing in before the colorful beam disappeared.

In fact, from beginning to end, Clark's purpose was to go to Asgard.

slaughter these. . . . .Soldiers of Asgard, just by the way.

He showed his invincible strength and made Odin and others realize that they could not be his opponent at all. In this way, Odin would inevitably flee back to Asgard and find other ways of revenge.

And this time. . . . . .Clark can take the opportunity to mix in and go to Asgard!From the very beginning, he had this idea!Inside the transmission beam of the Rainbow Bridge.

Clark looked up.

The figures of Odin and others were just a few hundred meters away from him. He accelerated sharply, grabbed one of them, pinched them, and the skull shattered with a click. The dead body was smashed by him on the Rainbow Bridge. On the barrier of , I don't know the one that fell into the universe... in the corner.


A fat man roared at Clark.

But he was twisted by Clark, broke his neck, and also threw it out.

When the remaining few people saw it, they suddenly rushed towards him with all their might, vowing to protect the integrity of the god-king Odin to the death.

This made Odin, who was behind, see the tiger's eyes red, and almost didn't shed tears.

"The way to death."

Clark shook his head, showing no mercy in the face of these people who rushed up recklessly.

Even the one among them... Sif, the goddess of war, even though she was a woman, also did not receive any preferential treatment. Just one encounter, several people died in Clark's hands.

At this moment. . . . . .The teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge has also come to an end.

In a dazzling light, Clark had already appeared in a golden building.

Swish!Almost as soon as he came here, a sword slashed towards him.

Clark grabbed the blade with a casual grab.

The one with the sword was a black man.

Clark recognized him.

The man named Heimdall has a high position in Asgard, but he will die in the hands of Thanos in the future, and he will have no good end.

"You Asgardians are called the God Race, but in my opinion, your strength is really not worthy of the title of God!"

Clark held Heimdall's blade in one hand and shook his head in disappointment.

With the force of his hand to break!Ping!A crisp sound.

The entire blade shattered into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Bang!With a punch, Heimdall, who had no resistance, was directly beaten into a blood mist.

Do it all.

Clark discovered that Odin had long since disappeared.

But he wasn't in a hurry.

Anyway. . .They have already arrived in Asgard. Could it be that Odin could still abandon his old lair and run away, and he walked slowly to the Rainbow Bridge.

The originally broken Rainbow Bridge has been repaired at this time.

Clark saw that at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge, a large number of Asgard troops were rushing towards this side, and there were many warships in the sky, flying fast, firing lasers one after another, attacking the ships on the Rainbow Bridge. Clark.

"Useless resistance."

Clark walked slowly forward.

With a wave of his hand, countless earth spears, ice spears, and fire spears appeared in the sky. .The annoying warships burst into fireballs one by one.

With the army of Asgard killed.

Clark's hand is also showing the power of the red phoenix.

With a wave of his hand forward.

In an instant, the power of a phoenix wiped out the large number of Asgard troops in front of them, and everything they passed was turned into powder! "Villain! Go to hell!!!"

A blast of magic hit Clark.

Clark smashed it casually, and then looked at the man who cast the magic.

"Oh! It turns out to be God. I don't know where your husband has gone. Could it be hiding?"

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