Clark appeared in front of the goddess Frigga, grabbed her neck, and lifted her whole.

"Let go... God Queen!!!"

Those ones. .The annoying ants came to die again.

Clark unleashed a phoenix force to wipe out these flies.

"Villain! You will not end well!!!"

Frigga, who was caught, knew that she was going to die, and did not show any timidity, but instead cursed loudly at Clark.

Clark shook his head, then pressed his hand hard.

Click!The neck of the goddess was directly crushed by him, and the body was thrown on the Rainbow Bridge by him.

. . .After a few minutes.

Clark has already entered the city of Asgard.

Everywhere along the way, there are corpses.

This time, Asgard is almost an army of all people. Even some civilians have joined the battle to defend their homeland with their kitchen knives or something.

Make Clark look like a big devil.

but. . . . . .He really is a big devil!Clark does this. . . . .never denied it.

It's just that after being killed for so long, Odin hasn't appeared yet, shouldn't it really be running away? This doesn't fit Odin's character design!Just when Clark wondered if Odin had run away, with a loud shout, Odin, who was riding a Pegasus, was finally killed from the palace.

"Finally willing to come out."

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Chapter [-]: Kill Odin, a reality gem delivered to your door!

However, Clark was surprised.

Odin, who was old and frail before, has returned to the state of his prime at this time. Not only that, but on the weapon Gungnir in his hand, there is also a scarlet gem set on it. A huge amount of energy escapes from it! "Reality Gem!"

Clark was stunned.

"It turns out that Odin is going to get back the reality gem, no wonder he is so slow."

The Reality Stone was sealed by Odin's father.

Odin, the god-king, of course knew where it was sealed.

Originally, he should not use this power.

After all, once the Reality Gem is used, it is very likely that those will be awakened. .The dark elves who once tried to subvert the nine kingdoms were another big trouble.

But facing the almost invincible Clark, Odin had no other choice.

He can only use the power of the Reality Gem to fight against Clark and protect his homeland!only. . . . . .He was still a step too late! ! !Looking at the corpse in front of him, Odin couldn't help roaring wildly.

"Sinner!!! You will pay for everything you do!!!"

Odin held Gungnir high, while the Reality Gem embedded on it burst into a dazzling light.

next moment. . . . . .A scarlet beam blasted towards Clark.

Clark dodged to avoid it, but deliberately let his left hand touch the beam.

result. . . . . .I don't feel anything!Looking at his intact left hand, Clark couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

How come you are a dignified god king Odin, let your wife's subordinates delay you for time, and you come up with this kind of result, are you a little sorry? .Those ones. .The people who sacrificed to give you time to procrastinate "this is it"

Clark shook his head in disappointment.

next moment!He dodged and sprinted in front of Odin, punched out, and hit Gungnir, who was blocked by Odin in front of him.

Click!A crisp sound!The dignified weapon of the god king was blasted out by a large crack from Clark's punch, and it was about to shatter.

Odin even sprayed blood and flew upside down, smashing a palace building with a bang, and then flew out dozens of miles away, one end. . .It stopped after crashing into a mountain.

Reach out and grab.

Gungnir, who flew out, flew directly over and was caught by Clark in his hand.

This damaged weapon seems to have some spirituality, and it is actually: Clark's hand struggled weakly, but Clark squeezed it hard, and with a direct ping, the crack shattered directly.

Pieces of debris fell.

The entire Gungnir was also broken into two pieces.

Clark glanced at the reality gem set on it.

Nodding with satisfaction.

Finally, he didn't let him come for nothing, at least he got a 1 Infinity Stone.

Just put the two pieces of Gungnir into the system space.

Although this thing is useless to Clark, it can also be used as a collectible, which is a good souvenir.

. . .Swatefheim, the realm of the dark elves.

At this time, the leader of the dark elves who had been sleeping for many years, the man nicknamed Spicy Chicken Silk, slowly woke up from his deep sleep.

"I sense it!"

"That's the energy of the etheric particles, in the hands of Asgard, the vile Albanians!"

The dark elf leader who opened his eyes seemed to recall the memory that was unbearable to him, and his face suddenly showed a hideous expression.

At this time, some dark elves next to him also gathered around.

"Leader, let's go to Asgard!"

"That's right! Their god king is already dead, and the new king is definitely not our opponent!"

"Tap down Asgard, blood wash the Asa gods!!!"

The man nicknamed Spicy Chicken Shreds closed his eyes and thought for a moment.

immediately. . . . . . "I sense that Asgard is suffering a catastrophe, this is our chance!"

Spicy Chicken Shreds opened his arms and looked excited.

Just the next moment. . . . . .The excitement on his face froze.

"Why can't I sense the power of the ether?"

At this time, it happened that Clark put the reality gem into the system space.

Entering the system space, of course, the spicy chicken shreds can't be sensed! . . . . .Asgard, in a rolling mountain range dozens of miles away from the palace.

Clark found Odin, who was vomiting blood and badly injured.

He had just climbed out of the ruins at this time, extremely embarrassed, the golden armor on his body had been broken, and it seemed that there was still a little bit of the prestige of the god king.

"Humans of Midgart! Damn sinners!!!"

He glared at Clark with hatred on his face.

"Really, it's already like this, is it still so arrogant?"

Clark despised this... God King, and said with a sneer: "The arrogant character of your Asgardians is really passed down from generation to generation. Fortunately, you don't like to see your son being too arrogant, and you don't even think about who he is. Who did you learn from?"

Odin spit out a few mouthfuls of blood at Clark's words.

However, the bright red blood was not at all the golden or silver one imagined that divine blood should have.

really. . . . . .What rubbish Odin, is a false god! "You seem very dissatisfied with my words"

Clark sneered at him.

The arrogance of the Asgardians must be known to anyone who has seen Thor movies in their previous lives.

Midgart is what they call the earth, and in the eyes of the Asgardians, it is a backward, barbaric place.

Asgardians look down on the Midgards, there is no doubt about that.

Even when he first came, Thor, who had lost his power, looked aloof, and almost all the other Asgardians who had been to Earth had that kind of... annoying arrogance.

Even though they tried their best to be friendly and polite, that kind of arrogance that was almost embedded in their bones would still show up in subtle ways from time to time.

At the beginning, Odin punished Thor by banishing him to Earth.

What is the difference between this and the ancient nobles of the earth, who demoted their erroneous descendants to the place where the poor lived. From this point of view, it can be seen that Odin's kind of... the prejudice against Midgart in his bones.

And Sol also inherited his father's fine blood, and integrated this arrogance and prejudice into his own flesh and blood.

Even in the late stage of the Avengers, Sol, who has experienced many things, except. . . . . . . .In addition to treating some familiar people, he will still appear a little arrogant in normal times. Of course, that is already very good. After all, compared with the beginning, it has improved a lot.

"I just look down on you guys.... They obviously have a huge advantage, but they like to be immersed in their past glory, and they don't know how to make progress, but they still think highly of themselves."

Clark looked at Odin on the ground with contempt.

This made Odin feel a sting in his heart!To put it bluntly, in the past so long, what is the difference between Asgard and Clark's Qing Dynasty in his previous life? tiger.

To put it uglier, with today's Earth, if you can reach Asgard, you can even hit it directly.

After all, Odin is not like Clark, who can easily withstand the bombing of nuclear bombs.

How can Asgard be spared if a few high-yield nuclear bombs go down directly. Of course, with the power of the Rainbow Bridge, it can directly destroy the earth.

But the Ancient One Mage will allow this to happen. Therefore, the so-called power of Asgard is actually already sunset, and it is no wonder that there will be a Ragnarok in the future.

"Okay, it's time for your era to end."

Clark took out the Black Death Sword in his hand.

One piece pierced Odin's forehead!Killing him with the Black Death Sword was a decent way for Clark to give Odin a decent death.

After all, his two sons and wife are not treated like this! . . .After killing Odin, almost [-]% of the people in Asgard have also died, and the remaining few are hiding, and Clark is too lazy to find them one by one.

At this time, he has come to the treasure house of Asgard.

Although Hela once commented that Odin is a garbage god who likes to collect junk and fakes.

But in fact, there are still some good things in Asgard's treasure trove.

Clark stayed in the treasury for a while. . . , when he came out, the entire treasury had almost been emptied by him, and the remaining ones. . ,that is. . .Garbage and fakes in Hella's mouth.

Clark didn't bother to take it either.

even. . . . . .The ones he takes now. . , it doesn't really help him.

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