Mainly used to fill your own collection cabinet.

As soon as he came out of the treasury, Clark's psychic power sensed that a strange fleet appeared on the periphery of Asgard.

"It turned out to be a dark elf."

Clark is not surprised, after all, the reality gems have been unsealed, and it is normal for the dark elves to make a comeback.

And the dark elves who hurried to Asgard at this time also looked at this deadly, deadly Asgard with a bewildered look on his face.

"Boss, is Asgard over?"

A dark elf questioned the leader beside him hesitantly.

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Chapter [-]: The Kryptonian template is completely unlocked, the ultimate prize!

Spicy Chicken Shreds' face at this time is also indescribably weird.

Although he sensed that Asgard suffered a catastrophe, he did not expect it to be so serious, and. . . . . .This is already finished "Go to the palace and see."

After thinking about it, Spicy Chicken Shreds still instructed his subordinates to let the fleet slowly enter the palace of Asgard.

At the same time, Clark, who came out of Odin's treasury, happened to collide with these dark elves.

"You...don't seem to be from Asgard."

The figure of spicy chicken silk came out of a battleship and looked at the man below.

From the other side, he didn't feel the... disgust of the Asgardians.


"So, are you the one who invaded Asgard, your comrade?"

Just as the spicy chicken silk was talking, Clark was surrounded by a circle of dark elves' battleships.

"It's really annoying.

character! "

Clark shook his head helplessly, then his body slowly flew into the air, and looked at him after being flush with the spicy chicken shreds on the opposite side.

"Then it's annoying to have.

Dark elves of character, can I ask you a question?"

Clark said.

Spicy Chicken sneered at him.

"Then the question is, I would like to hear it, what exactly do you want to ask?"

Clark said: "It's nothing, it's just... I want to ask, do you have any favorite way to die, be burned to death, drowned, torn apart, or directly turned into ashes"

He looked serious, but the question he asked made the spicy chicken silk face black.

Raising his hand, Spicy Chicken Shreds coldly ordered: "Kill this rude guy for me, I don't want to see him anymore."

"Don't want to see me"

Clark smiled.

"Actually, I don't really like the face of your dark elves. It really insults the word elves!"

On the other side, following the order of Spicy Chicken Shreds, the muzzles of several battleships also lit up.

There is a huge energy gathering inside!Whoosh!A beam of laser slammed into Clark's body.

He was blocked with the palm of his hand.

The crimson mechanism kept colliding in his palm, but it was difficult to make an inch.

"It's a weak attack. Just like the Asgardians, they are a bunch of guys who are not aggressive!"

With a wave of Clark's hand, a phoenix power turned a battleship into powder.

Looking at the complexion on the side of the spicy chicken, it has completely changed.

"You... who are you!"

he asked in shock.

"who I am"

Clark shook his fingertips as if a ray of phoenix power gathered a flame, and as he threw the flame, a bang, a huge amount of high-level energy swept through, and instantly destroyed all the dark elf battleships in front of him.

In the face of this powerful force, Spicy Chicken Shreds did not even have the slightest resistance.

Directly in the horrified wailing, I watched my body turn into powder and disappear inch by inch! "You're a dead person, why are there so many problems."

Clark sneered.

. . .Destroy this dark elf at will.

for. .For Clark, it was nothing more than a trivial matter.

next moment!He stomped the ground in Asgard.

I heard a loud bang, and the entire main body of Asgard began to collapse.

Those ones. .The Asgardians who were originally hiding in the forest were not spared at this time, either by being crushed to death by the collapsing rocks, that is. . .Falling into the abyss, it was torn to pieces by the power of the explosion.

Clark flew to the heights and looked at Asgard, which was collapsing below.

The scene in front of him is so familiar, just like the Ragnarok in the future, except that Clark has brought this time forward.

at the same time. . . . . .A system prompt also sounded in Clark's mind.

After destroying Asgard, he gained another [-] destruction points, plus the [-] for killing Odin, the whole thing is a million.

"Cut! Is an Asde worth [-] yuan?"

Clark was a little disappointed.

He thought it was at least a million or more, but it turned out that he thought too much.

Probably because the future is destined to have Ragnarok, even if Clark doesn't destroy Asgard today, it will be destroyed in a few years.

Therefore, the points given by the system also reduced Clark's guesses relatively.

However, the one million destruction points are far more than the [-] quota required by the Kryptonian template.

Without hesitation, Clark directly invested [-] points into the Kryptonian template.

For a moment. . . . . . .The unlocking degree of the Kryptonian template has directly broken through to [-]%%!When the unlocking degree reached [-]%, a dazzling golden light appeared on the template.

After a moment - the golden light dissipated.

On Clark's character panel, the original Kryptonian template, the unlocking degree at the back has disappeared, and the white font has also turned gold, indicating that it has been fully unlocked.

at the same time. . . . . .Clark also won the ultimate prize when the template is fully unlocked! [Congratulations to the host for completing the 10% unlocking achievement for the Kryptonian template, and obtaining the ultimate template reward: 100 years of stellar energy, template unlocking gift package! 】 Seeing the prompt in his mind, Clark couldn't help but light up! "This is the ultimate reward after the template is fully unlocked, [-] years of stellar energy, and a gift package."

Muttering in my heart, Clark has directly received these two rewards.

1's stellar energy is then absorbed by Clark.

The Kryptonian template, which is [-]% unlocked, has a daily improvement even more than Clark can absorb the energy of the Infinity Stones for a whole day.

He made a preliminary calculation, if the sun shines at 24 o'clock.

It can lift nearly 100 trillion tons of power in one day!The 24 stellar energy rewarded by the system is also based on this, and the calculation is to absorb stellar energy [-] hours a day.

so. . . . . . . .After absorbing this reward.

Clark's power directly increased by nearly [-] megatons!Note: One trillion equals one trillion!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Single universe level, the ultimate feature of the template!

Compared to Clark's original strength, this is exactly what it is. . .The difference between heaven and earth.

And——the increase in strength is just one of the many improvements, and it is easier to express in numbers, so Clark often uses strength as an example.

In fact, his true strength has been directly raised from the Heavenly Father level to the single cosmos level!Although, only the entry level.

But how huge is the gap between the single universe level and the heavenly father level? A single universe level powerhouse, even at the entry level, can easily kill countless peak heavenly father level existences!Of course, there are some obvious artifacts in the Marvel system.

For example, the Black Death Sword owned by Clark.

As long as it can kill a person, the single cosmos level can also be killed.

But these are special, and at the same time do not belong to their own power, but only rely on external objects.

Foreign objects are always only foreign objects, not their own power, not to mention that if you want to exert the powerful power of foreign objects, you also need to cooperate with your own strength.

This is probably. . .Blacksmithing also needs its own hard truth.

"By the way, there is a new feature, I don't know what it is"

Clark's gaze swept across the character panel, and finally landed on the ability column, the new... feature.

[The Lord of Krypton] This name. . . . . .What can I say, it feels a little weird.

This doesn't seem to be a feature of the Kryptonian itself. Clark checked the introduction of this feature.

[The Lord of Krypton, the ultimate feature after the Kryptonian template is fully unlocked, has the ability to deprive any Kryptonian bloodline power, and at the same time has a strong suppression ability when facing Kryptonites! 】really!There was a flash of enlightenment in Clark's eyes.

This feature is not possessed by a Kryptonian at all, but comes with the template, which is a feature that must be unlocked after the unlocking degree reaches [-]%.

And the ability of this feature is not too powerful.

Even if it can suppress other Kryptonians.

It can even directly strip the bloodline power of Kryptonians!You know, the reason why the Kryptonians are powerful is that they rely entirely on it. . .Their own bloodline power, once they lose their bloodline, they are nothing, that is, a group of ordinary people! "Great ability, but..."

"It doesn't seem to work: ah!"

Clark smiled wryly and shook his head.

This feature is strong or strong, but the problem is, there are no Kryptonians in the Marvel world!In other words, the ability of this feature cannot play any role in the Marvel world at all, really. . . . . . "Forget it, it's better than nothing. If I can run to the next world someday, I might still be able to use it."

Clark comforted himself.

. . .Fully unlocking the Kryptonian template can be considered to have completed one of Clark's goals at this stage.

As for the next. . . . . .Clark thought for a while, and realized that he didn't seem to need to stay in this world any longer.

Although, only three of the six Infinity Stones were collected.

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