But the remaining three, except. . . . . . . .A 1 time gem is relatively easy to get, but the others are a bit troublesome.

The Power Stone is probably still on that abandoned planet now.

The problem is that Clark doesn't know where the planet is, so it will take a lot of work to find it.

Not to mention the soul gem.

Clark is no beloved in this world at all.

Unless he brought a pair of people who love each other together, and then let them sacrifice one and the other to get the soul gem, and finally snatch it, or there is no other way.

But the problem is. . . . . .Clark didn't even know where Vormir was.

This is the same problem as the previous power gem, and it takes time to find out.

However, even if Clark got the three Infinity Stones, they could only temporarily stay in the system space to eat ashes.

Because he has not even absorbed the energy of a 1-dimensional gem.

You can't use them at all!Therefore, Clark was in no hurry to snatch the three Infinity Stones.

First absorb the energy of the three Infinity Gems in your hand, and then come back again, what a big deal!It is precisely because he wanted to understand this that Clark felt that he no longer needed to stay in this parallel universe.

"If that's the case, then go back."

Taking out the quantum shuttle bracelet that had been placed in the system space, Clark put it on his hand, then found the quantum coordinates of the main world where he was originally, and pressed the start button.

next moment. . . . . .Clark's figure instantly disappeared into space.

About half an hour after he disappeared, in the void where Asgard was originally, a dark green portal suddenly opened, followed by a woman in black tights, walking away from the other end of the portal. come out.

"Here...it's Asgard!"

Hela, the goddess of death, looked at the empty void in front of her with a dazed expression, and she was dumbfounded.

She, who was originally in the seal, suddenly sensed that the power of the seal was rapidly weakening, and realized that it must be something happened to her good father, Odin, and Hela immediately began to act.

After finally breaking the seal, he rushed back to Asgard for thousands of miles, thinking that he must give his good father a welcome gift full of surprises.

result. . . . . .Just such a big Asgard put on his wings and flew! . . .The main world, inside the Zesky base.

Clark's figure instantly appeared in a room.

He took off the quantum shuttle bracelet in his hand, asked Skynet how long it had been since he left, and got an answer that only half a minute had passed.

"Sure enough, time in the quantum realm is chaotic."

Clark didn't pay too much attention to this issue either.

He didn't even know that after he left, Hela came to Asgard, only to find that such a big Asgard disappeared.

However, it's hard to say if it's Hela's luck!After all, if she had come a little half an hour earlier, she might have met Clark.

With Hela's character, it is inevitable that he will say some arrogant words at that time. It is difficult to say whether Clark will casually crush her sister, Sol's sister, to death.

"Skynet, send me the cosmic Rubik's Cube that I gave you to study before."

After Clark instructed Skynet, he looked down at the space gem hanging around his neck.

really!The gem that originally shone with blue light has dimmed at this moment, and it looks no different from ordinary sapphire. Even Clark has no way to absorb any energy from it.

"In a universe, can there always be only one Infinity Stone of the same nature?"

Although he had already expected this outcome, it would be a lie for Clark to say in his heart that he was not disappointed.

Just the next moment!The expression on Clark's face suddenly changed.

"Strange! Why didn't this happen to the two Infinity Gems I put in the system space?"

He also wanted to see the situation of the other two Infinity Stones just now, so he checked the system space, but found that the two Infinity Stones placed in the system space did not have the same situation as the space gems at all.

It is still full of huge and unparalleled energy, exuding bursts of unpredictable power! "Is it impossible, the system space can isolate the conflict between the infinite gems in the same universe"

Clark thought of one possible explanation.

If this is not the case, why is the space gem that was placed in the outside world alone and turned into a useless stone? . . . . .Clark tried to put the space gem around his neck into the system space.

next moment!The space gems that were put into the system space really changed back to their original appearance! "Sure enough, my guess was correct."

Clark's mouth twitched slightly.

At this time, Skynet also sent an artificial human warrior to send the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Holding the Cosmic Cube in his hand, Clark began to absorb the energy on it.

"Since the system space can block the conflict between the infinite gems, then things are easy to handle."

"As long as I don't take them out, but first absorb these... Infinity Stones from this universe, absorb one 1 and then take out another of the same nature, then there will be no problem of conflict!"

Looking at the cosmic cube in his hand, Clark estimated that it would take about another week to absorb the energy in the cosmic cube, and then absorb the energy in the space gem.

It is said that the energy of the Infinity Stones is infinite, and I don't know if it is true or not. . . . . .Wouldn't Clark only need one 1 Infinity Stone? "There is still a limit to the probability."

Clark thought.

In any case, the problem of the infinite gem conflict has been temporarily resolved.

For the time being, Clark didn't plan to go to other parallel universes to take a look. He planned to rest for a while and enjoy a relaxed and happy life.

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Chapter [-]: Nick Fury's big move, Pierce courting death

Now that the Kryptonian template has been fully unlocked, Clark's strength has reached the level of a single universe.

To put it bluntly.

Clark doesn't have much motivation to become stronger for the time being.

It is only by basking in the sun every day and absorbing the energy of the Infinity Stones so that they can barely maintain the appearance of life.

As for going to other parallel universes or something. . . . . .Let's talk about it later! "By the way, there are still [-] damage points, so let's use them first."

Clark thought that he still had a point to use, anyway. . .Keeping it will not increase the interest rate, just use it directly.

Calling out the character panel, Clark thought for a while, and clicked directly on the feature of [Energy Absorption].

In an instant, the destruction points were deducted by [-] points! "It's quite expensive."

Clark muttered.

After feeling it, the energy absorption after the upgrade is about twice as fast as before the upgrade.

good!Keep upgrading!Clark clicked again, and when he tried to click again, he found that the plus sign behind the energy absorption had turned gray.

Destruction points are not enough! "Ten times progressive! It's really expensive!"

He glanced at the [-] points left in his account.

Clark had already guessed the amount of points needed to continue leveling up.

It should be said that the upgrade of this feature is really expensive. The third upgrade will cost millions of points, and the fourth upgrade will cost tens of millions of points! ! !However, the energy absorption characteristics after the two upgrades have indeed greatly improved the efficiency of energy absorption, which is ten times worse than before the upgrade!Expensive is also expensive! "The rest, just improve other abilities."

Although one million is not much, Clark obviously doesn't have it right now, and he doesn't plan to save it. He will upgrade it after a while.

Apart from. . . . . . . .Energy absorption, Clark looked at it and decided to upgrade the superstar energy too.

After all, basking in the sun is also a major way for him to improve his strength.

Before he got the energy absorption feature, it was basically the main way he used to improve his strength, and he couldn't give up now.

Clark clicked twice directly behind the super star energy.

Destruction points were also deducted [-] points at once!Um. . . . .This is another big point earner.

The third upgrade, the same points are not enough!However, after two upgrades, the absorption efficiency of star energy to star energy has also increased by more than ten times.

It's not that you spent so many points in vain.

There are [-] points left.

Clark looked at the detached body and couldn't improve, the plus sign was grey.

But think about it and know that you don't have to look at it at all.

The same is true for rule resistance. To upgrade from an intermediate level to an advanced level, the required points must also be a lot of points. Hundreds of thousands of points are not enough.

Some other abilities, such as what kryptonite swallows, kryptonite is immune to these. . . . . , no need to upgrade.

It is. . . . .Elemental control can be improved, but Clark still chose to increase the level of Phoenix Power first.

Click twice on the plus sign behind Phoenix Power, and the points will be directly deducted by [-]!The plus sign also turns gray.

[Power of Phoenix 5] The power of Phoenix, which has been upgraded to level 5, has been greatly improved in the refinement of its use, and its utilization has also been greatly improved.

If it weren't for the fact that the power of the phoenix mastered by Clark is the incompleteness of the incomplete, the power of the phoenix is ​​omnipotent at the cosmos level. . . . .Possibly a body that surpasses Clark's body, strength, and becomes his strongest power.

But now. . . . . .That is to say, it is just a special method. There is no increase in the upper limit of combat power. It just makes Clark's fighting style more diverse.


With the remaining [-] points, Clark casually tapped the element control three times, deducting [-], and the remaining [-], Clark did not touch it anymore.

. . .Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

For half a year, the whole world was relatively calm, no aliens invaded, and no hell demons came to confuse the world. The only major event was S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Some turmoil inside.

Maybe it has accumulated enough power over the years.

Nick Fury is finally starting to rectify S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .these inside. . . . .Hydra members.

This time Nick Fury has been fully prepared, and he turned against a group of Hydra members ahead of time, with these. . . . .The double spy was a breakthrough and dealt a heavy blow to the Hydra under the name of Alexander Pierce.

Although that was more than a month ago.

But now more than a month has passed, S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The interior is still undergoing strict rectification, and the original Minister of the World Security Council, Alexander Pierce, now does not know where to hide.

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