At this point, even Nick Fury couldn't find him.

After all, they are all old foxes. Although Nick Fury is cunning, Pierce is not bad.

This time, I was caught off guard. It was because there was a problem in the report, not because the strength gap between the two sides was so big.

In fact, this time Nick Fury's loss is not small.

for. .The whole S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .In other words, the strength has declined a lot.

Internationally, there are already many undercurrents targeting S.H.I.E.L.D., whose strength is now greatly reduced.

. . . . .

. . . ..

for. .All this, Clark himself touches. . . . .Didn't pay much attention.

But he was placed in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The undercover insider, the black widow Natasha, would pass some news from time to time. Occasionally, when Clark came to be interested, he would use his psychic ability to take a look.

So these actions of Nick Fury are completely no secret in Clark's eyes.

Even the Minister Pierce, who had gone into hiding and planned to make a comeback, Clark had long known that he was hiding there.

Originally, Clark didn't bother to interfere in the fight between the two old foxes.

It's just that more than a month has passed. He didn't expect that Pierce, who was hiding and planning to make a comeback, didn't go to Nick Fury to trouble him first, but instead made up his mind.

Because Skynet had been monitoring the base, all Pierce's plans had already reached Clark's ears as soon as they were about to be implemented.

"This guy is really jumping off the wall!"

With a cold face, Clark directly instructed Skynet to send a symbiote team over to get rid of these flies.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The good news of Skynet, go to the main timeline universe

Under Nick Fury's pressing step by step, most of the Hydra that belonged to Pierce had been knocked out, and the remaining ones had completely shrunk, and they dared not make any further changes.

But Pierce is not willing to fail like this!He's in S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .It has been in business for so many years, even the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The director, Nick Fury, took this position only after he was supported by him.

Now. . . . . .He was so embarrassed by a guy who he had always regarded as a pawn.

How could Pierce be reconciled, so, being forced to be helpless, coupled with his own audacity, made him choose to extend his evil claws to our righteous superhero - Superman!Would Nick Fury still be a problem if superhuman powers could be mastered, Pierce naively fantasized.

Of course, directly attacking Superman, he has no such ability and is not so stupid.

But if Superman's family is used to threaten him, superheroes all value their families, this... Superman was also raised by the Kent family since he was a child, would he not care about the lives of his parents and sisters? The answer is obviously no!So, as long as he can catch Superman's family.

Then there is only a thin line between controlling the power of Superman!Pierce's plan was simple.

Kidnap Superman's parents and sister, use the lives of the three of them to threaten Superman, and let Superman do things for himself.

Although the plan is simple, it must be implemented with caution!Pierce has also read Superman comics and knows what methods Superman has, so before he really catches someone, he must be careful enough, and he can't be sloppy and cause the plan to fall short!However. . . . . .Pierce never dreamed.

Before his plans even started, they had already reached Superman's ears.

And now, a team of twenty-four symbiote warriors has gone to the base where he is.

time for them. . . . . .Not many more!And our poor Pierce is still at this moment: dreaming sweet dreams, thinking about how to counter Nick Fury and how to further rule this country and even the whole world after he has mastered the power of Superman! . . .The Pierce thing, Clark completely handed over to Skynet to deal with, anyway. . .Left and right: It's just a mere Pierce, and Pierce, who has already lost half of his life, can easily handle it with the ability of the Symbiote Legion.

for. .For Clark, the Pierce incident was just a trivial blip in his life that was quickly forgotten by him.

In the evening, there was also news from Skynet that Pierce had been resolved.

Together with the Hydra that he led, it has been destroyed, and some of the useful things have been recovered, those. .The things that are on the surface or in the dark have also been received by Skynet.

Speaking of which, Clarke is considered to have intercepted Nick Fury's Hu.

After all, all these benefits should have belonged to him.

The reason he took so much effort to destroy Pierce, the Hydra, was because the opponent had really touched his bottom line and had reached the point where it was impossible to get rid of it.

Second, it is also because of some of the resources in Pierce's hands, those. .Everything Nick Fury needs.

but now. . . . . .Nick Fury did his best and spent a lot of time and thought.

As a result, the final spoils were all received by Clark.

Fortunately, he doesn't know all this yet.

Otherwise, you must. .A heart attack from gas is impossible. . . . . !After the Pierce affair was over, another week passed.

On this day, Clark received a message from Skynet.

it is for. .The Avengers' quantum shuttle device has finally made some progress.

In the beginning, Clark wanted to let it break through the difficulties and create his own quantum shuttle device, but because such a device was introduced in last year's annual gift package, Clark turned to the next thing and let Skynet start to crack the above. Some quantum coordinate information, in order to be able to find the target belonging to that main timeline.

And now, Skynet is. . .The exact quantum coordinates have been found, so Clark was notified as soon as possible.

Zeus Base.

Clark's figure appeared in front of Skynet's host.

"Put standard input into this device."

Clark handed over the quantum shuttle bracelet, a robotic arm took it, put it into a device, and then saw a set of incomprehensible codes began to appear on the screen of the quantum shuttle bracelet.

This is that... quantum coordinates where the main timeline is located!It took Skynet half a year to crack it.

"Okay, master."

Clark took the bracelet, glanced at the coordinates on it, and put the bracelet directly on his hand.

This time, he wants to solve this trouble once and for all.

Although the Avengers are only a mere Avenger, their strength is not half as good as him.

But it is also troublesome to be kept in the mind of such an organization all day long.

Therefore, Clark did not intend to continue to wait for them to make another move, but went directly to them, pinched them all to death, and eliminated the troubles forever! "Skynet, start the timer."

After Clark finished telling Skynet, he pressed the start button on the wristband.

next second. . . . . .His figure disappeared in the Zesky base in an instant.

. . . . .Marvel Universe, main timeline.

New York, in the headquarters base of the Avengers Alliance.

Clark's figure suddenly appeared here.

For a time, the entire base siren sounded loudly.

Tapping. . . . . .A burst of footsteps came quickly.

Immediately after, three figures appeared in his sight.

"Are you the only three here?"

Clark looked at the three people in front of him.

"Who are you"

Natasha pointed her weapon at Clark.

She didn't know Clark.

That's right, the one who knew Clark... Natasha was dead, and she was just a past tense that was resurrected at a point in the past, so naturally she wouldn't recognize Clark.

The same goes for Hawkeye Barton.

It is. . . . .Another person, Colonel Rhodes, they really haven't met.

"Okay, don't bother with unnecessary resistance."

Clark's psychic power enveloped the trio 3.

For a moment, the three people who were still staring at him vigilantly just now, their eyes immediately became dull.

"Let me see where the others have gone"

Clark's psychic powers begin to invade the trio's brains, browsing past memories in their brains.

After a while. . . . . .Clark got the answer he wanted.

"Going to the universe, looking for a way to deal with me?"

He smiled contemptuously and shook his head.

What a naive idea, but beyond that, they really had no choice.

Using the Infinity Stones, the world where Clark is located has six Infinity Stones. If they take the stones over, the stones they bring will only turn into six hard stones.

Obviously, this method doesn't work.

And it is also not possible to directly seize the six Infinity Stones in the world where Clark is located.

Because the space gem is in Clark's hands.

No matter how lucky and capable they are!There will always be only one 1!Therefore, with the help of the infinite gems, it is obviously not feasible.

Then they can only go to the universe to find some kind of power that may exist to achieve the purpose of defeating Clark.

Seven people, divided into four teams, went to four 44 different places to find a way.

Among them, Captain Marvel is one person and one team, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Then Sol and the Rockets Team 1 went to Saka Star and asked Gao Tianzun for a solution.

Tony and Nebula Team 1 went to the void to see if there was anything there. . . . . .Clues, after all, it is said that the void is the head of a super ancient god, maybe there will be any records about that era there.

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