Finally it is. . .Team Captain America and Dr. Banner 1.

It is worth mentioning that the time on the main timeline has been more than a year since they last went to the parallel world where Clark was.

There are some differences in time, but not much.

In more than a year, Dr. Banner has researched a way to make Hulk and himself one, and now he has become Dr. Banner with the power of Hulk.

Of course, this fusion also made this... Dr. Banner lose the characteristics of infinite anger.

Can't say lost.

It should be said that because of Dr. Banner's own rational emotions, it is difficult for him to maintain an angry state like Hulk.

Even if you get angry again, that's it!For this team, they went to Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire.

I hope to get some useful clues from the head of the Nova Empire.

It has been more than a month since they left the earth, and I believe they should have reached their destination.

"It's really troublesome that the main members are not there."

Clark said something, then stretched out his hand and waved, the three people who had lost their use value in front of him, turned into powder, and the dead couldn't die any longer.

but. . . . . . .It's not over yet!In order to prevent them from resurrecting in the same way as before, Clark directly destroyed the quantum device at the Avengers headquarters and destroyed all data.

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Chapter [-]: Tony, Nebula, die!

A place of nothingness.

Clark's figure appeared in the cosmic starry sky outside this huge skull.

"The head of the god is really big enough."

Clark glanced at the skull a few times, and then his spiritual power scattered, covering the entire void.

What was once the most prestigious underground marketplace in the entire universe is now a chaotic junkyard!The people who live here are some of the most unbearable people in the universe.

No other planet is willing to accept them, so they can only come to this empty place that no one cares about, and rely on some indiscriminate means to make ends meet.

Clark's psychic power swept across the area and quickly found his target.

Tony and Nebula were in the mansion that originally belonged to the collector.

Looking for something.

Clark's figure disappeared instantly, and then reappeared, already in the room where the two were.

The two people who were rummaging through a pile of devices that recorded various data files like magnetic cards immediately noticed Clark's arrival. The two immediately took out their weapons and aimed at him.

"It's you!"

Nebula doesn't know Clark, but Tony does.

Immediately!Without even thinking about it, Tony decided to run away.

But this time, Clark, who is already prepared, will let him run away for the second time!In an instant, Tony's limbs were interrupted, and the whole person fell to the ground screaming, and a device that had been picked up in his hand fell to the side.

boom!A laser hit Clark.

Not even a trace was left.

Clark glanced at the nebula attacking him, and with a wave of his hand, a phoenix power turned her into powder.

"Nebula! Damn!!!"

Tony watched Nebula get killed, but he couldn't do anything but stared at Clark with hatred.

"hate me"

Clark shook his head.

"Even if you hate it, anyway... I don't care."

As he said, he walked to Tony, reached out and grabbed it, the... small device on the ground automatically flew up and fell into his hands.

"I let you run away last time, and this time I won't make the same mistake again."

Clark took a few glances at the device in his hand, and then squeezed it lightly, and a pile of powder floated out from between his fingers.

"Everyone is just working hard for their respective timelines. In fact, I quite appreciate you, Tony Stark."

Clark squatted down and looked at the man who had touched him.

"You of this world, your daughter is not yet"

"It's good, at least it avoids another pain, it's better than your original game."

"You really know all this!"

Tony gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain on his body and said, "Since you have appeared here, then Natasha and the others on Earth have already been killed."

Clark nodded.

"Yes, they have left this world one step before you."

"But don't worry, others will follow soon. Even if you die, you won't be lonely."

Hearing this answer, Tony couldn't help showing a pained look in his eyes.

He didn't open his mouth to say anything, because there was no point! "I know that there is hell in this world. If you just kill your body, it may make your soul float into hell, and maybe you will make another moth again."

"So, I have erased it together with your souls, everyone will solve it at one time, and there is no need to continue to fight."

Tony smiled wryly.

In fact, what Clark said about hell, he also learned from Thor.

Therefore, he thought before that if his soul could still be preserved, there might be a glimmer of hope.

But now. . . . . .Not even this last ray of hope! ! ! "Either don't do it, or do it absolutely."

"I don't want to play a game of wits with you guys!"

After finishing what he wanted to say, Clark condensed a phoenix power in his hand, and it enveloped Tony in it.

Bang!Tony Stark's body instantly turned into dust, and along with his soul, was wiped away.

This is the ability that Clark only mastered when the power of the phoenix was upgraded to the fifth level.

Otherwise, although the level of the power of the phoenix is ​​high, the user will not use it, nor can it erase the existence of the soul.

Standing up, Clark turned and walked out.

. . .Saka star.

A huge space wormhole [] appeared in the sky, as if it existed forever, spewing all kinds of cosmic garbage from it.

The entire Saka star, that is. . .A huge garbage dump.

And this time in this garbage dump.

A figure suddenly appeared here.

It's Clark! "The teleportation of level [-] is really powerful. I feel like I can go to any corner of the universe with a single thought."

The teleportation, which was still level [-] before, can be teleported to a place a few light years away at most.

But in the first six months, Clark also accumulated a lot of damage points.

Mainly from the mutant world and the Hydra from the main world.

Every day will provide him with a lot of points income.

These points were invested by Clark into the ability of teleportation, which directly raised its level to level seven.

The seventh-level teleportation ability can already roam freely in the universe.

Of course, it has a premise!That is, the user's own spiritual power must be strong enough, otherwise, the transmission of too long distance will only lead to mental breakdown.

However, with Clark's spiritual power, it is completely enough for him to roam freely in the universe.

"Let me see if Sol and the raccoon are still there"

Clark is preparing to spread out his spiritual power to find the location of the two.

at this time. . . . . .Swish!A large net suddenly shrouded him.

Clark frowned.

With a wave of his hand, the big net that hit him turned into powder and disappeared directly in mid-air.

"Boss, why is our network missing?"

A few people who were hiding behind a pile of garbage came out, holding some worn-out weapons and aiming their guns at Clark in front.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: Accept your fate!Your end is to die at my hands!

Sarkar, in the junkyard.

A team of hunters targeted Clark, a human who didn't seem to be too strong.

Things like this are actually quite common on Saka.

Because the rulers of this planet like to play games, they are often bought at high prices. .Looks like a very worthwhile fighter.

The so-called fighter, that is. . .Gladiator means.

Gao Tianzun, the ruler of Saka Star, is an eccentric guy who likes to watch gladiatorial matches very much.

Zeng Jin Hulk is the champion here. Even now, his avatar is still there: it stands on the champion tower and can still be seen.

And these in the arena. . . . .Fighters are basically found by these hunters from the junkyard.

There are only a very few who volunteered to join Gao Tianzun's arena.

for. .For hunters, this is obviously a no-brainer deal.

If you are lucky, if you catch a good fighter, you may be able to sell it for a very high price.

Even if they are unlucky, just catch an ordinary fighter, and the money sold will be enough for them to spend a period of time on Saka star.

so. . . . . .On Sarkar, a hunter is a very sought-after job.

the most important is. . . . . .There is no need to apply for this job, as long as you have enough skills, you can join the job on the same day and make a fortune on the same day!And obviously - Clark at this moment was also regarded as a prey, and was targeted by this hunter team.

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