That big net that hit just now, that is. . .of this hunter team.

Generally, people who have just come to Saka Star, even if their strength is good, are probably a little confused at this time and don't know what to do.

If you encounter a sneak attack at this time, [-]% to [-]% will be hit.

pity. . . . . .Among these [-]% to [-]%, Clark is obviously not included! "It seems to be treated as prey."

Clark had seen Thor 3 and remembered this scene. Of course, he knew that he had encountered a special profession on the Saka star - the hunter!but. . . . . .This team of hunters obviously found the wrong target to hunt! "You weird-looking creature, get down on your knees and surrender, or we're going to shoot!"

Clark: . . . . . .He looked at the strange-looking aliens in front of him, thinking, where did they get their confidence, saying that his strange appearance was probably a matter of aesthetics. Clark shook his head, too lazy to think about such a boring question.

He pointed it out in front of him.

In an instant, a cold air surged out, and immediately the aliens in front of them were frozen into ice sculptures.

Clark didn't even look at them, he soared into the sky and flew to the only city on the Saka star.

Just now, his psychic ability has discovered the figures of Sol and Rocket.

They are on Sarkar right now.

To be precise, he was talking to Gao Tianzun, the ruler of the planet Saka.

Clark was surprised that Saul had offended Gao Tianzun before, so why does he seem to be talking well now.

With Gao Tianzun's temper, it shouldn't be so easy to let go of hatred. Or, what deal they had reached before Clark's arrival With this doubt, Clark fell from the sky and landed directly in the tallest building on Saka Star.

Swish!His body blurred in a second before touching the building, and then penetrated the outer layer of the building and entered the interior.


The guards of Gao Tianzun immediately aimed their weapons at him.

But Clark didn't even look at the guards at all, and walked straight ahead.


Those guards immediately blocked the front.

That's their job. . .Protect Gao Tianzun and do not allow any unknown person to approach Gao Tianzun.

"Go away."

Clark waved casually.

These. . . . .The guards in front of him instantly turned into dust and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the makeup Fuzun over there can't help but shine! "This kind of power... Interesting! Have you mastered it?"

Gao Tianzun's eyes are very vicious, no matter how powerful he is, but this does not hinder his status as a cosmic veteran.

At least in terms of vision, he is far from the vast majority of people in this universe.

but. . . . . .Clark ignored him.

This guy is not his target, the two next to him are.

"Sol, look at his neck, is that a space gem?"

Rocket touched Sol's calf with his arm and asked.

At this time, Sol's face was a little dignified.

"Break down people're the...Superman!"

He didn't know Clark, but he heard Tony talk about the powerful enemy they encountered in another parallel universe - superhuman powers!It's exactly the same as what Clark showed in front of him! "Looks like Tony mentioned me to you."

The corners of Clark's mouth were slightly raised, and he looked at the raccoon beside him, and said, "You raccoon is right, this is indeed a space gem."

Hearing Clark's address to himself, Rocket exploded instantly.

"Damn it! I'm not some kind of raccoon, you nasty bastard!"

Click!The rocket directly took out the weapon that was about the same size as himself from the back. The blue energy in the barrel converged, and the muzzle was aimed directly at Clark.

"Rocket, stand back, this guy is not something you can deal with!"

Sol heard about Clark's power from Tony, and even he himself and Captain Marvel were planted, showing how strong the opponent is!This is by no means the kind of weapon in the hands of the rocket, the enemy that can be defeated! "Saul, this guy is... the one who killed you before"

Rocket raised his head and asked.

Thor nodded solemnly.

Although Rocket's words may sound a bit strange, it is true.

hum!The air trembled.

With a swish, an axe flew over and was caught by Thor in one hand.

Arc shines on the axe! "Oh! It's the Storm Axe again. Speaking of which, your last time is still in my collection cabinet."

Clark said with a smile.


When Sol heard this, his eyes burned with anger, and he could not wait to slash with an axe, cutting the bastard's face in half in front of him.

But his sanity allowed him to refrain from this impulsive emotion.

The opponent was a powerful enemy who had almost wiped out their Avengers.

Now there are only two people here, he and the Rockets. If they fight recklessly, they are definitely not opponents.

so. . . . . .Must be calm.

Think about how to deal with it! "I said, have you forgotten that I exist?"

At this time, Gao Tianzun seemed to have been ignored since just now, and said with a dark face.

At the same time, he quietly pressed an alarm button with one hand.

In an instant, the door outside was slammed open, and a team of guards rushed in from the outside.

"Protect Gao Tianzun!"

These guards shouted slogans, and the weapons in their hands moved towards the presence without hesitation. . . . . . . .Three people other than Gao Tianzun attacked 3 times.

"Annoying flies, is it bad to live?"

Clark snorted coldly, waved his hand, those. .The incoming laser light disappears directly in the air.

next moment. . . . . .one head. . .The fire dragon composed of flames roared and devoured these guards directly.

Clark didn't even look over there, his eyes stayed on Sol and Rocket.

"Do you still resist?"

"You know you're not an opponent, but you're still not willing to die like this?"

"You bastard are talking nonsense and I never have the word surrender in my dictionary!"

Rocket roared and pulled the trigger.

next second. . . . . .A beam of light that was thicker than his entire body slammed into Clark's body fiercely.

Blue flames beat.

By the time the firelight dissipated, Clark had already disappeared there.


Rocket asked with a wink.

"No, I guessed wrong."

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Before Rocket could turn his head, a hand grabbed his small head.

"game over!"

A cold voice sounded.

Bang!A pile of mosaics appeared on the ground.


Thor roared, his eyes were red, he swung the storm axe in his hand, and slashed the axe at Clark's face.

"too slow."

Boom!The axe hasn't fallen yet, just a distance away. . .It slammed into Sol's abdomen, knocked him out, smashed the glass behind him, and flew dozens of kilometers away. . .Into a pile of garbage.

Bang!A figure fell from the sky, and the impact of the landing shook the surrounding garbage mountains into dust.

Clark grabbed Thor, who was spewing blood, and threw it up slightly, then threw a punch.

"Goodbye, no! It should be a goodbye!"

Boom! ! !Sol in midair instantly turned into a cloud of blood under the force of his fist!Swish!A lightning flash came.

Captured by Clark.

It is the storm axe that the Savior came a step late.

The storm axe struggled in Clark's hands, but couldn't break free.

"The second one..."

Clark hesitated, but put it away.

Anyway, it's an artifact.

The second one is the second one, just make it right! "However, he seems to have sent a message just now... Forget it, just send it, anyway... The result will not change."

Even if the matter here has been known by the remaining three people.

Clark didn't care anymore.

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Battle on Xandar

Xandar, the capital of the Nova Empire.

At this time, Steve, who was talking to the head of the Nova Empire, suddenly received a message from Sol.

The content of the message is only one sentence: [Superman is coming, run away! 】This makes Steve's face change suddenly.

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