When he tried to contact Sol again, he found that he could no longer be contacted.

Not only Sol, Tony and Nebula are also unable to contact, obviously the same thing happened.

"problem occurs"

Dr. Banner asked.

Steve nodded and said, "Saul sent me a message saying that Superman is coming, let's run, but I just wanted to contact him again, and I can't contact him anymore, and Tony and Nebula, too."

"It appears he has cracked our quantum device."

Dr. Banner said with a solemn expression: "You try to contact Carol and see how she is doing."

Steve nodded and started contacting Carol.

It didn't take long for the communication to connect.

"Great, you're fine!"

Steve breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained the situation here to Carol.

"I will rush over to join you as soon as possible. No accident, the other party's next target should be you."

"It should be like this. I just tried to contact the headquarters, but no one responded. It seems that the first battle he came to our world was our headquarters, and there was obviously an accident there."

The two chatted briefly and then ended the call.

Carol's side will come as soon as possible, she has found some helpers that can be used to deal with that... Superman.

As for Steve and the others, they should leave Xandar Planet as soon as possible, find a place to hide in the vicinity, and discuss the next plan after Carroll and the others come to meet.

only. . . . . .Plans often fail to keep up with changes!Steve and the others have just explained the situation to the head of the Nova Empire and are about to leave.

At this time, above the planet, a black figure has appeared there!With the technology of Nova Empire, the invader was discovered at the first time, and the image was sent back.

Seeing this figure in the picture, Steve knew that they could no longer leave.

"it's him"

The Führer of the Nova Empire asked them.

Steve nodded and said, "Yes, no accident, it should be him, Superman from a parallel universe!"

Hearing this, the head of the Nova Empire also said solemnly: "Leave it to us, since he wants to destroy our world, then we can never sit still!"

The head of state turned around and instructed the generals behind him to send troops to block the other side.

"I'll go too."

Dr. Banner stood up and said, "With my current strength, I can be a little busy."

Steve thought about it and nodded.

As for whether he doesn't want to help himself, he is really facing such an enemy, and a superhero of his level is no longer qualified to participate in the war.

"Carol is already bringing people over, you just need to hold on to each other, don't be too reluctant."

Steve said.

. . .Over the Nova Empire.

Clark's psychic power has enveloped the planet.

At the same time, I also heard a conversation between Steve and the others.

"Oh! It's so good for Carol to come too, so I'll make another trip."

Clark said with a smile.

As for the army Clark sent by the Nova Empire, he didn't take it seriously at all!After a few minutes.

In the sky in the distance, dense golden fighter planes appeared.

These. . . . .A star-shaped golden fighter, that is. . .The main war weapon of the Nova Empire, when Ronan invaded the Nova Empire, they also sent these fighters to block it.

Then. . . . . .Ronan almost destroyed the planet!If it weren't for the encounter with Xingjue, the king of awkward dances, Xandar Star might have long since ceased to exist.

"If you compare the number, then try this trick."

When Clark spoke, he stretched out his hand to the air in front of him.

moment!A fire dragon flew out from his fingertips, growing in size in the air, in a blink of an eye. . .It turned into a huge fire dragon with a body length of more than [-] meters!It doesn't stop there. . . . . .next moment!What fire phoenix, ice dragon, wood dragon, all appeared.

These. . . . .The elemental creature created by Clark charged directly towards the Nova Corps in front.

Meanwhile, in the command room of Nova Empire.

The head of state who saw this scene also turned his head in doubt and asked, "Mr. Steve, this is also one of the abilities of Superman."

Hearing this, Steve shook his head with a serious face.

"I'm not too sure, maybe this is a new move he developed. To be honest, in the last battle, that... I have already sacrificed, and the information I can provide now is also what my other comrade told me. "

The head of state nodded in understanding.

"Attack with all your strength and try to see the strength of these monsters."

she ordered.

In the sky, the battle broke out!Tens of thousands of Nova Corps fighter jets confronted the Elemental Creature Corps created by Clark.

Although in number, the elemental creatures are far inferior to each other.

But they are huge!The fire dragon spit out a sea of ​​fire, and it burned dozens of fighter planes in a single encounter.

Even if they had set up their shields in advance, they were still burned through in the blink of an eye!This flame is extremely hot!Also has explosive power.

At the same time, the ice phoenix also fluttered its wings and set off an ice and snow storm, rolling up a large number of Nova Corps fighter planes. The ice balls are like bullets, and their speed in the storm is even faster than bullets!It slammed into the shield of the fighter plane, and the shield was reimbursed after a short period of time.

In the sky. . . . . .The fireballs exploded, as beautiful as the fireworks set off during the Chinese New Year!In the distance - Clark stood high in the air, holding his hands, watching this scene.

The elemental creatures created by the upgraded elemental control are indeed much stronger than before the upgrade. With the current elemental control ability, the destructive power caused can already be comparable to the fifth level among mutants.

Although not the top among the five.

The advantage is that the scope of application is wide enough to deal with such a large number of flies, which is perfect! . . . . . : I'm going out for dinner, the remaining two chapters will be a little later, so let everyone know in advance!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The vulnerable Wisdom Hulk, the helper invited by Carroll!

"Be careful! The dragon is here again!!!"

"Damn it! Why can't these monsters be killed?"

"team leader!!!"

"General! The enemy's strength is too strong, we are not opponents, request support! Request support!!!"


The battle in front of you, and it. . . . . .To say it was a battle, it was better to say it was a one-sided slaughter.

The characteristics of elemental creatures, as long as a certain element is still there, they will not dissipate, so even if they are bombarded by intensive artillery fire, even if these elemental creatures are scattered, they will be restored in the next second.

"This is not the way to go!"

When the head of the Nova Empire saw this scene, his brows were furrowed, and his face was very ugly.

At this moment. . . . . .The figure of Dr. Banner also appeared on the battlefield.

He jumped. . .hundreds of meters high.

After jumping up, he directly hugged a soil dragon, raised his fist and slammed it continuously.

"I'll kill you monsters!"

boom!boom!boom! . . . . . .The strength of each punch of Dr. Banner is extremely powerful. After a dozen punches, the entire earth dragon was beaten into dust by him!When Clark saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"It's kind of interesting, but...what if"

He pointed it out.

Then a fire dragon and an earth dragon recombine into a magma dragon made of magma.

Roaring at Dr. Banner.

"Pain Pain Pain..."

Dr. Banner was bitten by the magma dragon, and the scorching heat burned his skin.

After all, he was not a stubborn guy like Hulk. At this time, he felt the burning pain from his body, and immediately panicked.

The magma dragon gritted its teeth, and continuously spewed out large strands of magma from its mouth!These. . . . .The magma poured on Dr. Banner's body, which burned his green skin and turned red. With the continuous damage, his epidermis even appeared to be damaged, those. .The magma flowed in, and immediately brought more severe pain! "The combination of wisdom and strength, huh!"

"But so!"

Seeing this scene, Clark smiled contemptuously.

Dr. Banner was never a warrior, he didn't even know how to fight.

What a combination of Banner and Hulk, a more powerful giant of wisdom!This is obviously a great loss of strength!Where can I see that it has become stronger than before. . .ten minutes later.

The entire Nova Corps was almost slaughtered!Some of the survivors who survived also fled, and no longer... can't summon the courage to fight.

Boom! ! !In the city, a huge pit appeared.

Dr. Banner, who was bruised and bruised, lay at the bottom of the huge pit, surrounded by a burning black stone, which was charred everywhere.

He was breathing heavily.

The feeling of the rest of his life after the catastrophe came spontaneously, and the various pains coming from his body made him want to die! "Alive... surviving!"

After finally blowing up the magma dragon, Dr. Banner felt that he couldn't move any longer, so he wanted to lie down here and have a good rest until the pain on his body disappeared.

"Dr. Banner!"

On the edge of the crater, Steve ran over and looked down.

Seeing that Banner was still breathing, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Man! How are you?"

he asked aloud.

Dr. Banner at the bottom waved his hand and said weakly: "I'm still alive, but it hurts me, how is the battle above?"

Steve slid off the edge.

Walk up to Dr. Banner.

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