Dr. Banner, who was burned red all over, looked like he was cooked, and looked painful.

"Failed, Nova Corps can't stop him, but Carol has arrived."

Steve said.

"Are you there?"

Dr. Banner breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "Just when she arrives, didn't she find some help? Do you know who it is?"

Steve shook his head.

"I didn't ask that, but...you're sure you're fine."

Dr. Banner smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"Actually, it's okay, it's just...it hurts!"

Dr. Banner wasn't really that kind of... pampered person, but he had never felt the pain just now in his life.

Do you know what it's like to immerse your whole body in a hundred degrees of boiling water? Dr. Banner just did it. . .Such a feeling!Even more serious than that!after all. . . . . .That's lava!Hulk's defense is very strong, but he can also feel the pain!What's more, the kind of... continual injury, which exacerbates this pain time and time again! ! !In fact, just now, Dr. Banner really wanted to do it right away.

The urge to die.

It can be seen how unbearable the pain is! . . .The outer atmosphere of Xandar.

A fleet of golden warships has surrounded the entire Xandar star.

This is the Sovereign fleet!The technology of the Sovereigns is also one of the best in the universe.

Carroll once helped the queen of the Sovereigns and had a good relationship with the queen. In addition, this time she explained the seriousness of the matter. In order to protect their homeland, the Sovereigns agreed to help Carol. , together to deal with that... an enemy called Superman.

at this time!Clark also discovered this huge fleet.

His figure instantly disappeared in the Xandar star, and when he reappeared, he had already come to the universe.

"This is what you rely on"

"A useless fleet!"

Clark smiled contemptuously.

The voice ignored the vacuum environment and appeared in everyone's mind.

In front of him, Captain Marvel with golden energy emanating from his body, and standing beside her, a man Clark had never seen before.

"He is... the enemy"

That... the man Clark had never seen, looked at Carroll with a questioning look in his eyes.

Carroll nodded.

"Adam, are you sure?"

she asked.

"You won't know until you hit it."

The man called Adam said lightly.


"I won't lose."

When Adam heard Carroll address him, Clark couldn't help looking at the man.

Sovereign, aka Adam!Clark almost knew who he was.

Sovereign's android, Adam Warlock!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Kill Adam Warlock!The end of the Avengers!

Adam Warlock, one of the most powerful superheroes in the Marvel system.

In the comics, it once replaced the life court and became a new generation of life court!And even before becoming a court of life, Warlock Adam is a single universe-level combat power. Among superheroes, in terms of its own combat power, it is enough to rank among the best!but. . . . . .The Adam Warlock in front of him did not bring any sense of threat to Clark.

Counting the time, he may have just been born.

So the strength probably has not yet reached the single-universe level.

. . . . . "Adam Warlock?"

Clark smiled faintly.

"Carol, don't you think you can deal with me with just an Adam Warlock?"

"Add me!"

Carol pointed back, "And this Sovereign fleet, Superman, don't underestimate us!"

Clark shook his head.

"No, no, it's not that I underestimate you, but you simply don't understand how big the gap between you and me is."

"Humph! Everyone talks big!"

Carol said coldly.

"Okay, let's do it directly."

Adam Warlock looked at Clark lightly, "I can feel that you are very strong, I hope you can make me play to the fullest."

Hearing this, Clark laughed.

He reached out and gave Adam Warlock a thumbs up.

"Not bad! You are arrogant!"

"I hope you can continue to be so arrogant later."


Adam Warlock snorted coldly.

"Without further ado!"


With a wave of the scepter in his hand, the figure disappeared instantly.

Appearing again, it is already in front of Clark, the scepter in his hand falls, and a beam of cosmic energy converges directly to her face!A streak of golden energy collided with it from the other side.

Blocked Clark's retreat.

"That's it"

Clark smiled contemptuously.

With a wave of his hand, he dismissed Captain Marvel's attack, and then threw a punch.

It directly exploded Adam Warlock's attack, turning it into countless free energy escapes, and his fist strength even slammed into Adam Warlock at the rear, directly flying the blood he hit on the spot.

"Continue to be arrogant!"

Clark dodged to catch up with Adam Warlock, who flew out backwards, and punched him again, hitting him in the face.

Bang!Adam Warlock's entire head nearly exploded.

Swish swish. . . . . .A strand of energy escaped from the Adam Warlock who flew out, wrapping his body in, and soon formed a big cocoon! "Evolution, huh!"

Clark sneered, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the pitch-black Black Death Sword appeared in his hand.

The blade is slashing straight down!A black sword light flashed across the... golden cocoon!Click. . . . . .There was a cracking sound.

next moment. . . . . .Bang Bang!The entire golden cocoon exploded directly, turning into a golden starlight in the sky.

[Kill Adam Warlock, damage points +30.

! 】 "Cut! Only worth thirty garbage!"

Clark sneered.

In fact, Adam Warlock's strength is not weak, and has even reached the heavenly father level.

But the enemy he faced was Clark, who had the strength of a single universe.

Not a level at all!It is also reasonable to be killed in seconds.

Adam Warlock was killed, and it all happened so fast that Carroll had no time to stop it.

not to mention. . . . . .She doesn't even have the ability to stop it!The helper he invited was beaten to death like this, which made Carroll realize that the enemy in front of him may have been much more than the last time they met.

Otherwise, how could Warlock Adam, who even she could not defeat, be killed so easily!Seeing their own babies killed, those. .The Sovereigns are going crazy!The huge fleet launched an attack recklessly, and they didn't even care whether the Xandar star behind them would be affected.

"No matter how many ants there are, they are just ants."

Clark ignored these attacks, and then his figure flashed and appeared on the Xandar star.

He grabbed the ground of Xandar Star with one hand, and the biological force field immediately enveloped the entire planet.

Arm hard!The entire Xandar star was directly lifted by Clark, as a weapon, and smashed at the Sovereign fleet!A huge planet smashed over.

Those ones. .Where have the Sovereigns encountered such a thing.

They are all stupid!Even forgot to run away! ! !Boom!Boom!Boom! ! ! . . . . . .Groups of fireballs exploded on Xandar.

The Sovereign fleet, which numbered nearly one million, was all slaughtered with just one sweep! "Break me!"

Clark stopped drinking.

Release... Xandar star directly punched the planet.

The blasting punch directly smashed the crust, followed by the mantle layer, the outer core layer, and the inner core layer. . . . . .The terrifying fist force penetrated the entire Xandar star in just a few seconds! ! !next moment. . . . . .The whole planet is starting to crumble!An extremely shocking scene appeared in Clark's sight.

The earth cracked open, rivers and seas rolled back, and countless volcanic eruptions erupted. . . . .After dozens of seconds!The entire planet disintegrated completely. With a terrifying explosion, the planet started from the inner core. The huge impact force directly pushed the countless earth and rocks that make up the planet into the universe!The atmosphere is disintegrating!The air dissipated and the vacuum swallowed everything!The loud noise of the explosion disappeared. . . . . .The silent destruction continues! ! !In my mind, the system prompts kept ringing.

Clark looked at all this indifferently, indifferent.

at this time. . . . . . "What have you done!!!"

A furious voice came, followed by a golden figure rushing towards Clark.

Under the silent impact, strands of golden energy escaped.

Clark grabbed one of Carroll's fists with one hand.

He looked at her coldly.

"Anyway... all of this will be destroyed sooner or later. I just moved the time a little earlier."

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