His voice echoed in Carroll's mind.

Furious Carroll roared and threw a punch, but was caught by Clark with one hand again.

"You are too weak!"

The power of the phoenix emerged in his hand, swallowing Carroll whole.

Carroll exploded silently.

Turned into a ray of starlight and disappeared! [Kill Captain Marvel, Carroll, damage points +70.

! 】good!Also worth [-] points.

However, in the entire Avengers, the most valuable points are Iron Man Tony Stark.

When Clark killed Tony before, he gave a million points!He is indeed the son of the Marvel Universe! ! !Really worth the money!A hammer came flying.

Catched by Clark with one hand.

"The hammer of Thor."

He looked at the... hammer in his hand, and after thinking about it, he put it into the system space.

Last time, the Thor's Hammer was directly crushed by him.

Can't put it in the collection cabinet.

This time, you don't need to crush it any more.

"It's over."

Clark stretched.

The last three Avengers, Captain America and Dr. Banner, went back to heaven with the destruction of Xandar.

Captain Marvel was also disintegrated by the Phoenix Force.


There won't be any more... people come to Clark when they have nothing to do.


Clark took out the quantum shuttle bracelet, put it on and pressed the start button.

In an instant!His figure disappeared.

After Clark's figure disappeared, a golden light suddenly appeared in this void, followed by an illusory figure.

The ancient master in the state of the soul body looked at the Xandar star that had been turned into a piece of gravel, and only sighed faintly after half a sound.

"Maybe it's all doomed."

She took one last look, then turned around and disappeared with the golden light.

. . .The main world, Zesky base.

Clark is back.

"Master, you left for a total of eleven seconds."

Skynet's voice sounded.

Clark nodded, and casually instructed Skynet to let him take a good look at the base, and then disappeared into the base in an instant.

Time flies, and everything seems to have calmed down since Clarke took down the main timeline's Avengers.

There are no other people from other timelines running to trouble him, and the whole world is developing in an orderly and rapid manner.


. . . . .

. . . .there.

Since the Hydra led by Pierce disappeared, Nick Fury has also solved a heart problem.

Although through some information obtained from the inside of Hydra, Nick Fury knew that there is not only the existence of Pierce's Hydra in this world, but at least those. .Hydra won't interfere with their S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .inner workings.

In this world, there is no black and no white.

Without an evil organization like Hydra, the world would still need S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Or say. . . . . .Those ones. .Superpowers will also allow S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Growing? So, to a certain extent, Nick Fury needs to have an organization like Hydra.

But everything must be under his control!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 09: From [-], Daisy and Wanda have grown up!

Hydra can exist.

But it must not be stronger than S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . . .

Therefore, those who should be suppressed still cannot be stopped, but there is no need to fight to the death like before.

but. . . . . .This is Nick Fury's wishful thinking.

How about the other Hydras is hard to say.

But at least the Hydra under Clark's name is obviously far stronger than S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .of.

It's just that Nick Fury doesn't know! . . .Time, blink of an eye to 09.

Before that, Clark opened three more 3-year packages, but the three 3s did not open anything good.

And after several years of development.

The Justice League under his name has almost become the most well-known superhero team in the world.

In recent years, teams of self-proclaimed superheroes have been popping up all over the world.

There is a sincere fight for justice.

There are also so-called superhero characters just to make money.

But no matter what, the status of the Justice League is still unshakable!within the continental United States.

In the whole year of 08 alone, more than a dozen superhero teams emerged, but only three have survived to this day.

The three superhero teams include a Defender League of civilian heroes.

The members include Daredevil who has gradually become active in New York's Hell's Kitchen in recent years, the superhero Tekken Daniel inherited from the Oriental Kunlun, and Luke, who is a bar owner.


These three people, the Defender Alliance formed, are mainly active in the area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, and rarely come out for activities.

This is probably one of the reasons why a superhero team with only three members has survived to this day.

In addition to this, there is a superhero team called the Angels of Justice.

This is a superhero team composed entirely of women. All the members of the team are Inhumans. There are six members in total. The scope of their activities is basically in the Bronx.

This area has one of the highest crime rates in the country.

Even though the headquarters of the Justice League is based in New York, the situation has not improved much over the years.

After all, except. . . . . . . .Except for the first year, and since the second year, Clark has sent out all the superheroes of the Justice League, each of them forming a team of 1, in charge of a city.

On the New York side, although it is the headquarters of the Justice League, in fact, the Justice League does not care about petty crimes.

after all. . . . . .They can't rob those cops of their jobs either.

So places like the Bronx, and Hell's Kitchen, have always had high crime rates.

Fortunately, many superheroes have emerged in recent years, which to a certain extent has curbed the rise of this crime rate!Apart from. . . . . . . .The two superhero teams are outside of New York.

The remaining one is still active in Los Angeles.

This superhero team can be said to have completely copied the style of the Justice League, made movies for the superheroes under its name, and produced various comics and peripheral products.

Because it has a professional team to take care of it, it sells quite well.

Although it can't be compared with the Justice League, the annual revenue is almost more than one billion US dollars!And the most frustrating thing is. . . , The name of this superhero team is actually called the Hero Association, and its members are as high as fifty-six people, but most of them are Inhumans or enhanced people with useless abilities.

The real pillars, the kind...that can be welcomed by the masses, there are only a dozen or so.

Speaking of which, when I first heard about this superhero team last year, Clark also asked Skynet to investigate to see if there was a guy with a bald head and dead fish eyes in this hero association.

But the truth is, the name is just that.

In this hero association, the figure of the bald cloak.

. . .With the rise of superhero teams, there are also more people who use their superpowers to engage in criminal activities.

Some are pre-arranged like a script.

The main purpose is to promote its superheroes and promote their popularity.

But there are also many who have really embarked on the road of crime!But like these. . . . .There are not many super criminals who can really become popular, or they are wiped out by some superhero teams not long after they appear.

Or by S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .The revenge team was caught and sent to S.H.I.E.L.D.

. . . . .

. . . .Especially for these. . . . .In a super prison built by super criminals.

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