And the real reputation spreads all over the world.

There is only the Injustice Alliance, which has been established for several years and has created many terrorist activities around the world!This super criminal team is also the sworn enemy of the Justice League!It's the opposite of the world.

Even last year, Clark's Kent Films filmed a movie "Justice vs. Injustice", which swept the world at the box office and became the highest-grossing film in world film history.

Global cumulative box office up to: 276 billion US dollars!It surpassed the previous record of $208 billion by nearly seven billion!The previous film history record holder, also a film under the name of Kent Films, was "Justice League" released at the end of 07.

And this "Justice League vs. Injustice" is also called the second part of the Justice League by netizens.

There are even countless fans on the Internet looking forward to the start of the third film of Justice League.

But at least for now, Clark has no plans to start filming a third film.

. . .In the afternoon, the beach house.

Clark is watching a TV show with Daisy and Wanda.

Jessica went shopping with Abigail.

And little Pietro, in the morning, went to play at a little classmate's house.

It is worth mentioning that this little classmate of Pietro is named Peter Parker, which is the future Spider-Man.

But this... future Spider-Man, is now just a little kid who will cry when he is frightened!Peter had come to the beach house before.

Clark had seen him too.

The little guy was so excited when he saw him!Even talking became stumbling, and it took a long time to take out a Superman comic that he had collected and let Clark sign him.

This year is 09, and Pietro and Wanda are both 13 years old.

Daisy, who was two years older than them, was 15 and in middle school.

However, Pietro and Wanda have reached the age of middle school in the second half of this year. As for the school, Clark has already arranged for them all.

Interestingly. . . . . .The 13-year-old Pietro, the best friend in school, turned out to be only 8-year-old Peter.

One is in second grade and one is in sixth grade.

It's a shame they could be such good friends.

But considering Peter's intelligence, Clark is not surprised. The last time Peter came to his house to play, he seemed to have tutored Pietro with his homework.

What a shame!With Peter in mind... the future Spider-Man, Clark's mind was not on the TV show in front of him.

At this time, Daisy, who was leaning on him, suddenly patted his shoulder.

"Brother Clark, look, isn't this the one who often plays with you... Playboy!"

Clark looked at the picture on the TV after hearing this.

It turned out that the program that was just on was interrupted at some point and became a news program.

At this time, the news broadcast above is the news that the famous military industry giant, billionaire genius scientist, and playboy Tony Stark was attacked in Afghanistan.

"My God! Is this guy stupid?"

When Clark saw the news, he was stunned for a moment, then patted his forehead with a speechless expression on his face.

If he remembered correctly, he just reminded Tony a week ago, let this guy be careful when he goes to Afghanistan, but this guy was still kidnapped by terrorists! "Brother Clark, what's wrong with you?"

Daisy and Wanda looked at him suspiciously.

Clark shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I just found out that a certain super genius is actually a fool. I told him about this guy last time, but something happened. Is this the irreversible fate in the legend?"

The two little girls didn't understand Clark's words very well.

Daisy, who is a little older, can probably understand a little bit. It seems that Brother Clark reminded this dude to be careful and pay attention to safety before, but the other party should have forgotten, "Brother Clark, are you going to save him?"

Daisy asked.

Clark said: "Let's talk about it in a few days. Let him suffer a little first, and it will be a long memory."

Around the beginning of 08, Clark met Tony Stark at a cocktail party. Before that, the two had no interaction.

But after that time, probably because of similar interests, Tony would occasionally invite Clark to attend some parties or something, and sometimes they would also meet to go to some high-end hotels for drinks and the like.

One to two to go, the two are also familiar with each other.

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Chapter [-]: Nick Fury comes to the door with Pepper

Although Clark killed this guy more than once, but it was another Tony Stark, not this Tony Stark, so Clark didn't have the slightest psychological burden when contacting him.

Plus, this guy Tony really knows how to play.

If you play with him, Clark doesn't need to arrange anything by himself, he will arrange everything.

And Clark is also a person who likes to enjoy and play.

So I don't rule out making friends with Tony or something.

The last time they were at the party, Clark heard that Tony was going to Afghanistan to test the newly invented Jellico missile, so he casually reminded him to be careful of the terrorists over there and remember to go more often Bring something protective, and don't leave the main force.

result. . . . . .Look at this average-quality video on the news, that guy with blood on his chest.

Clark knew that this guy didn't listen to what he said that day.

"It's okay to suffer a little bit. If you don't suffer a little bit, you won't grow up."

Let you not listen to what I said, this time you will suffer.

Clark thought to himself, but he still planned to wait ten days and a half before going to rescue Tony from that... broken cave.

If it is too early, it will not work, and there will be no experience effect.

Too late. . . . . .People escaped on their own, and Clark didn't need to save them at all.

So, ten days and a half months is just right! . . .The next day, Kent Pictures' new headquarters building.

This is an 88-story building. The top three floors are Clark's private office. Except for his assistants and secretaries, who can enter and exit freely, anyone else who wants to enter and exit must apply in advance.

The building was delivered in mid-08 and cost Clark a lot of money.

However, in the past few years, he has made too much money, not only on the main world side, but also on the mutant world side, but also a lot of money, and he doesn't treat money like money.

Compared to what Clark earned, a mere building is nothing at all.

Even if this building is in Manhattan where land is expensive.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Clark was sunbathing on the indoor ocean-view beach on the 88th floor when secretary Kate walked gracefully.

"Boss, the one who came last time... Nick Fury has come to you again, and he has brought Tony Stark's assistant."

Kate stood by and couldn't help but glanced at Clark's perfect figure lying on the reclining chair, and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Well, let them wait for me in my office."

Clark nodded slightly, not intending to get up immediately.

Kate heard the words, nodded and turned to leave reluctantly.

In the office on the 8th floor.

Kate walked in with Nick Fury and little Pepper.

"You two take a break here, our boss will be here soon."

Nick Fury nodded.

As for what Kate said, just come and listen, don't take it seriously!After all, he had personal experience, how could he not be familiar with this routine.

as predicted. . . . . .They wait, that is. . .Just over half an hour.

The little peppers are getting impatient!She is not usually such an impatient person, but today they came to find Clark, mainly for Tony who was kidnapped by terrorists. It was about Tony, and it was really hard for her to calm down.

Fortunately, at this time, Clark has pushed the door in.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Clark walked to his desk and sat down: Although he said he was embarrassed, he didn't really look embarrassed by his appearance.

"Mr. Kent, long time no see!"

Nick Fury said 'I had expected it for a long time' and greeted Clark calmly.

"Mr. Kent, we are here this time..."

In contrast, the small pepper is not very calm.

But before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Clark waving.

"Okay, I already know your intentions."

Clark said.

"Tony is fine for now. In the next two or three months, I believe it will be fine. The other party has reasons for Tony to live, so you don't need to worry so much."

"Also, what happened this time is also an experience for Tony. This guy is not too young, but his life has obviously been too smooth. I believe that after this incident, it will definitely make him feel good. grown."

Clark looked at Chili Pepper, who was hesitant to speak, and then added.

"Of course, I will rescue him, but not now, at least ten days."


Pepper wanted to say something, but was stopped by Nick Fury next to him.

"Now that Mr. Kent understands the whole thing, please ask Mr. Kent."

Nick Fury is not like Pepper, who cares about chaos.

He is very calm.

So from what Clark said just now, he already knew Clark's thoughts, and at the same time, it became clearer that no one can change what Superman decides.

Therefore, he did not intend to say anything more on this matter.

Anyway. . .It doesn't make sense either.

"I don't know if Mr. Kent knows who is behind this matter"

Nick Fury asked.

Clark nodded and said.

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