Clark looked at him with a slight smile.

"Oh! That's it."

He said, "It turns out that you, Dr. Killian, can be unpredictable, so you drove a helicopter from thousands of miles to this desert just to draw this person's blood, right?"

Killian panicked!He felt as if his own leader had seen through all his secrets.

Subconsciously, he wanted to find a way to escape.

at this time. . . . . . "What do you want to do"

Clark suddenly pointed it out, which stopped him, and even Killian's thinking was imprisoned! "Let me see what secrets you hide!"

As he spoke, Clark stretched out his hand directly, and the power of the phoenix emerged from his arm, tangling around Killian in front of him, constantly penetrating into his body.

Killian, whose body and mind were imprisoned, couldn't even let out a scream.

He could only watch helplessly as the inch by inch of his body turned into powder and disappeared. . . . . .One minute!two minutes!three minutes. . . . . .Clark didn't find the result he wanted in Killian at all.

At this time, most of Killian's body had disappeared, and only a small part, including his brain, remained.

Seeing this, Clark simply erased the remaining part.

It was the second after he wiped out Killian's existence. . . . . . 【Ding! ] [Endless Dimension Exchange Association, invites you to join! ][Whether] Hearing the voice that sounded in his mind, and then looking at the picture that appeared in his mind, even Clark couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

"This... is... Rian's secret."

A guild that spanned endless dimensions, Clark hesitated for a while, and by the way, asked his own system in his heart.

Although this guild that spans endless dimensions, it looks like it should be some kind of system, but compared to this newcomer, Clark must have more trust in the system that has helped him a lot.

[Detected the existence of similar systems, and is stealing some permissions for the host. . . . . . 】It took about a minute or two.

[Complete the theft of permission, whether to obtain it] Hearing this, Clark asked directly: "System, this won't have any bad effect on me, will it?"

[No, please rest assured the host! 】 After getting this answer, Clark also felt relieved.

immediately. . . . . . "Get it directly."

next second. . . . . . 【Welcome to "Invincible and Lonely"

Join the Endless Dimension Exchange Guild! ] At the same time, a picture appeared in Clark's mind.

It's a bit like the chat interface of a cute thing in the previous life, but it's more streamlined and doesn't have so many miscellaneous functions.

At this time, the other members of the guild began to speak one after another.

Beast Kaido: "Rookie, your name is very arrogant! Do you want to go to the dueling arena to fight?"

The old man Xiongba: "Don't make trouble upstairs, newcomer, are you in the same world as that... named Killian?"

Madara Uchiha: "What's the point of going around? Why don't you just ask hello, newcomer, that... the one called Killian was killed by you"

Cosmic Emperor Boros: "That's right! Newcomer, your name should also be a strong man in your world. That... a rookie named Killian, you should have killed it."

Zhou Zhiruo: "As weak as me, I shiver and dare not speak!"

The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan: "As weak as me, I shiver and dare not speak!"

Huiyuan Ai: "As weak as me, I shiver and dare not speak!"

Kirishima Dong Xiang: "As weak as me, I tremble and dare not speak!"

Gao Tsukiquan: "As weak as me, trembling and afraid to speak!"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Strongly interrupt the above formation, everyone, don't scare the newcomers, newcomers, don't be afraid! If you have any doubts in your heart, you can read the guild's announcement first. Understood."

Tujianbu: "Woooooo! Sister Dong Xiang, did you just leave me like this?"

Kirishima Dongxiang: "..."


Xiaobu don't cry! "

Buried in the soil: ""

Beast Kaido: "Stop talking to the little girls upstairs! Let the newcomers speak!"

At this time, it has been: Clark, who was peeping on the screen, also sent a message to it.

Invincible is the loneliest: ""

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Rookie, do you have any doubts? If you don't understand anything, you can ask us directly."

Miyagi: "That's right, the president's sister is an all-knowing and all-powerful boss!"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaobu, I still have a lot of things I don't understand."

Wudi is the loneliest: "There is only one problem, that guy Killian joined this exchange guild before."

The old man Xiongba: "Sure enough! That guy named Killian was killed by a newcomer for you!"

Wudi is the loneliest: "Yes, but I want to ask, why didn't you come to save him? Did you deliberately watch him die?"

Seeing this sentence, Qin Xiaoxiao, the president of the other world, frowned, and quickly sent a message to explain.

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Rookie, don't get me wrong, we didn't deliberately watch that... Killian was sent to death, in fact, something happened before, so when... Killian was killed by you, in fact, Still: Being banned, plus you killed him too fast, so we didn't have time to save him."

Takatsuki Izumi: "Yes, yes! The president is right, that... Although Killian is very annoying, but if you were not a newcomer, if you killed too fast, we would have already prepared to save people at that time. "

Madara Uchiha: "Hmph, it's just that kind of waste, it deserves to die!"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Master Ban, please don't whip the deceased guild members, otherwise! Silence warning.


Madara Uchiha: "Huh"

The arrogant Banye said that he didn't back down because he was afraid of being banned.

Wudi is the loneliest: "So it is, but in this exchange guild, whoever kills a guild member will be selected as a new guild member?"

Qin Xiaoxiao, the president who was far away in another world, slapped his forehead when he saw these words.

"Why can't the members that this guild pull in are such rebellious guys, so they can't pull more people with a good character like Buried in the Earth?"

Although he was very tired, as the president, Qin Xiaoxiao still had to answer this question.

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "This is the first time this has happened. As for the guild's invitation mechanism, it's actually random."

Wudi is the loneliest: "So, I am lucky!"

Beast Kaido: "Okay! Don't mention that Kirian... rookie, newcomer, do you want to fight?"

"Beast Kaido, the one from the Pirate World...suicide maniac"

Clark thought, rubbing his chin.

Gao Tsuki-Izumi: "Remind the newcomer, Mr. Kaido upstairs is a monster that can fall from a height of [-] meters without being injured. Please seriously consider whether you want to fight! By the way, newcomer, you can change it. Name, your name is a bit too arrogant!"

Did you change the name? Clark took a look.

Each new member of the guild has an opportunity to change their name, and the initial name is given by the guild.

After thinking about it, Clark also changed his name to his real name.

After all, other people in the guild have also changed this way, so they can't be gregarious!Clark: "It's changed, let's get to know you again, my name is Clark.

Kent. "

In another world, Qin Xiaoxiao, the president of the guild, saw this sentence in the guild interface in his mind, and suddenly sat up.


Isn't Kent the name of the superman of the world?"

"its not right!"

"Isn't the world where Killian lives in the Marvel world?"

"Is it the same name?"

Because Killian had just joined this guild before, and he made a rude remark, offending many people in the guild, so he was directly banned by Qin Xiaoxiao for 24 hours.

As a result, before his silence time was over, he was killed by Clark.

So much so that even Qin Xiaoxiao, the president, was right. .I don't know much about the Marvel world where Killian is located. I only know that Iron Man was born last year.

Even the two Thor memory files in the guild.

It was also posted by Qin Xiaoxiao.

. . . . . : Subscriptions are lost. The content of the previous volume seems unpleasant. Add something new to this volume, and let the protagonist go for a walk in other worlds.

The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Special Permissions

At that time, Qin Xiaoxiao felt that the time point in the Marvel world where Killian was located should be close to the plot point of Thor 1, so he thought of releasing a Thor plot to shock Killian first.

Who asked this guy to mock her as the president as soon as he came up, saying she was a liar.

If it wasn't for his indebtedness, Qin Xiaoxiao might have sent Iron Man 3's memory files directly.

Of course, one of the reasons for this is that there is really nothing in Killian's body that makes Qin Xiaoxiao jealous.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have given them a 4 o'clock mute package as soon as she came up.

You must know that many guild members have been silenced by her before, but most of them are only five minutes and ten minutes, never one more than two hours.

Killian is the only one!At the same time, in the guild chat interface, Gao Tsukiquan said, "The newcomer, is it Clark? It doesn't seem to be the characters in the two Thor memory files! President Qin Xiaoxiao, does the president know the situation of the newcomer?"

Buried Earth: "President Xiao Xiao"

Zhou Zhiruo: "President Xiao Xiao"

Kirishima Dong Xiang: "Meet Qin Xiaoxiao"

Suddenly so many people Aite himself, Qin Xiaoxiao also recovered from thinking.

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Wait a minute, everyone, I'll ask the newcomer first."

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Clark, may I ask, are you the Superman?"

Clark: "No."

Isn't that why Qin Xiaoxiao felt a little regretful when she saw this answer.

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