If it is really Superman, maybe it can be deceived from the other party. . . . .Nonsence!It is to get the blood of the Kryptonian, and then it will become stronger just by basking in the sun.

How cool! ! !Clark: "But I'm not that... Superman, but I do have Kryptonian blood in me."

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "..."

Shameless thief!Can you say it all at once! ! !Clark: "President, are you scolding me?"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "No! Don't talk nonsense! Impossible!"

Denied so plainly.

Sure enough, you're scolding me? Clark touched his chin and smiled, sensing that Jane Foster's car was approaching, he looked down at Thor on the ground, and after thinking about it, he waved his hand and separated from his body. A fist-sized blood splattered, and then disappeared in place.

A few minutes later, a car came with billowing smoke and dust. The other party didn't seem to find Sol lying on the ground. It was only when the distance was very close that he realized that it was a sudden brake, but the wheels in front were still pressed on the ground. Comatose Sol! "Ow... ah!!!"

Sol, who was in a coma, screamed in agony.

And at the same time. . . . . .Clark has come to the charming fairyland town and walked into a bar in the town.

The bar in the town is very old-fashioned.

And some meals are also available here.

To be honest, the taste is not bad.

Clark found an empty seat and sat down: , and then continued to focus on the interface of the... Communication guild in his mind.

At this time, Takatsuki Izumi in the guild said, "Kara, newcomer, why didn't you speak suddenly?"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Clark, are you still there? Did something happen?"

Zhou Zhiruo: "Rookie, you won't be in trouble again, don't you have to change people again?"

Huiyuan Ai: "Zhou Zhi, don't talk nonsense, in case it comes true!"

Madara Uchiha: "Hey newcomer, if he dies, it will prove that he is only at this level!"

Beast Kaido: "But can you fight me before you die, or else upstairs, we will fight"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Kaido, are you trying to bully the elderly? And Clark, newcomer, it won't really happen, right?"

Uchiha Madara: "..."

Naruto World, in a dark cave.

Madara Uchiha, who was sitting in front of the Outer Dao Golem, squinted his eyes, and a pair of scarlet three-golem jade flashed with a cold murderous intent.

"Old people, huh, it won't be so soon!"

. . . . .Clark: "I'm fine, just chatting with you guys in a different place, photo.


Clark took a picture of the bar and sent it to the guild.

Haiyuan Ai: "This bar is a little familiar, it seems to have appeared in the memory file of the Thor, I still remember the appearance of that boss!"

Tujianbu: "Sister Ai's memory is really good, I just can't remember these..."

Zhou Zhiruo: "Yes! Yes! I am envious of a good memory. My master asked me to practice martial arts, but those... I need to watch martial arts for a few days before I can memorize a little bit, so tired!"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Don't interrupt upstairs, Clark, you said before that you also have Kryptonian blood, is it really not a joke!"

Clark: "Of course it's true, what's the joke."

In the bar, Clark took a sip of wine and smiled at the guild leader Qin Xiaoxiao on the guild chat interface.

If nothing else, this guy must be a transmigrator.

Just like Clark himself.

I just don't know which world she has traveled to. Clark is curious.

"By the way, the system stole some permissions from me before, and I forgot to read it."

Clark suddenly thought of something, and then he searched the guild interface and quickly found the personal information column.

Click to open. . . . . .Automatically ignore the above name and gender. . . . . , Clark's eyes fell directly on the permission column.

[Permission 2: Daily check-in is not allowed once a day. . . . .Accumulation] [Authority 3 [-]: Mall transactions can be sold and bought, with a [-]% commission] [Authority [-]: Upload memory files] The above three [-] are the permissions that every guild member has, and ordinary members only have these three permission.

And then—some permissions that the system helped Clark steal! [Special permission 2: It is impossible to prevent bans and prevent kicks. . . . .Banned. . . . .Kick out of the guild] [Special permission 10: Free shuttle to enter this world without the permission of members of this world] [Special permission 10: No commission is required for commission-exempt transactions] [Special permission [-]: [-]% off shopping Shopping in the mall enjoys a [-]% discount of [-]%] [Special Privilege Five: The damage switch can hurt guild members, this privilege can be turned off] These five items above are. . .The special permissions that Clark stole, in fact, these. . . . .Permissions are. . .Equivalent to the authority of the president, the system directly helped Clark and stole these authority from him.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The battle of the beasts Kaido, fulfill you!

"not bad!"

Clark nodded in satisfaction.

At the same time, in the private chat interface of the guild - [President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Clark, is it convenient to ask you a question?"

Clark: "You want to ask if I'm transmigrating"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "..."

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "It seems that you are indeed a traveler, so let me just say, in the Marvel movies I have seen, there is no one like you at all!"

Clark: "President, you are also a transmigrator, so let's talk about what the world you are transmigrating to is like?"

In another world, Qin Xiaoxiao, who was resting in the courtyard of the villa, saw this sentence and hesitated before replying.

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "I'm traveling through a world of spiritual energy, a revived world, a bit similar to the earth in my previous life, but whether it's the size of the planet or the name of the country..., it's all different, and this world The recovery of the spiritual energy has been going on for hundreds of years, and now the world is full of great gods from all walks of life, it's too difficult for me!"

Everyone is a traveler, and they don't have to hold each other too much, so Qin Xiaoxiao is not like when facing other guild members, pretending to be mysterious and pretending to be an expert.

Of course, the main reason for this is that Qin Xiaoxiao feels that he is the president of the guild, and that he and Clark are not in the same world, so there is no conflict of interests.

Even if Clark has any bad intentions, she can kick him out of the guild at any time.

That's why Qin Xiaoxiao was so relaxed.

but. . . . . .If Qin Xiaoxiao knew that Clark had stolen the authority of the guild and had the same authority as her, would Clark relax so much: "Reiki, recover well! It seems that the world you are in is quite interesting, in the future. Go to your place when you have time."

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Okay, I'll talk about it when I have time."

After all, Qin Xiaoxiao doesn't know Clark's details. All he knows now is that he is a traveler like himself, and has the blood of Kryptonian.

Having said that, Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but envy the separation of the plasmodesmata.

Although she became the president of this guild soon after she crossed over, she also cheated from some guild members. . . . . .I got some benefits, but compared to the Kryptonian's ability to become stronger by basking in the sun, Qin Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable no matter what she thought.

I want Kryptonian blood too!Qin Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking in her heart, how on earth could he get this Kryptonian bloodline from Clark? ! !At the same time, in the guild chat interface, someone was crazy about At Clark again.

Beast Kaido: "Kake, newcomer, come and fight"

Beast Kaido: "Kake, newcomer, don't pretend to be dead! I know you will come and fight with Lao Tzu!"

Kirishima Dongxiang: "Keke, there is a fighter upstairs who likes to fight, and he is very strong. Newcomers, please consider carefully!"

Beast Kaido: "Wu Dongxiang, are you fighting a woman!"

[President] Qin Xiaoxiao: "Kaido, do you have any opinion on women?"

Beast Kaido: "..."

The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan: "Kaido has been scolded by the president again, is it going to send a banning package next?"

Madara Uchiha: "Hmph, idiot Kaido, brainless thing."

Beast Kaido: "Damn! Madara Uchiha, if you want to fight, don't think you are an old man and I will let you go!"

Madara Uchiha: "The old man needs you to make jokes!"

Clark: "Okay, stop arguing, that... whoever wants to fight with me, come on!"

[Guild member Clark sent a duel invitation to guild member Kaido! 】On the other side, the world of pirates.

On an isolated island, he just punched one end to death. . .Kaido of the giant beast burst out laughing when he saw the prompt in his mind.

"Okay, this newcomer is good, and my appetite!"

Laughing loudly, he accepted Clark's invitation to a duel without hesitation.

next moment. . . . . .The consciousness of the two people was instantly pulled into a white world.

[Please select the dueling arena environment] There are many choices on it, and Clark randomly chose a desert environment.

immediately. . . . . .His figure appeared on the endless Gobi Desert.

"It's interesting, it's just a conscious body, it's so realistic!"

Clark felt it, and his consciousness at this time could still perceive his real body in the outside world. At the same time, in this space, the time outside seemed to be stopped, which was very magical.

At the same time, other members of the guild also entered the duel arena to watch the duel.

However, their location is outside the dueling arena, and there is an invisible barrier blocking them from the dueling arena, and they will not be affected by the battle in the dueling arena.

At this moment, one after another figure appeared.

Everyone came to watch.

Tsushima: "That's the newcomer, so handsome!"

The old man Xiongba: "The newcomer has a lot of momentum! The strength should be very strong."

Cosmic Emperor Boros: "That's it, in the entire guild, except for... President, there is no one who can fight!"

Zhou Zhiruo: "Boss Boros has started to make fun of him again."

Gao Tsukiquan: "The Emperor of the Universe, it's terrible! I'm disturbed! I'm disturbed!"

Kirishima Dongxiang: "Who do you think will win?"

Hai Yuanai: "I think the newcomer will win. You haven't heard the president say that the newcomer has some kind of Kryptonian bloodline. Listening to the president's meaning, it should be very strong."

The Queen of Yin Zhu Yuyan: "I also think that the newcomer will win. Although that guy Kaido has become too old and not like a person, he still thinks he will lose."

Tsushima: "I also think that the newcomer will win. He looks so handsome and must be stronger than the giant Kaido!"

Beast Kaido: "..."

Although I'm in the duel arena, I can still see you guys chatting!One by one, they don't like Lao Tzu so much, they are so mad at Lao Tzu! ! !On the other side of the dueling arena, Kaido, who was extremely tall and burly, had a fierce look on his face, clenched his fists in both hands, and stared at Clark who was a few hundred meters away with murderous eyes.

And look at Clark.

With his hands in his pockets, he had a smile on his face, and he didn't look nervous at all.

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