Therefore, Richard's class was quiet for almost the whole day. For a time, it was rumored by some good people as a strange talk in the campus.

[Ask for flowers, ask for an evaluation ticket! The more this stuff, the better! The more the better! ].

Chapter 27 The Beginning of the Triangle Drama (2 more for collection)

At the gate of the campus, Richard sent away Monica, who had calmed down, and turned to get into the car driven by Daniel.

The reason why Jinbei sent Daniel to Richard's side was to wait for Richard's dispatch.

There is also the meaning of ensuring the safety of Richard in it.

So now, when Richard goes to and from school, Daniel is in charge of picking him up.

Daniel opened the car door for Richard, Richard sat in the back seat of the car, and Daniel got into the driver's seat.

Then he picked up a file bag from the co-pilot and handed it to Richard.

Richard took the file bag and looked at it, while Daniel started the car and introduced it.

"Norman Osborn, since yesterday's incident has become unstable, although he still appears in the Austrian group today, but I have not found his travel record!"

"And when it came to off-duty time, he disappeared without a trace."

"In addition, I also noticed that during the time when Norman Osborn disappeared, the Green Goblin who caused the tragedy yesterday, will become active."

"As of now, in the entire New York City, more than a hundred people have died because of the Green Goblin."

"Part of it was affected at the Austrian Square yesterday."

"But some of the rest were accidentally killed by our superhero little spider during the confrontation with the Green Goblin."

When he said the last sentence, Daniel's tone revealed a sense of sarcasm, and the expression on his face became a little weird.

Richard, on the other hand, ignored Daniel's emotional changes, read all the materials carefully, leaned back slightly, closed his eyes and pondered.

The information Daniel has collected is very complete. All the information from the appearance of the Green Goblin until now is already here, and there are also two close-ups of the front of the Green Goblin.

After thinking for a while, Richard suddenly opened his eyes and asked indifferently, "What is the reaction of the Starstripe Federation? If something like this happens, don't they have nothing to do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mocking smile appeared on Daniel's face, and his tone was a bit exaggerated: "Mr. Richard, you don't understand the style of those officials, they only care about interests, and they don't care about our lives at all. ."

"I asked people to inquire, and now they are busy meeting to study, whether the Green Goblin can be mass-produced, it is best to use it in the army."

"So I don't have time to pay attention to it for the time being."

It can be seen that Daniel is full of disdain for the Federation of Stars and Stripes, and even has some hatred between his words.

It's not surprising that Richard, although he doesn't know the story, is nothing more than a poor person who hates because of the government's inaction.

There are too many people like this in the world. Although democracy and freedom are advocated nowadays, the freedom of the lower class is only the freedom that the upper class wants to see. In fact, the democracy and freedom of the Stars and Stripes Federation are just a joke from beginning to end. .

Knowing all the information he wanted to know, Richard directly told Daniel to drive home.

This order made Daniel stunned for a moment, and he was ready to follow Richard to see the so-called Green Goblin.

But now it seems that things are not quite what he imagined.

Although he was a little puzzled, Daniel naturally would not disobey Richard's order.

The car stopped at the door of the house smoothly, Richard got out of the car, waved at Daniel, and walked directly into the house.

After saying hello to Vanessa, Richard returned to his room and stood by the window watching Daniel who was driving away. Richard's eyes gradually became deeper.

About the Green Goblin, Richard had more ideas. At that time, the death toll revealed by Daniel in the car suddenly made Richard realize one thing, blackening Spider-Man, does not have to wait for a special Opportunities, even if there are no opportunities, you can create opportunities yourself!

Therefore, this time Richard not only intends to kill the Green Goblin, but also intends to completely guide Spider-Man to blacken.

Naturally, Richard wouldn't tell Daniel all this, and he didn't want him to know, so he asked Daniel to send him home.

Richard was an ordinary person in his last life, and he didn't know much about the so-called superior thinking, but Richard knew one thing very well, that is, never put all your cards on the surface.

And don't let a person know you too well.

This has nothing to do with whether a person is loyal to you, but the superior must maintain a certain mystery in order to better drive others.

So for whatever reason, this time Richard intends to play by himself.

Just after Richard made his decision, the system's icy electronics and sound suddenly sounded.

"Mission: The Darkening of Superheroes"

"The first stage: Kill the Green Goblin, replace the Green Goblin, and guide Spider-Man to blacken!"

"Explanation: A guy with a dual personality will only hinder you from completing the task, so kill him first!"

"Reward: One Draw"

Seeing the mission suddenly announced by the system, Richard raised his brows slightly. This mission was exactly what he wanted.

After having dinner at home, accompanying Kim and watching TV with Vanessa, Richard returned to his room.

Lying on the bed, Richard's eyes closed, and he instantly lost consciousness.

At the same time, his soul broke away from the body and drilled directly out of the body.

Glancing at the body lying quietly on the bed, Richard of the soul body rose directly into the sky, left the room, and rushed towards the bustling Manton!

Controlling the two major legions of the Sombra Corps, Richard gained not only the control of the Sombra Corps, but the Sombra Corps was constantly feeding Richard back, constantly improving Richard's overall Quality!

Although there is no earth-shaking general change brought about by a sudden increase, it is better than a long stream of water, and it is very stable.

Therefore, Richard is not only physically stronger than before, his thinking ability and logical ability have also reached a very good level.

Through the original plot, combined with the information given by Daniel, Richard can easily infer where the Green Goblin and Spider-Man are now!

Manton, somewhere upscale, this is where Harry Osborn lives.

When Richard came here, he saw at a glance that the little spider, who had just fought the Green Goblin, was hanging outside the windowsill.

Also saw Harry Osborn and Mary Jane in the room!

Watching this triangular drama, Richard slowly showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, and came directly to Little Spider's side.

Spider-Man naturally couldn't see Richard's existence.

But when a black shadow ninja emerged from his side, Spider-Man was instantly shocked!

[Ask for evaluation votes, let him break through 5,000. Ask for flowers, and it will break 30,000 immediately. To force to force, cattle batch cattle batch! ].

Chapter 28 You can't even save yourself (3 more for collection)

Without any hesitation, at the moment when the black shadow ninja appeared

A thread of spider silk shot out directly from his wrist and directly bombarded the body of the Sombra Ninja.

Suddenly, the black shadow ninja turned into a black light and disappeared on the spot!

After solving this black shadow ninja, before Spider-Man could breathe a sigh of relief, it was still the same place, the same posture, and another black shadow ninja appeared in front of him!

Suddenly, the heart that Spider-Man had just put down was lifted up again!

The spider silk spewed out from the wrist in an instant, and the second ninja turned into a black light again!

And this time, almost at the moment when the figure of the second Sombra shattered, the third Sombra emerged from the same place again!

It looks like the second ninja has been resurrected!

Suddenly, the face under Spider-Man's mask instantly became extremely ugly!

At the same time, his body also retreated slightly at this moment, watching the Sombra Ninja vigilantly, but he did not make another move.

"Who are you!"

Some suspicious voices came from Spider-Man's mouth, and Richard, who was floating aside, saw that the time had come, he floated forward and merged into Sombra Ninja's body.

Controlling the body of the Sombra Ninja, a hoarse voice came out slowly.

"Can't you see it? I am you!"

As soon as these words came out, Spider-Man's suspicious and angry voice suddenly sounded.

"Watt? What are you kidding me, you think I'll believe your nonsense?"

Hearing this, Richard, who was controlling Sombra Ninja, immediately touched the corner of his mouth and revealed a smile!

This kind of smile is displayed on the face of Sombra Ninja, full of evil meaning!

"If I'm not you, why am I here?"

"If I'm not you, then why do I know your name is Peter Parker!"

Richard flickered word by word, and Peter Parker's body trembled with it!

The face shrouded under the mask at this moment has been covered by an emotion called panic!

Richard revealed his identity at once, which made him a little restless!

"Damn! You panic, you must have no idea where you got it, you are not me!"

With an angry roar, Peter Parker's voice suddenly alerted Harry Osborn and Mary Jane in the room!

"Who is outside, come out for me!"

Harry shouted loudly and stepped closer to the windowsill.

After hearing Harry's voice, Peter Parker was completely panicked, and immediately jumped, jumping directly from the high building!

The spider silk on the wrist continued to spit, and left the place rippling!

Seeing this, Richard's soul body detached from Sombra Ninja's body, with a smile on his face, he quickly followed Peter Parker.

As for the shadow ninja, it instantly merged into the wall and returned to the shadow kingdom!

So when Harley came to the window sill, she didn't find anyone at all, she couldn't help but look back at Mary Jane and shrugged!

On the other side, Peter dashed all the way, passing through high-rise buildings, and finally appeared on a bench in Central Park!

It was already midnight, so the entire Central Park was silent and no one was there.

Standing on the bench, Peter looked around and shouted loudly, "Come out!"

"Aren't you me? Come out with the ability!"

In addition to being afraid of being discovered by Harry, the reason why Peter ran so fast was also to verify the truth of Richard's words.

And Richard, who had been following him all the time, listened to his cry, and a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

A black shadow ninja rose directly from the ground in front of Peter, and Richard's hoarse voice also slowly sounded, "Are you calling me?"

As soon as these words came out, Peter, who was still yelling just now, seemed to have been immobilized, and the whole person was stunned.

If Peter completely scoffed at Richard's words before, now he suddenly believes a little.

Otherwise, why did he appear as soon as he called him?

Pulling off the hood, Peter panted and looked at the ninja who was possessed by Richard, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes in addition to puzzlement.

Just when he was about to ask, Richard didn't give him a chance to speak, but chose to take the lead: "I can't believe you are me?"

"There is a lot of power in the air, but watching the person you love most fall into the arms of others, what a humble and pitiful creature."

Richard said in a playful tone, coupled with the hoarse voice of the shadow ninja, Richard's words were like a sharp arrow, hitting Peter's heart directly!

Peter, who had finally calmed down, became angry again when he heard this, "Shut up!"

As he said that, a spider silk popped out, and the shadow ninja that Richard was in once again turned into a black light.

Richard naturally doesn't care about this. The Shadow Legion is immortal and endless. Even if Peter is killed for a hundred years, it will not be less than half.

Therefore, another black shadow ninja was immediately replaced.

"Yo, I'm so embarrassed, did I tell you the central thing? Look at you, you are a hero when you put on a mask, and a poor dog when you take it off. What are you insisting on?"

Richard continued to stir Peter's nerves, and at this moment Peter's face was completely occupied by anger!

"What do you know? Uncle said that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. If you don't understand, stop talking nonsense here!"

As soon as these words came out, the Sombra Ninja controlled by Richard suddenly let out a burst of sneer, and the laughter seemed unscrupulous, and it spread extremely far in the air!

"If I remember correctly, he should have died because of you. Do you think you're too embarrassed to say that?"

"You are not the savior of the world, you can't save the world, you can't even save yourself, what can you do to save others, hahahaha!"

If what he said just now only made Peter angry, then these words now completely tore open the deepest wound in Peter's heart, making him completely stunned by anger.

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