"Shut up! Ah!"

Roaring, Peter's body jumped, and he punched the Sombra who was possessed by Richard, and the Sombra immediately burst open!

Seeing this, Richard, who was floating in the same place, raised a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and snapped his fingers lightly.

Suddenly ten and one hundred ninjas appeared directly around Peter, and under Richard's control, he said at the same time: "I said, I am you, and I represent the most real thoughts in your heart, you are now Doing all this will not make you stronger, it will only make you look like a poor, irrational person."

The hoarse voice kept echoing in the central park. Peter, who lost his mind, kept destroying the black shadow ninja, but under Richard's control, the number of black shadow ninja not only did not decrease, but increased!

[Old buddies, kneel and beg for an evaluation ticket! flowers! The reward is just what it means, 100 points is enough, there is no need to spend extra money! ].

Chapter 29 You shouldn't live so humble (4 more for collection)

Let Peter vent for a while, and the entire Central Park is now in a mess.

Seeing that not only did not decrease, but there were more and more ninjas, Peter finally stopped doing it, and instead sat on the ground, his face full of confusion.

At this moment, he seemed to think of the moment of his uncle's death again, and pain and entanglement were constantly intertwined on his face.

And the many black shadow ninjas surrounding Peter began to disappear at this moment, and in the end there was only one left.

Controlling the remaining ninjas, Richard slowly came to Peter's side, patted his head, and said with a hint of bewitchment.

"There are many ways to be a hero, and you can even change your real life while being a hero."

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. This sentence is not wrong, but when you take responsibility for strangers, you should first take the responsibility of taking care of your relatives."

"Aunt May is so old, do you still have the heart to watch her work hard for life?"

"And Mary Jane, don't you want a better life?"

"So you can't even save your own life, what's the point of what you're doing now?"

"Follow the call of your heart, follow my guidance, and do everything you want. You, who have great power, shouldn't live so humble!"

Richard's words seemed to have some kind of magic power, and they kept pouring into Peter's ears. Peter's original red spider clothes, at this moment, whether it was an illusion or because of the dark night, there was a faint trace of darkness!

Seeing this scene, Richard smiled reassuringly.

He didn't need Peter to embrace the darkness so quickly and completely change his previous position, because that was simply not realistic.

He just had to plant a dark seed in Peter's heart and wait for him to take root.

And the current scene proves that the seed has been planted, and he just needs to wait quietly for his growth.

But now, the heat is not enough, Richard must add another fire, so that this dark seed can be completely born.

Looking at Peter who was still lost, Richard shook his head pretending to be disappointed and looked at Peter with pitiful eyes.

"You really are still useless. You said so much, but you didn't respond."

"If that's the case, then I'll tell you a piece of news for free. Do you know who the Green Goblin is? It's Harry Osborn's father!"

"Outside the window just now, while we were talking, Norman Osborn was standing outside the door."

"So he already knows who you are, what do you think he will do? Poor Aunt May, God bless him!"

When the words fell, Peter suddenly raised his head!

A pair of eyes quickly turned red, and the figure jumped suddenly and quickly disappeared in mid-air.

The whole process didn't even have time to say hello to Richard, let alone whether what Richard said was true or not.

Seeing Peter's disappearing figure, Richard got out of the shadow ninja with a smile that everything was expected.

Now that his show time is over, it's Spider-Man and the Green Goblin's turn.

What he said just now was also true, and when he and Peter were talking outside the window, Norman Osborn was indeed standing at the door!

For ordinary people, it is difficult to hear the movement inside the door clearly through a door, let alone the movement above the window sill at a height of tens of meters!

But Norman, who was injected with human boosters, was different. Not only did he get physical enhancements, but his senses were also greatly developed.

Therefore, it is not difficult to hear Richard's conversation with Peter.

Even Richard was deliberately calling out Peter's identity at the time.

As for how he discovered Norman, it was naturally because of the powerful soul power.

Richard, who is free from the shackles of his body, has far more sensitive senses than usual. Even a super-powerful human-enhanced man like Norman cannot hide from Richard's induction.

In a neighborhood that looks old, a car slowly stopped at the door of a house.

Inside the door was an elderly woman, wearing reading glasses, sitting on needlework and other tasks.

Just then the car door was opened, Norman carried a box of cakes, walked slowly towards the house, and rang the doorbell.

"Peter, are you back?"

May Parker's kind voice sounded, and at the same time, she was a little old, but her body was still strong, and she slowly stood up and walked towards the door.

Soon, Mei came to the door, opened the door, and Norman's figure came into her eyes.

Looking at this unfamiliar face, Mei's eyes slowly revealed a trace of doubt, and subconsciously raised her head and asked, "Who are you?"

Seeing this, Norman also showed a smile on his face, looking graceful, like a gentleman.

"I'm Harry's father, Norman Osborn."

"He and Peter are good friends. Their young people have an appointment to play together today. I happened to be sitting there for a while. I heard that you are at home alone, so I came to visit."

Listening to Norman's words, Mei's face suddenly showed a look of sudden realization.

"I heard Peter mention Harry, his best friend."

"I was supposed to visit you, but I didn't expect to trouble you to come over in person. Come in and sit."

While talking, May greeted Norman to enter the door, looking very enthusiastic.

At this moment, Norman raised his watch and looked at the time, with a hint of apology on his face: "I'm really sorry, I came in a hurry, so I brought you a cake, or the group still has some business to deal with, So I won't stay any longer and will visit again next time."

As he spoke, Norman handed over the cake in his hand. Mei looked at this scene and felt a little embarrassed, so she wanted to wave her hand to refuse.

But Norman insisted again and again, and in the end May could only accept the cake and watch Norman leave.

But she didn't see that the moment Norman turned around, the gentleman's smile disappeared, and a cruel smile appeared instead.

With the brightness in his eyes, the whole person looks full of evil.

Without stopping too much, Norman quickly got into the car and drove away from the place.

And just before Norman left, Peter, who tried his best to get back, suddenly pushed the door and entered.

Mei, who had just returned to the living room, heard the movement at the door, and immediately turned her head to look at Peter, who was panting at the door.

A kind and gentle smile appeared on Mei's face.

"Peter, why are you running so fast?"

Mei's voice fell slowly, and Peter, who broke into the door, immediately set his eyes on Mei. Seeing that Mei was not surprised, Peter breathed a sigh of relief.

But he still asked one more question uneasy, "Has anyone been to the house before?"

[Sorry, it's late again. There are many things at home. Well, one more chapter, coming soon. Ask for flowers and evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, everything! ].

Chapter 30 This Silly Child Can't Be Saved

Hearing this, May Parker suddenly remembered Norman's visit just now, and immediately smiled: "Your good friend Harry's father came here just now, he is really a gentleman, not only took the initiative to visit, but also sent When the cake comes, put it in the living room."

May Parker, speaking with a smile, complimented Norman.

And the moment Peter heard this, his whole body suddenly seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was cold!

At the same time, Peter's perception of danger is also beating rapidly in his mind at this moment, constantly reminding him, danger, run away!

At the moment, Peter's face changed completely, and without saying a word, he directly hugged May Parker by the waist, and rushed out the door!

And just as he set off, the cake placed on the table in the living room, at this moment, a timer inside has also reset to zero.


The scorching flames exploded, completely detonating the liquid bomb, and sparks soared into the sky, engulfing the entire house.

A strong wave of air slammed into Peter's body, causing Peter to fly straight out.

However, thanks to his own strength, Peter quickly adjusted his balance in mid-air and finally landed safely.

It's just that the house behind them has been completely swallowed by a group of flames!

Looking at this scene, the expression on May Parker's face suddenly froze, and two lines of turbid tears slowly flowed out of his eyes.

This house is not only her only place to live, but also her memories of the past few decades.

But now, all is gone!

The sound of the explosion spread all over the street, and for a while, the surrounding neighbors poked their heads out of the window, watching the raging fire rising into the sky, and many people exclaimed in surprise!

Those with good deeds quickly took out their mobile phones to take pictures and shared them on the Internet, while those with sympathy helped to call the fire alarm.

But no one came down to check the situation and asked if I needed help.

For a while, the fire was burning, illuminating everyone's cheeks, and also illuminating the world.

In the air, Richard looked at this scene with his hands in his arms, with a calm expression on his face, without revealing the consciousness that Peter's identity brought him a crisis!

In fact, even if Richard didn't count him, Peter himself would have been exposed, and even nearly killed May Parker.

Although the house is destroyed now, of course at least no one is okay, thanks to Richard.

So Richard naturally won't feel any guilt, not to mention that he is the underground prince of New York City, the son of the criminals in the mouth of those superheroes, and he is naturally in the hostile camp!

Richard wasn't brainless enough to sympathize with his enemies.

Don't see that Richard is trying to blacken Peter now, but as long as Peter doesn't become his own one day, Peter will be his own enemy one day.

Therefore, whether Peter is dead or alive depends on his next choice, whether to embrace the darkness or struggle in the light.

Not staying here any longer, leaving two ninjas to monitor Peter, Richard left this place directly and flew towards his home.

As for the task of the Green Goblin, Richard was not in a hurry. He wanted to use the Green Goblin to break through Peter's bottom line of defense.

Although the Green Goblin is a villain, he is also Peter's friend and Harry's father!

Therefore, it is more appropriate for him to be the first step for Peter to break through the bottom line.

The soul returned to the body, and although he drifted outside all night, Richard did not feel too tired.

I recalled my actions tonight, summed up what I did inappropriately, and improved it next time.

After finishing, Richard fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, in the early morning, the sun was just right and the breeze was not dry. Richard, who came to the classroom, took the initiative to say hello to Monica.

And Monica's mood today seems very calm, although her mood is still not high, but it is no longer as sad as yesterday.

After all, no matter how precocious you are, you are still a child, and a child's emotions always come and go.

At noon, Richard took the initiative to tell her a few jokes, and a smile appeared on her little face again.

After this incident, Richard clearly felt that Monica was a little more reliant on him, and even had a soft spot for his embrace.

After class, he burrowed into Richard's arms, like a kitten.

And the most shameful thing is that Richard actually had such an impulse towards the little girl's film!

After all, although the little girl has not yet grown, her delicate face is enough to kill the nine-by-nine woman in this world.

Fortunately, at critical moments, Richard kept reminding himself in his heart.

Three years to start, the highest death penalty, this did not cause any embarrassing situation!

In this way, the "feeling" between the two little brats can be said to be heating up rapidly, of course, mainly because Monica is rising. As for Richard's affection for Monica, it is only a little bit higher than before. .

The peaceful day passed like this, and when night fell, Richard slipped out of his body again.

There is a big show to be staged tonight, Spider-Man PK Green Goblin live-action version, this is the news Richard got from Sombra, so as an "important character", Richard will also appear!

After all, this big play can be considered to be planned by him. Although it is just a push, it can be regarded as a participation.

According to the relationship between himself and Sombra, Richard quickly found where Peter was.

Because the house was burnt down, he and May Parker had to stay in a hotel temporarily.

Although the home is insured, if you want to rebuild it, you don't know how long it will take.

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