When Richard arrived, Peter was already in his gear.

This time, he is no longer the guardian of the city, but an avenger!

He wants justice for himself and justice for May Parker, using his own strength!

Before leaving, Peter paused slightly, then turned to look at the surrounding air and said, "Aunt Mei, thank you."

After speaking, the whole person jumped out from the window sill.

And when Richard, who was next to him, heard this, he had to shake his head and sigh.

"This child is stupid and can't be saved."

The speed is not slow at the moment, and quickly followed.

Manton, a wealthy area, in an independent mansion, Norman was sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine, tasting it carefully.

With a decent suit and neatly groomed hair, Norman now looks like a gentleman, an aristocrat, but not a villain.

Richard's intervention, although it did not change the general plot, did change some details after all.

At least this time, Norman did not threaten Peter with Mary Jane.

[The evaluation ticket is still a bit unmoved. It's all free, everyone push me! And flowers, cast hard. Thanks! I'll just have another chapter tomorrow morning, at least write it down, or I'll be in a slow state tomorrow~ Good night! ].

Chapter 31 Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin Live Edition (1 more for collection)

Peter's figure descended into the single-family villa, and with the spider's super perception, Peter quickly locked onto the figure in the living room.

Through the outer garden, came to the living room.

Norman shook the red wine glass lightly and looked at Peter Parker who appeared at the door, with an elegant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hi Peter, you're finally here."

Hearing this, Peter stopped, looked around for a while, and finally landed on Norman.

"You knew I was coming?"

Hearing this, Norman shrugged, "I don't know, but even if you don't come today, I will find a way to get you out."

"There can only be one **** in a city, and that **** can only be me."

"Your existence violates my authority, so you must accept sanctions."

"But for the sake of you being Harry's friend, I'll give you a second choice."

"Join me and rule this city!"

"Trust me, as long as we join forces, the entire New York City will become ours!"

Norman spoke in a arrogant tone, and the elegant smile on his face was now replaced by a frenzy.

He seemed to see the scene of ruling the entire New York City in the future, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became crazy!

When Peter heard this, he immediately cursed, "Mad!"

And Richard, who was floating aside, rolled his eyes at this moment, and was a little speechless about the arrogance of the Green Goblin!

In exchange for the original Norman, he would never say such mindless words. Anyone with a little knowledge knows how deep the water in New York is.

Let alone one Green Goblin, even if there are ten more, don't even think about controlling New York City.

But the Green Goblin, the second personality in Norman's body, obviously didn't think so.

With a crazy smile on his face, his eyes full of cruel eyes, he stared at Peter closely.

"Have you thought about it? Do you want to join hands with me? Believe me, that feeling of dominating the lives of countless people will definitely make you happy."

Hearing this, Peter refused without saying a word, "You lunatic, your idea will never succeed, and today I will make you pay the price!"

The moment he spoke, Peter also moved at this moment!

A powerful force burst out from his body in an instant, and the floor paved with marble burst open on the spot with Peter's explosion!

Peter increased his speed to the extreme, flashing the flame of vengeance in his eyes, and rushed towards Norman.

Looking at this scene, a cold light appeared in Norman's eyes, and suddenly a pumpkin bomb was thrown directly from his hand and met Peter.

Seeing this scene, Peter, who launched the attack, had to change his route, and quickly dodged to the side!

The next second, the pumpkin bomb exploded with a bang, and the entire villa was suddenly shocked!

The terrifying shock wave rushed all around, the layout in the living room was completely destroyed, and there were terrifying cracks on the walls on all sides!

At the same time, a large amount of dust filled the entire villa, obscuring the sight.

The figure sprang out of the dust, and Peter came to the place where Norman stood just now, but at this moment Norman had disappeared, and even if Peter used his super perception, he could not perceive his existence!

For a time, Peter looked around vigilantly, his muscles tense, ready to fight at any time!

On the second floor of the villa, Richard had a premonition that the battle was about to start, so he left the battlefield and came here for the first time.

It is condescending and you can have a panoramic view of everything below. It is definitely a good place to watch a play.

He folded his hands on his chest and looked down at Peter, who became vigilant because of the loss of Norman.

There was a smile on the corner of Richard's mouth, and he said softly, "Behind!"

As soon as the words fell, a loud noise suddenly came from behind Peter, which instantly confirmed Richard's words.

Norman, who had already put on the Green Goblin armor, broke through the wall and punched Peter!

It was accompanied by Norman's arrogant laughter.

"If you give up my kindness, then you can only die!"


Norman's punch hit Peter firmly!

His fist strength weighs nine tons, which is definitely a terrifying value.

As an ordinary person, under this punch, he would definitely be beaten into meat sauce in an instant. Even Peter, who had endured nine tons of force, was instantly traumatized.

If it wasn't for his extremely quick reaction, the spider webs quickly ejected, and the distance between him and Norman was widened, then his end would definitely be extremely miserable!

Looking at Norman vigilantly, Peter's figure was constantly beating in the villa. At this moment, he was like a wandering assassin, looking for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow!

Likewise, his hands were not idle, and the spider silks spewed out one after another, roaring towards Norman, trying to restrain Norman's movements with the spider silk.

But Norman's reaction speed was no worse than his, so the spider silks failed one after another, which suddenly made Peter's heart a little anxious!

Richard, who was watching the battle, couldn't help shaking his head slightly when watching this scene. Peter's strength was good, but there was obviously room for growth.

In particular, the experience of fighting with extraordinary people is seriously insufficient, and even his own mentality cannot be controlled, so more training is needed.

He made comments silently in his heart, but Richard looked at it with relish.

The live version of Spider-Man vs. Green Goblin is definitely more enjoyable than the so-called special effects!

In particular, the physical quality of both sides has reached a level that ordinary people cannot achieve in their entire lives, so whether it is the reaction speed or the effect of the battle, people are excited to watch!

At this moment, the entire independent villa has become a little shaky under the impact of the aftermath of the battle between the two.

The roar of battle, also because of the continuous battle between the two, sounded in the night sky.

If it weren't for Norman's villa being a detached villa, the battle between the two would have already attracted the attention of others.

However, if the battle cannot be ended quickly, it is almost doomed to be noticed by others, because the movement of their fight is too great.

The figures of the two were constantly colliding in the hall of the villa. If another ordinary person were here, their eyes would not be able to keep up with the speed of the two, and they could only see a green figure and a red figure.

The terrifying aftermath when the two collided, caused more and more damage, and finally, with a screeching sound, the entire single-family villa collapsed!


The villa collapsed, as if the sky collapsed, and a huge shock wave roared directly towards Peter and Norman. When they sensed this scene, the expressions of the two changed at the same time, and Peter's figure quickly rushed outside the villa. !

And the Green Goblin's feet also had a skateboard at this moment, and quickly rushed out of the villa!

boom! boom! boom!

In the last second, the two of them just left, and the next second the villa completely collapsed!

[Please ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for rewards, ask for monthly tickets... ask the sky to give you all the hairy grandpas! ].

Chapter 32 The ruthless slaughter of the claw shadow (2 more for collection)

The villa collapsed suddenly, causing a huge movement. Almost the entire wealthy area heard this thunderous roar!

Immediately, many people went out to check, and happened to see the figure of the Green Goblin passing over their heads, and Spider-Man followed closely behind!

Both Peter and Norman ignored the people watching the fun and fought directly in the air. Suddenly, the battle scene escalated instantly, and the surrounding buildings were also damaged in a large area!

But all of this, Richard doesn't have time to pay attention to it at the moment, right now, he is busy hunting for treasure!

Beneath the ruins of Norman's villa was a large private laboratory. Although the villa on the surface was damaged, the laboratory had a higher security level and was not affected.

Therefore, when the villa collapsed, Richard did not rush out like Norman and Peter, but went directly to the ground!

Right now, as soul states, Richard and Peter are equivalent to two different dimensional spaces. No matter how much movement Peter and the others make, it will not affect Richard.

And for obstacles such as walls, Richard can also pass directly, so without much effort, Richard entered the private laboratory belonging to Norman!

Although it is a private laboratory, there are not many things in the laboratory, and various scientific materials are also placed.

More importantly, Richard found what he wanted in the laboratory.

The formula of the human body enhancer, the design drawing of the flying skateboard, the research and development drawing of the Green Goblin armor!

Needless to say, the effect of the human body enhancer, if the side effects can be eliminated, a large number of powerful superhumans can definitely be created!

But in the same way, it is precisely because of the power of the human body enhancer that it is definitely not a simple matter to eliminate side effects. Richard is not too worried about this. The group of researchers who happened to be detained by him previously specialized in super research. serum!

Human body enhancers and super serums both belong to strengthening the human body, and there must be something in common between the two, so just leave this matter to them!

As for the Green Goblin armor, it is completely a high-tech armor. He does not have the powerful firepower of Iron Man, so he does not need to consume a lot of energy.

Even an ordinary person can wear it, with good attack and defense.

It is precisely because of this that the Green Goblin armor has the possibility of copying, and it can be regarded as the top individual soldier equipment in the world, and it is also a rare good thing.

The last flying skateboard, of these three things, Richard's favorite is it.

It can carry people to fly in the air, the speed reaches 500km per hour, it can carry a weight of less than one ton, the front end can extend the blade, and it carries twelve rounds of miniature air-to-ground missiles, 5,000 rounds of miniature machine guns and ammunition, as well as lighting equipment and Fire-breathing equipment.

Even when necessary, the hidden self-destruction program of the skateboard can be activated to kill the enemy!

Therefore, compared to the Green Goblin armor and the human body enhancer with side effects, the flying skateboard is more valuable and more perfect in Richard's view!

Richard was very satisfied with this wave of gains. He summoned several ninjas to take away all these materials, including all kinds of scientific research materials in the laboratory. Richard did not mean to give up at all. Take away!

Suddenly, the entire laboratory was completely looted by Richard.

When he finally left, Richard controlled a black shadow ninja and activated a pumpkin bomb found in the laboratory.

Suddenly accompanied by a huge explosion, the entire laboratory was completely turned into ruins.

After doing all this, Richard followed Peter away. At this stage, it is time for the drama to end!

The Buffalo Bridge, the longest bridge in New York City, is 4,360 feet long!

But now this bridge has completely turned into a decisive battle between Peter and Norman.

The two people who have been fighting one after another have already fought a real fire, and now they have reached the level of immortality. Therefore, when Richard came here, the battle between the two also reached the most intense time!

A burst of fire burned on the Bafilo Bridge, and the bridge surface became even more potholes.

Part of it was due to the aftermath of the two-man battle, but more was due to the Norman firing missiles!

At this time, Norman's various means have basically been exhausted, so he can only choose to fight with Peter!

The fight between the two of them made them look very embarrassed, and Peter's body was covered with scars. There were not only traces of smoke and fire, but also **** scenes.

This shows how tragic the battle between the two is!

Richard, who came here, didn't look at it again this time. When things got to this point, the value of Norman had basically been squeezed out, and Richard naturally didn't bother to waste any more time.

The figure of the claw shadow appeared on the periphery of the battle between the two, and in the blink of an eye, Norman and Peter in the battle found that the two of them were surrounded by the shadow of the claw!

The sharp claws on both hands flashed coldly in the moonlight, and the blood-red murderous eyes made the hearts of the two feel a little cool.

The eyes of the two people staggered in mid-air, and the figures that were originally entangled, quickly separated, and looked around vigilantly!

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