"Old doctor, will you hurry up? My brother has already woken up, and you are still dawdling, what should I do? You must take a good look at my brother in the past."


"He is such a young child who has suffered such a great pain, and he has been groggy with fever for many days. Our family is very worried. Now that he finally woke up, you have to hurry up."

The woman's footsteps sounded very light, and the heavy footsteps behind should be the old doctor.


"You little girl, I'm really speechless. It's okay for a little person like you to go so fast, but how can I be compared with you as an old bone."

"You're about to break me down, let me go."

"This has already arrived at your door. Let me take a breath and show your brother again, otherwise I won't be able to see it when I'm breathing."

"And your brother has already woken up, so there's no big deal. Just treat that kid as a treasure in your family. If you change it to another family."

"What can happen to such an old child, he has already been able to go out and be naughty with you all alive and well." Yu.

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty-Eight Strange (For Subscription)

Several people in the room had already heard the conversation between these two people, and at this time the crying woman had already greeted them.

"Old doctor, you must not have the same knowledge as this little girl. He is also worried about his younger brother. You also know that our son has not been in good health since he was a child."

"It's been a lot better under your careful care. It's not like this "eight-five-three" thing happened again. Just think about us, how can we not worry about it."

"What's more, you also know this kid, but the baby in our family usually treasures him very much, not to mention that he is sick now, do you think we girls feel more distressed for his brother? ."

The old doctor knew about the situation in Gao Gang's family, but for the old doctor, a family like them had Gao Gang as a child.

The conditions at home are getting better day by day. Originally, for a family like them, it was considered the last in this Tianshan village.

After all, there is no boy in the family, and all the girls were born before. Thinking about them, a family in the village is called a dead family.

It's just that since the birth of this kid, the conditions in the family are getting better day by day, and these people in the whole family don't seem to know it at all.

Tired and working hard every day, even those little girls who can walk will follow their sisters at home, and we will go up the mountain to work together.

"I said that Gao Xia is her mother, and I really admire your family. In the past, everyone in the family was so poor, but you were also very energetic."

"Since I got this kid, I often go to get medicine in my family, but your family is getting better and better every day. This is really strange."

"And in the past, these children in your family were like children in other families, very naive, but since this kid was born."

"These girls in your family have also become very obedient and obedient. This is really strange. Can you tell me how these children in your family are educated?"

As the old doctor walked into the house, he chatted with the woman in front of them about these things in their house......

"The old doctor sees what you said, isn't this the fact that there is a rush after having kids in the family? In the past, there was some neglect of discipline for these girls."

"But after thinking about it, if these girls in our family are not well-bred, what will this kid in the family do in the future?"

"So when there is no other way, we are also doing our best to teach these girls, so that they can also understand some worldly feelings."

"You can also give your brother a good head on 5.1. You think what I said is right, not to mention that you also know that our family Gao Dashan is a very capable man."

"Since having a son, Gao Dashan has also been in a very good mood, so he doesn't feel hard doing anything, and you can see that he is like an old scalper all year round, and he never knows what it's like to rest." .

Chapter Five Hundred and Twenty Eighth Diagnosis (Subscription)

The old doctor lifted the curtain and walked in, seeing Gao Gang staying in Gao Dashan's arms.

And the third senior saw that the old doctor had come in, he put Gao Gang on the kang again and said to him.

"Son, lie down here for a while, and ask your mother to cook you something delicious after the old doctor shows you."

"You haven't eaten well for several days. You must be starving. Otherwise, you can let your elder sister cook it. You love to eat your elder sister's cooking."

At this time, 26 Gao Xia hurriedly asked Gao Gang after hearing what her father said.

"What do you want to eat, little brother? Big sister will cook it for you now."

Gao Gang shook his head numbly. He had been lying down for so long without feeling hungry at all.

The old doctor had already reached the edge of Gao Gang's kang at this time. After sitting on the kang with his legs raised, he stretched out his hand and touched Gao Gang's forehead. He felt that Gao Gang was not having a fever, so he nodded involuntarily, and then touched Gao Gang's pulse.

A large family of Gao's family was there quietly waiting for the old doctor.

"How is Xiao Liuzi feeling now? Does your throat hurt? Does this body feel any discomfort, and are you dizzy?"

Gao Gang glanced at the old doctor in front of him. Shaking his head said.

"My throat doesn't hurt, I don't get dizzy, I just feel a little stiff, and I'm not hungry."

The old doctor stretched out his hand to look at Gao Gang's eyes again and said with a smile.

"Little Sixth Son, you will be blessed if you don't die. Judging from your pulse, you are completely healed, and you have been in a constant fever and coma for the past few days."

"Have you been able to slowly remember a little bit of the past? I think you should be able to recover quickly, and you have eaten something completely in this situation."

"It's just that your body is a little stiff because you've been lying down for a long time. If you want to go down to the ground to rest, you need someone at home to accompany you. Otherwise, if you don't get down to the ground for the first time, you will feel a little dizzy."

"But this is a normal phenomenon. After all, you have suffered a head injury. And the human brain is very delicate, so there are no sequelae left."

"It's still necessary to take a good look and observe it for a while. If there is any more headache, come to me in time."

Gao Gang felt that what the old doctor said was the same as not saying it, and his current body is very clear, and now he has no problem at all.

Although Gao Gang knew his physical condition, he still nodded very obediently.

The old 237 doctor saw that Gao Gang had no problem now, so he turned around and walked out.

Gao Dashan looked at the old doctor, and when he was about to walk to the door, he said to his daughter-in-law.

"My child hurried to get some copper coins for the old doctor, but you must not let the old doctor leave like this."

After listening to Gao Dashan's words, Liu Caifeng hurried in and took out 5 copper plates from her pocket and handed them to the old doctor.

"Old doctor, thank you very much. This child in our family is also not in good health, but every time you come here so quickly. We are also grateful.".

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty Consolation (For Subscription)

After sending the old doctor away, Liu Caifeng returned to the house and saw that all the people in the house, big and small, were surrounded by Gao Gang, and he squeezed in and said to Gao Gang.

"Son, how do you feel about your body? Just now, the old doctor said that you have nothing to do. Can you think of some things from the past now? Don't worry."

"It doesn't matter if you can't remember it. You are only such an old child, and the things you have experienced before are more or less at home. There is no problem at all."

"If you can't remember anything in the future, these people in the family can help you, so don't think about it too much. As long as you are healthy, these people in the family will be very happy. already."

Gao Gang could understand that Liu Caifeng was giving himself a relief pill, and if Gao Gang really didn't understand this woman's good intentions at this time, she would have lived such a long life in vain.

"It's alright, mother, I have been able to think of some things off and on, and I don't think a family like ours should think so much anymore."

"What's more, I don't have anything to do now, so you don't have to worry about me. What's more, I'm living well now, so you can rest assured."

Liu Caifeng felt that after her son fell ill this time, he seemed to be a little different from the previous Gao Gang, and it was basically impossible to ignore him if he asked a question by himself.

And now that his son has been able to talk to him so much, it really makes him feel very excited.

"Son, you said you were fine, why did you have to go to the river? You must know that after you went to the river, why did you accidentally fall into the river?"

"If it wasn't for Tie Zhu who saved you, we might not have seen you now. The next time my son is to be careful, we can't go to the river."

After Gao Gang heard what Gao Dashan said, he was stunned. After all, he was not the real Gao Gang, and this time he was there to save people, not because he was naughty and fell into the river. .

"Dad, who did you listen to? I fell into the river just for fun."

Gao Dashan was stunned by his son's words, and comforted his son.

"¨ˇ Gao Gang said this from Tie Zhuliang. He said that you are fine and want to go for a walk around the river in your spare time. At the same time, you have to let Tie Zhu accompany you. But Tie Zhu is not willing. "

"You threatened him that he would no longer be friends with Tie Zhu, so Tie Zhu went to the river with you when he had no choice, and after you accidentally fell into the river, it was Tie Zhu who killed you. rescued."

Gao Gang really felt that this was the most shameless family that Gao Gang had ever seen. He had obviously saved their children (Wang Nuo's), but when he turned back, he even beat him.

They turned themselves into the playful person, and their child turned out to be a hero who saved lives.

Just when Gao was about to speak, he heard the voice of his third sister.

"Father, why are your ears so soft? Do you believe anything that Mother Tie Zhu says? Don't you know what our children are like?".

Chapter 531 Reversing Black and White (For Subscription)

"With his weak appearance, how could he save my little brother, and even though I wasn't there that day."

"But later, I heard that it was Tie Zhu. That kid had to go to the river to catch shrimp, and accidentally fell into it. My little brother just went in to save him."

"In the end Tie Zhu was rescued by my younger brother, but my younger brother hit a stone in the river and was knocked unconscious."

"And the younger brother was rescued by a passing man. This Tie Zhuliang just doesn't want to take responsibility, that's what he told you."

Gao Dashan didn't believe what his daughter said, but he also knew what kind of temperament his daughter was.

And his daughter would never lie to 097 himself, so he turned his head to look at Gao Gang and asked.

"Gao Gang, what your third sister said is true. It's true. Did you save Tie Zhu or Tie Zhu saved you? We have to figure out such things."

"If Tie Zhu saved you, then our family has to get some good things to see that kid. After all, they saved your life."

"If you really saved their children, then we have nothing to say, but we can't let him spread the word everywhere, as if our family owes them a lot."

Gao Gang listened to what his father said, and secretly admired his father in his heart. He could see that a family like them was not so illiterate.

At the same time, it is not so rambunctious. Such a result makes Gao Gang feel particularly comfortable in his heart, and Gao Gang feels that such a family of origin is his lifetime responsibility for him.

At the same time, since he has come here and has become the son of their family, he is obliged to replace this body and live well.

Moreover, Gao Gang was also like that little boy, promising that he would help his family get rid of poverty and become rich, and at the same time, he wanted to marry off his sisters beautifully.

"Father, that's probably what the third sister (cgac) said, and my third sister didn't say anything. If it's too much, I originally stayed at home by myself. I had nothing to do and wanted to go out for a walk."

"When I turned to the river, I saw Tie Zhu and Dabao, Xiaobao, and Goudan. Their children were playing there. They wanted to go into the river to catch those shrimps."

"It's just that Tie Zhu didn't step on the stone under his feet all of a sudden, he fell into the river like this, and the other children scattered in a hurry, and there was no one to rescue Tie Zhu at all."

"I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went to Tie Zhu's side, and slowly wanted to save it, but Tie Zhu was suddenly scared, so he kept fluttering in the water."

"It took me a lot of effort to get it out of the water, but it thumped me in the water and slammed my head into the water in one fell swoop. on that rock."

"As for who saved me later, I don't know, but I can know that the person who saved me should be a tall man, and his body smells of a cold fragrance.".

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Second Confirmation (Subscribe)

Chapter 9 Evidence

Gao Gang briefly restored the events of that day and looked at these people in his home, Gao Gang lowered his head in shame.

After all, it's really not easy for my elder sister and parents to raise me, and my health is not very good since I was a child.

The body just got better, but all of a sudden, because of such a thing, the original owner really died in the past, so Gao Gang took this opportunity to enter this body.

Gao Dashan really didn't expect that Tie Zhuniang would lie to him like this, and he still foolishly believed what he said-.

You know, I still feel a lot of guilt for the Tie Zhu family. After all, in his heart, he still believed what Tie Zhuniang said.

Gao Dashan is a man who can't rub sand in his eyes. And these things today really made him feel particularly embarrassed. Originally, his son was a little hero who saved people.

But in the end, he turned into a very ignorant child in the mouth of that woman. How could Gao Dashan, who treats Gao Gang as his beloved baby, endure it?

Gao Dashan got off the kang and put Gao Ganger on the quilt, and then he slowly descended to the ground and said to his daughter-in-law.

"You take good care of our son at home, I'll go out."

Liu Caifeng and Gao Dashan have been married for so many years, how could he not know Gao Dashan's temper and disposition? Now he saw Gao Dashan like this.

He knew that his boss would definitely go to the woman Tie Zhuniang to settle accounts, but think about a man like Gao Dashan.

How could he deal with a rogue like Tie Zhuniang, not to mention a top-notch like Tie Zhuniang, who can even bite a three-point salute when he doesn't care.

Now if the head of the family wants to go to him to settle accounts, he will turn him into a fraudulent amount of money.

Liu Caifeng stepped forward and grabbed Gao Dashan's hand, pulled him onto the kang, sat down, and said to him.

"Master, you must never go to that woman. You must know that in our village, that woman is very powerful, and that woman is not an ordinary person."


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