"You have to know that a man like you, who is big and three rough, how can you reason with him, he is simply an unreasonable woman, and you don't want to think that the men in their own family have been submissive to him. ."


"Do you think he can reason with you when a man like you talks to him? And a man like you."

"You can't beat women. I think we women should do it. You must stop."

Gao Gang didn't expect that his father wanted to vent his anger, and he wanted to find the woman Tie Zhuniang and talk about it, but what his mother said was also very reasonable.

What's more, her father is a man of five big and three rough, and he can't speak to the woman Tie Zhuniang, and if he doesn't get it right, he will be deceived by that woman.

At that time, his father really couldn't make sense. .

Chapter 533 Heroes do not suffer immediate losses (for subscription)

"Father, sit there honestly. I think what my mother said is very reasonable. Although we suffered a secret loss this time, I tell you that Tie Zhu may not be able to get better."

"And he's been in the water longer than me. I've been so uncomfortable, and at the same time, I have had a high fever for such a long time. Do you think a family like him will really try their best to treat him? ?"

"Nine Forty Zero"

"And the family of Tie Zhu's family, if you think about it, he is not the only child, and their family has not yet been separated. They are still Tie Zhu's family. Grandma counts."

"Just think about how a family like them can manage the life and death of Tie Zhu? So we don't have to do anything, just wait and see. It won't take two days for their family to have an accident."

Gao Dashan sat on the kang and listened to his son's analysis of these things. He also felt that if he really went this time, he would definitely not get any benefits.

And if he was deceived by that woman, then his family would definitely give out some money to compensate the Tie Zhu family.

Although it is very difficult for Gao Dashan to earn money to support these 6 children by himself, and Gao Gang is still a sick bun who takes medicine all the year round.

But in the past few years, as Gao Gang's illness became less and less severe, their family was able to save some money more or less. He just asked Gao Dashan to take out the money to compensate the Tie Zhu family.

He still has 100 reluctances in his heart. If he really loses money, he might as well use the money to buy more delicious food and some meat for his dear son.

"Gao Gang, I know you've been smart since you were a child, and I also know that you know Tie Zhu and his family very well, so let's sit here and wait to watch their family's good show, so that's fine."

"It's just that next time you must not play with that kid Tie Zhu. Last time, you got sick because of playing with him."

"This time it's because of him again. How can you think your parents can just let it go, so starting tomorrow, as long as you can go out to play, try not to go to Tie Zhu, okay?"

Gao Gang nodded... At this time, Gao Gang's stomach suddenly growled a few times, and he looked at his parents and sister at home with embarrassment.

At this time, Gao Gang's eldest sister, Gao Xia, just happened to walk in with a casserole.

"Gao Gang, do you think the eldest sister can really count? Now the eldest sister knows that you are hungry. It just so happens that the eldest sister has cooked some porridge for you. Your stomach is relatively delicate now."

"I haven't had a good meal for several days. It's time to drink some porridge to warm my stomach. We'll make something delicious for you to celebrate in the evening."

Gao Gang knew that his eldest sister and the sisters in the family treated 4.5 himself very well, and the conditions in the family were not very good.

But these sisters in the family, as long as they have a little delicious food, they will bring them back to eat for themselves, and it has been more than 10 years.

Although Gao Gang was so favored by these people in the family, it didn't make him a arrogant boy, and it didn't make him a mighty person. .

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Fourth Unity Family (Subscribe)

Gao Gang likes such a family education atmosphere, and he can understand those people who look down on his family.

After all, living in such a rural area, if there is really no strong boy in the family, he will be called a householder, and Gao Gang has been very bad since he was born.

Therefore, his parents and sisters are also very fond of him. After all, after listening to gossip for so many years, they finally hoped for a boy. Think about how they could not consider this boy. ?

"In the eldest sister's house, you are sincere and kind to me. Look at the other sisters who are patronizing and chatting with me here, and they have not asked me whether I am hungry or not, or my eldest sister distressed me. "

Gao Xia knew that her younger brother was joking with him, and he could also clearly know that her younger brother treated every sister very well.

Although it is said that he is the little brother in the family, and also the only boy in the family, and he and several sisters also have a lot of pampering to him.

But Gao Xia could clearly see her younger brother, and she didn't let him teach herself because of her coddling, and her younger brother treated all her sisters very well for so long.

There had never been a situation like other people in the village, which made Gao Xia feel extremely fortunate.

"Gao Gang, do you dare to say this again. Is the eldest sister the only one in the family? And those of us who are sisters are not good to you at all, right?"

"Then from now on, remember what you said by yourself. You must never ask our sisters, and we will no longer be on good terms with you from now on."

Gao Gang's third sister is a little pepper, and she is also the one who treats her younger brother the best, no matter what good things she has for fun, or where she gets a penny or two.

He would also quietly bring them home to his younger brother, but today he had a thought of teasing him after hearing what his younger brother said.

Gao Gang's current age is not the 10-year-old child they looked at on the surface, and the current Gao Gang also possesses the wisdom of an adult.

At the same time, there are many things in his body that are impossible to exist at this age and era. unique knowledge.

It's just that Gao Gang now knows that he can't fully apply this knowledge. After all, he suddenly learned so many things.

It is impossible for anyone to believe, and if this knowledge is really used for 383, think about it, you will turn them into monsters and kill them like monsters.

"Third sister, looking at what you said, we are all brothers and sisters, and when you treat your brother on weekdays, how can I not know what kind of attitude I have."

"What I said just now is just to make fun of my sister at home. I never thought you would really take it seriously."

"Third sister, you must not take these words as true. And we are a family that loves each other, so you can't get angry just because of a few words."

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-fifth I Urge the Big Sister to Let Go (Subscribe)

Gao Ping saw that his younger brother Gao Gang was already at a loss, and he laughed and giggled out there.

At this time, Gao Gang's eldest sister reached out and patted Gao Ping's body, scolding with a smile.

"Just you dead hoof, when the teacher teases Gao Gang on weekdays, you don't even think about how big a young man you are. In a few years, you will be able to marry a wife and have children."

"You still tease him like this, you don't even want to see what kind of face your brother is, and how thin his face is, it really **** him off for a while, let's see what the parents will do Pack you up."

"In normal times, you're better. This time my younger brother is sick, so you're going to suffer. Don't worry, the eldest sister will definitely seek justice for the younger brother for this matter today."

"And Tie Zhujia has only one child, Tie Zhu, and there are still many children in their family? Since their family distorts the facts like this, then we should settle the account with him properly."

Gao Xiang said that the movements in his hands did not stop. He took a bowl and filled Gao Gang with a bowl of very thick millet porridge, then brought it to Gao Gang's kang, and then took a pickle plate from the side.

"Brother, hurry up and eat something. You haven't eaten seriously for several days. Although it is said that when you are in a coma, your family can feed you some food."

"But those who eat are all liquid food, which is very different from today's millet porridge, and the most important thing is that you are awake now."

"There are many things that my sisters will set up a stage for you, and then let you sing on your own. You must know that since Tie Zhu dares to treat our family like this, then what can't our family say no to him? What can be done?"

Gao Gang looked at the bowl of millet porridge served to him by his eldest sister, but it was really thick, and there was already a thin layer of oil on it.

This is the most essential part of the whole bowl of millet porridge. But in this day and age, people have no such awareness at all, and in many homes, they even throw away the thin layer of essence on it.

"Sister, don't worry, nothing will happen to me, and this time, I also want to teach Tie Zhu a lesson, so that he will walk around me when he sees me from now on."

"¨ˇ As for the specific calculations or applications, I hope my sisters in the family can help me come up with ideas."

"As for what to do, don't I still have a younger brother at home? I'm a boy, and I can't always hide under the wings of my sisters."

"They will humiliate me even more when I go out, so Tie Zhu's sister should let me do it myself."

The Gao family was stunned when they heard what Gao Gang said.

Moreover, Gao Gang was really not such a temper before, but after he fell into the water, he suddenly changed, and many people in the family felt very relieved.

"Okay, little brother, as long as you have anything, you can discuss it with your family, but let the sisters help you with the issue of remuneration.".

Chapter Five Hundred and Thirty-Six Sisters Support You (Subscribe)

Gao Gang knew that these sisters in the family were very distressed for him, and they were never impatient with all their demands.

And today's incident, for these sisters in the family, they also feel particularly useless, after all, their younger brother is treated like this.

This is an insult to their Gao family and a provocation to Gao Jia's sisters. Although there is only one boy in the Gao family, Gao Gang.

But the elder sister in the family is also very fierce. Although the daughters in her family are all like this, for Gao Dashan, this is what she really wants to see.

And in the family, only his eldest daughter may be more gentle, and the rest of the daughters are little peppers that can't be messed with.

220 "Sisters, I know that you are sincere for me, but it is better for me to do this by myself, otherwise people outside will say that I rely on my sisters to live every day. ."

"I didn't want them to talk about me like that, not to mention that this kind of thing was obviously a consequence of Tie Zhu's own carelessness. Why do you have to let me take the blame for him?"

"And for our family, Tie Zhu seems to be our family's benefactor. Think about it, if he really (cgdd) did this, the sisters would also be grateful to him."

"So we have to explain this matter well, otherwise, people in the village will think that our Gao family is ungrateful."

"And I think that such a thing should also be made clear to them, and we must ask them to make compensation when necessary."

Gao Ping felt that what his younger brother said was also very reasonable. Usually, when there were many in their family, they would swallow their voices, even though the girls in the family were all small peppers.

But in the whole village, the parents are still very honest and honest people, and in a family like theirs, if their sisters are not as powerful, think about them.

They all know very well how their family will be bullied by these people in this cannibalistic village.

"You are very right about this, little brother. Our family can't take this secret loss. If we quietly eat this loss like this, think about how that stinky boy Tie Zhu will treat him. Where is our house?"

"He will definitely think that our family are all stupid people, and he will also think that our family can simply be bullied by him, so my sister supports you in this matter."

"If you need anything, my sister will definitely help you. Although I said just now, I thought it would be better for me to do it myself, but now it seems that you should be able to take on some responsibilities in the family."

"After all, you are the only boy in our family, and in this case, if you don't come out, think about what these people in the village will say."

"Although we are not afraid of what he will say or say, but you will have a foothold in this village in the future, so you should gradually spread your fame, and those people will not dare to look down on you easily.".

Chapter five hundred and thirty seventh come to the door (for subscription)

Gao Gang felt that the third sister was really too angry with him, and he also felt that what the third sister said was also very correct.

If this matter can't be solved well by yourself, then think about how these people in the village will treat you, not to mention that you were only weaker in the past.

He didn't play with the children in the village at all. This time, it was clearly Tie Zhu's problem, but in the end he was the one who was rescued.

And what kind of person Tie Zhuniang is, all of them are well aware of it, and that woman will come to their family for some benefits because of this matter.

Therefore, Gao Gang felt that he should arrange this matter earlier, otherwise, with the help of a top-notch woman like Tie Zhuniang, he could do anything.

The sisters were talking in the room when they heard a loud noise from outside.

Liu Caixia slipped out of the door and walked out, and when she went out, she saw Tie Zhuniang pulling Tie Zhu, and the two were shouting loudly at the door.

"As for the folks, hurry up and take a look. Such a family really has a black conscience. No wonder they have such a kid after five or six girls in a row."

"And this kid has been sick all the year round. This is the retribution of their family. Our children play well by the river. That stinky boy in their family is black and he will drown our children. "

"Can't we just faint our children? They have to give me an explanation today. If not, I have to ask the village chief to talk to me."

"If it doesn't work out, I have to ask the village chief or Li Zhenglai to drive their whole family out of Tianshan Village. It's very dangerous for people like this to stay in our village."

"This time it's a disaster. Next time in our family, we don't know whose child will suffer. This is our child."

"With God's blessing, nothing happened. I'll see whose child will be able to play with him next time."

While talking, Tie Zhuniang slapped the door of Gao Gang's house vigorously, and she wanted to break the door.


Gao Gang and the sisters in the family really felt speechless. They were talking about the Tie Zhu family just now, but now I really didn't expect things to happen so quickly.

They haven't thought of a solution yet, and they have already threatened the door of the house. This really makes the few peppers in the house unable to bear it.


Gao Gang jumped from the kang to the ground at once, then opened the door curtain and walked into the courtyard.

Gao Gang walked to the door quickly, and opened the door of his house with all his strength. At this time, he saw Tie Zhuniang suddenly fell into the yard.

Gao Gang looked at the surrounding folks who were watching the fun, and he really felt very helpless. After all, in a small mountain village like this, there was no gossip on weekdays.

This finally happened, these women and men in the village, how could they let go of such a good opportunity for no reason? three.

Chapter 538: Pretending to be Wronged (For Subscription)

"Tie Zhuniang is a person who needs to talk about conscience. You are crying and shouting in front of my house right now. Don't you think your conscience will hurt?"

"As for why the iron pillar of your house fell into the water, don't you know? And why is my brain still in a dizzy state? What's going on? Don't you know? "

"If you feel this kind of thing, and you can't clearly say "210" at my door, then we will go to the county government office, or find the village chief or Lizheng."

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