Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 411: Murphysto

"Did you die?"

"Is it still blocking the attack?"

Mephisto rode the bone dragon, and at the moment of the explosion, he rose to the sky, away from the location of the explosion. When he was away, he found that the space blockade suddenly disappeared. See 1 wool 3 Chinese network

Let him not look at the location of the explosion from the eyes of the imprisoned, and wonder if Jiangyuan has died.

That is, when he is so concerned, the next second, his pupil is shrinking.

Because he saw Jiangyuan’s depression from the location of the explosion step by step, and walked out, completely ignoring the blazing flame of the explosion.

Even if Mephisto knew that Jiangyuan must have copied the power of the evil spirit knight, he must have mastered the hellfire, but when he saw such a situation, he could not help but shake his head.

Because he looked closely, he found that Jiang Yuan was not just as simple as coming out, and the flames did not hurt him at all.

Even his defenses are not broken.

To know the flame that he attacked is not only the hellfire, but the integration of other forces in it, the power is quite terrible.

Even other gods, if they are hit by such an attack, will inevitably die inside.

However, Jiang Yuan was a hard-witted attack and came out.

How is this not terrible.

"You are very good."

After Jiang Yuan came out, he said to Mephisto that he had not fought for so long.

This shot by Mephisto is really strong in terms of power.

It is a pity that he is not only physically strong, but his mental power is now quite terrible, and there are other magical powers. Such an attack has no effect on him.

Although not to mention it is absolutely impossible to threaten him.

But it is really impossible to let him die inside or be hit hard.

At the moment of attacking the explosion, he condensed a shovel to protect himself, and while protecting himself, the magnetic barrier and the power of mind merged to form a shield, resisting one layer at a time, so that the attack could not be broken. Open the defense.

"Your strength is really quite powerful. With your strength, as long as you know the position of the apocalypse star, you must be able to kill the evil spirits!" Murphysto said excitedly to Jiang Yuan, the eyes are obvious The heat is flashing.

"But your strength is really too weak. If you only have such strength, you are not qualified to cooperate with me." Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at Mephisto.

"Nature will make you satisfied." Murphysto said with dignity, saying that the bone dragon suddenly disappeared at the foot. When the bone dragon disappeared, the surrounding screaming into the horrible magical force, exuding endless death, incomparable Evil, even when this power is distributed, there is a space portal. When the space portal appears, a steady stream of underworld emerges from the space portal and then shrouds the body of Mephisto.

Under these circumstances, I saw that Mephisto's body suddenly became bigger.

Turned into a hundred giants.

When he became a giant of Baizhang, the breath of his body was also crazy and skyrocketing. It seemed extremely fierce and bloodthirsty. People only felt that when he saw him, he could not help but be afraid of it.

This is the posture of the **** devil.

This situation in Mephisto is a veritable **** demon.

When his power broke out, he saw his body shape, a huge sickle appeared in his hand, while the sickle appeared, while Mephistope waved a sickle and attacked Jiangyuan.

The horrible knife light spewed out from the sickle. After the knife spurted out, it instantly turned into a hundred feet. This sword was extremely sharp and evil. When it first appeared, it cut the space and let it cut. A lot of space turbulence broke out from it.


Mephisto violently drank, waving with both hands, this moment is like death, although he is not a **** of death, but the power displayed at this time is even more terrible than the **** of death.




Jiang Yuan’s face showed a touch of excitement, and he screamed in his mouth: “It’s good.” Then he punched and attacked Mephisto’s attack, hitting hundreds of punches and colliding with the knife. Gushing earth-shattering power, destroying everything, destroying everything, letting the sun and the moon have no light, letting the stars explode and let the sky sway.

Under such a shot, the knives bombarded by Mephisto was smashed, and after the annihilation of these knives, Jiang Yuan was physically moved and killed to Mephisto. Go up, two hand-handed waves, dozens of punches, and suddenly the shadows of the sky.

".々Give me out!"

Murphysto violently drank, waving his sickle with both hands, kept squatting, and the knife light appeared one after another, and then continued to compete with Jiang Yuan’s attack.




The two men shuttled through the universe like electric light, and their attacks kept hitting together.

Although Jiangyuan is only a pair of flesh fists, there is no weapon, but it is to force Mephisto's attack to keep on countering, and to stop the battle of Mephisto, and not only to destroy these attacks. He said that he also attacked the body of Mephisto, and that his fist fell on Mephisto’s body and flew out Mephisto.

Even if Mephisto keeps swaying the sword of death, but it is still not an absolute defense against Jiangyuan.

Jiangyuan is too fast and the attack is too fierce.

However, although Mephisto was shot, (Nuo Nuo Zhao) but was shot and flew out, he quickly continued to kill Jiangyuan.

This time, Mephisto is full of combat power, and it is obvious that he proves his worth to Jiangyuan.

His attack power is incomparably violent, powerful, and evil.

Five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour.

Half an hour passed.

When half an hour passed, Jiang Yuan stopped to continue to work. When he stopped and continued to work, he saw that Mephisto was lying in the sky of the universe, and his mouth was constantly spraying blood. His face was pale as paper.

There was a lot of cracks in the body.

The clothes are also ruined, and it seems that there are many wolverines.

"Very good, your strength is finally let me have recognition." Jiang Yuan said with a smile to Mephisto.

"..." Murphysto smiled. .

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