Marvel Super Extraction

Chapter 412: Large number of plane coordinates

Originally left in hell, the power of Mephisto will drop sharply with the passage of time. Under normal circumstances, he will never fight on the earth for a long time. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网


In order to gain recognition from Jiangyuan, it was a long time to fight, and it was really a means of putting pressure on the bottom of the box.

In addition...

The display of power is nothing, the most important thing is that he was beaten very badly for half an hour of fighting.

Nowadays, this body is almost always wanted to be blown up.

If it wasn't for his resilience, he would have collapsed.

But even so, it is now on the verge of collapse.

"If this is the case, then can we cooperate?" Murphysto smiled and said to Jiang Yuan.

"Well, barely." Jiang Yuandao.

"That is a pleasant cooperation." Murphysto stretched out.

Jiang Yuan also arbitrarily stretched out, and then started to copy and copy the gene of Mofesto.

Then he took back his hand.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back to **** to recover. This injury will take some time to recover." Murphysto smiled bitterly.

"First tell me some of the coordinates of the universe you know." Jiang Yuandao.

"Oh." Mephisto responded, and quickly told some of the space coordinates he knew to Jiang Yuan.

After getting these cosmic coordinates, Jiang Yuan nodded and followed again: "How can you go to other worlds?"

"Faith, and contract! I am one of the devils of hell. There are many people who believe in the power of demons and like to trade with demons.

Some of the items they took out were able to summon my projections directly to the past. "Muffystow Road.

"Just like this? Can't you break the universe?" Jiang Yuandao.

"After knowing the coordinates of the universe, as long as the power is enough, you can break the space and shuttle the plane." Murphysto.

"So, I know, let's go." Jiang Yuan glimmered, followed by the recycling screen and returned to Mephisto.

Mephisto is also not angry, but the thoughts move, the space portal appears at the foot, and then enters the space portal.

The next second space portal disappeared.

"Nine-five-seven, the coordinates of these space portals that Murphysto said, have you recorded them?" After Murphysto left, Jiang Yuan secretly said to 9527.

"Already recorded." answered the answer on September 25th.

"Then you show me, are these spatial coordinates true?" Jiang Yuan followed.

"It is true." 9:527.

"What do you think about the last thing that Mephisto said? After he said that he is strong, he can naturally carry out the plane." Jiang Yuan shimmered.

"Returning to the host, under normal circumstances, it is true. But this kind of shuttle requires a strong flesh. Otherwise, in the process of shuttle, it is easy to be smashed into pieces by the space. In addition, this shuttle only Suitable for fixed-point shuttle, if you want to shuttle randomly, it is easy to get things." Nine-five and twenty-seven.

"Yes." Jiang Yuan smiled, and some were undecided.

"Since this is true, that is to say, in theory, I don't rely on Qin Gelei now, but I can also go directly to the dc plane." Jiang Yuan continued.

"It's not just in theory. The host is now very strong in strength. Even if it is forced to shuttle the universe, there will be no problem at all."

"Well, I know." Jiang Yuandao, and then smiled and said again: "If there is such a thing in the future, it is best to tell me in advance that I have previously prepared to fight the evil spirits in order to be able to shuttle the plane." The idea, for a long time, actually I can already shuttle alone."

"Yes host!" 9:527.

When I saw it, Jiang Yuan was not blaming anything on 925. In fact, he also understood that 9527 was a shuttle plane that wanted him to be insured.

After stopping the conversation with 9:527, Jiang Yuan began to pay attention to the coordinates of the planes that Mephisto just said: "Nine-five-seven, you know the world behind these plane coordinates, in the end What kind of world?"

····Seeking flowers··········

"Returning to the host is not very clear, but according to the power of the coordinates, there are more than a dozen cosmic planes, all of which are the last world planes. Among those planes, there are many zombies and mutant beasts.

In addition, there are superheroes.

It is a parallel world of the Marvel universe.

In addition to this, there is also a plane, the host has a certain interest. "9:527.

"What is the plane?" Jiang Yuandao.

"Harry Potter World!" 9:527.


"Harry Potter?"

"Yes, the world of Harry Potter! After I spy on the power, I felt the presence of Harry Potter, the son of the plane of the world, from that world. In addition, I also found that the world is the main thing of Mephisto. The world of trading." Nine-five and twenty-seven.

"This really made me a little interested, but it was just a little interesting. Magic, what is good, but in my current situation, I don't need magic, and I really want to learn magic, we are now The world of Marvel can be studied, whether it is Marvel, or the dc world itself has the existence of magic." Jiang Yuandao.

"But in the world, there is a dragon, the host does not want to get a dragon to raise it?" 9:527.

"Dragon? Hehe, the Western magic dragon is gone, it can only be regarded as a big lizard. What do you like? The world I want to go to now is to see if I can come back to my world.

In addition, I am either interested in some of the more powerful worlds, like Dragon Ball, and I am quite interested. Jiangyuan Road.

"That's sorry, there is no such coordinate in the coordinates of the planes provided by Mephisto."

"No, no, no matter what, these planes can also let me brush the bio-energy." Jiang Yuandao.

"Yeah!" 9:527. .

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