Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Turtle immortal was slammed

When he heard the turtle fairy, Jiang Yuan stunned and then directly silenced.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s appearance, Guixian people thought that Jiang Yuan’s heart had a small calculation for Sun Wukong, and then directly exhaled his own breath.

At this time, Jiang Yuan felt that there was a strong atmosphere beside him. When this breath appeared, Jiang Yuan found that he could not move.

At the same time, Jiang Yuan still felt a strong breath on his head, and there was still a bit of screaming on his body.

After a while, Jiangyuan couldn’t help it, and immediately said to 9527.

"Nine-five-seven, I can not use your energy now." Jiang Yuan asked.

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, I answered the answer in September 25th.

"According to the truth, it is not "four or six seven", but if you use the previous biological energy, you can still use my power, but maybe it is not good for you, maybe you can let the heavens pay attention to you, you are not afraid "It is said in September 5th.

Jiang Yuan heard that he had been silent for a while. During this period of time, Jiang Yuan once again used his own strength to break away from the shackles of the turtles, but in the end there was no way. Finally, Jiang Yuan said with a grin.

"Mother's never been so arrogant, now immediately, give me your energy, I want to break through! I don't want this feeling." After Jiang Yuan still screamed.

The rumor of the September 5th whispered a sentence as you wish. I heard it later.

"The host chooses to use bio-energy and release the power of the spirit! But because the host's biological energy is not enough to pay at this time, so choose to use the bio-energy of the Marvel world, whether the host chooses to start now!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yuan really couldn't help but feel suppressed. He shouted loudly.

"Mother's use for me, I want to break through!"

Just after Jiangyuan had just finished speaking, a huge red light appeared in the sky at this time, and this red light just appeared immediately on Jiangyuan’s body. At this time, Jiangyuan was in this red light. Slowly floating in the sky, just as it rose to the middle of the sky, Jiangyuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, and then saw a red light shining from Jiangyuan's eyes!

With the appearance of red light, a force like the sea emerged, and immediately broke through the shackles of the turtle immortal. At this time, Jiangyuan directly smashed out.

Just when Jiangyuan inspires his own strength, many people in the vicinity of the turtle fairy island, on the earth, and in the Milky Way, feel the vast power. At this time, they thought it was a peerless power, even There are still many people who have been sweating because of this huge force.

Then I saw a lot of people directly shut down the passage of their courtyard, for fear that this powerful person would find their own troubles. At the end of the day, the entire galaxy has been completely feared by the power of Jiangyuan.

"Hanging, Jiangyuan's body has changed, only to see Jiangyuan's clothes directly broken, and the muscles have become very inflated!

On the ground, before the turtles who suppressed Jiangyuan felt the change of Jiangyuan, they immediately shed cold sweat on their heads! Feeling the fear of Jiang Yuan, the turtle fairy really can't figure it out.

In the past, Jiang Yuan’s body had the atmosphere of a practitioner, but it was only beyond the ordinary people, or the room beginners, but the current strength is too horrible, and it’s not the turtle’s ability to compete. If you know that your unintentional actions will cause such a great disaster, the turtle fairy will definitely choose to be silent.

But now Art Scene has no way to recover, only to see the turtle immortal immediately motivated his own strength, only to see the body of the turtle immortal, the muscles also broke out, and broke the clothes of the turtle fairy.

The turtle who was still very thin before, at this time, is like a bodybuilder, a scorpion meat. Quite extraordinary,

However, even if the turtle fairy uses all its own strength, it is not enough to counter the suppression of Jiangyuan. At this time, the turtle fairy even feels that it is under the suppression of Jiangyuan, just like an ant, it will be trampled at any time!

Jiang Yuan, who floated in the air, slowly recovered his mind. Although Jiang Yuan had just borrowed power from 9252, Jiang Yuan himself was still sensible, which means that this force can actually It is the power of Jiangyuan....

After replying, Jiangyuan sneered and looked at the turtle immortal who was shaking on the ground. Then he flew down and fluttered down.

After falling to the ground, Jiangyuan slowly walked toward the turtle fairy.

However, although Jiang Yuan seems to have nothing to use, but in fact, Jiang Yuan did not take a step to spread his breath more powerful, and infinite paper suppressed the turtle immortal.

As Jiangyuan approached step by step, the turtle immortal felt that his pressure was getting bigger and bigger. At the end, the turtle fairy had even the urge to kneel on the ground.

However, for his own dignity, he only saw the turtle fairy biting his teeth and directly biting his tongue. Then he discovered that the turtle fairy had a clearer mind.

Jiang Yuan has just kept observing the actions of the turtle fairy, and of course saw the movement of the turtle fairy. He saw that the turtle fairy would bite his tongue. The head exchanged for a little bit. Jiang Yuan nodded with satisfaction. And then full of recycling their own breath.

When Jiangyuan just returned to his own breath, the turtle fairy felt that the pressure had decreased a lot. At the end, he finally felt his existence, but looking at Jiangyuan, who came a little bit, the eyes of the turtle fairy were still Full of fear.

"How, just do you think that you are very powerful 2.3 can hold me down, look at your appearance and even the room wants to find me trouble, but you did not expect it, my strength is not so simple on the surface, In front of me, you are like an ant, I can pinch you anytime, anywhere!" Jiang Yuan still sneered.

The turtle fairy knew that Jiangyuan’s words were true, but if the turtles were admitted, the turtles couldn’t do it. Finally, the turtles said.

"I admit that I was underestimating you before. I didn't think that your strength is so strong, but don't think that you can suppress me like this." After the turtles are still struggling.

However, the turtles were constantly struggling, and Jiangyuan’s suppression still existed. In the end, the turtles were really incapable, and they could only stand in the same place and wait for Jiang’s trial. .

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