Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 11: Marvel's ability

Looking at the sorcerer's shaking turtle, Jiangyuan once again sneered, and then directly stretched out the left hand, only to see the left hand extension of Jiangyuan), the body of the turtle fairy was uncontrollable. It floated up. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

"Just you are not looking for trouble with me, now give you a chance, you are coming, how to compare my current strength, do you feel that you are particularly weak and need me to give you an explanation?" Asked.

The turtle fairy feels the strength of Jiangyuan and speaks directly.

"I admit that your strength is very strong, but don't think that you can control me like this. You said that you followed Sun Wukong in their room. If you want to ignore them, even if you fight my life, I also I have to fight with you. "That said, the eyes of the Turtles are shining again.

Jiang Yuan heard that the turtle fairy had misunderstood himself, and Jiang Yuan then released his hand and said with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this. It seems that you are misunderstood. I am completely unmotivated to you. In fact, I feel that they have a good relationship with them, so they escorted them over, and I actually want to learn 13 with you. Way! So you completely misunderstood me." Jiang Yuan explained.

In fact, Jiangyuan completely wants to take the gene of the turtle fairy now, but because Jiangyuan is still afraid of his three chances to get the gene, Jiangyuan has no way to get in touch with the turtle. Can only be explained.

After hearing Jiang Yuan’s explanation, the turtle fairy was silent for a while, and then took a look at Jiang Yuan’s eyes. At this time, the turtle fairy found that Jiang Yuan’s eyes were full of sincerity and believed.

"The original room is like this, I think more, my old man apologizes to you, but because I really felt a bit suspicious at the beginning, for their safety, so I can only be cautious." turtle The immortal answered.

Jiang Yuan smiled and then took a look at the shoulder of the turtle fairy.

"Well, you don't think too much. Do you think that you need to figure out what you want with my strength? Or do you think that something can attract me? The only thing that attracts me is the way you use it." Said.

In fact, Jiang Yuan also lied, because Jiangyuan’s real purpose is actually to absorb the genes of the turtle fairy, but because in the world of Marvel, Jiang Yuan absorbed the genes of several of them, and those people can still retain their own strength. So this way is actually no loss for the turtle fairy and others.

The turtle fairy nodded and then bowed his head.

Jiang Yuan smiled and didn't speak. Then he was ready to take back the strength of 9252. But at this time, Jiang Yuan suddenly heard the nervous cry of 9252.

"It's not good. Our behavior has already caught the attention of the laws of this world. Now I have felt that he has to deal with us. What should I do?" said nervously at 9:527.

Although the strength is very strong, he is only a kind of spirit. What he really can control is Jiang Yuan himself. At this time, he encountered such a thing. He was nervous and died at 9253. He did not know what to do.

When Jiang Yuan heard that he was noticed by the laws of the world, he was also nervous because he knew that if he did not do anything now, he would probably be suppressed by the laws of the world.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan bowed his head.

Standing on the side of the turtle immortal, watching the sudden silence of Jiangyuan, the heart has raised doubts, but when thinking of the strength of Jiangyuan, the turtle immortal is still standing still in place.

After a while, Jiangyuan, who was contemplative, felt a strong atmosphere gathered on his head. At this time, Jiangyuan knew that if he did not make any moves, he would be finished.

Then I heard Jiang Yuan’s eyes twisted and whispered. Mom is light and fights.

After saying Jiang Yuan shouted loudly, and let the turtle immortal retreat to a safe distance, and directly flew into the sky, prepare their own area to resist the suppression of the world law.

Just as Jiangyuan slowly flew into the sky, Jiangyuan could clearly feel the pressure of the world's laws. At the end of the river, even a little bit of sweat was left on the forehead.

But this time, 9:527 said again.

"Fortunately, this time it was not the real body of the world law, but a rule of hiss, so we can still cope with it, okay, but we must be cautious, otherwise it is really difficult." It was silent in September 5, and helped Jiang Yuan to find a solution.

However, the laws of the world did not give Jiangyuan and others a chance to hesitate. They only saw the moment when they reached the top of Jiangyuan. Then they immediately went to Jiangyuan.

The power of the law of the world is in fact very similar to the power of the heavenly kingdom, because both of them use thunder and lightning to punish them against the existence of their own will.

At this point, I saw a huge lightning appeared in front of the world law. With the emergence of this lightning, the power in the sky increased again, and Jiang Yuan, a colleague, felt the real pressure.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan’s teeth, and immediately inspired the red light. At this time, Jiang Yuan was wrapped in a red light, and the whole room was completely red and viscous. I can't see Jiang Yuan's figure.

At this time, the lightning in the sky seemed to feel the change of Jiangyuan. It was directly a lightning bolt to Jiangyuan. Only the sound of the rumble was heard. The lightning immediately wrapped up Jiangyuan, and around Jiangyuan’s body. The red sticky fog was also weakened by the lightning attack, and in the end I was able to see the source of it.

Even at this time, the power of lightning has not diminished much, and it is still a constant attack on this source.

Feeling the power of lightning, Jiangyuan was anxious to die, and at this time anxious.

"Nine-five-seven, can I use the ability of the previous Marvel world, or is it a little bit capable?" Jiang Yuan asked.

After the silence was heard for a while in the September 5th, the surprise was said.

"That's great. I just felt it. Maybe because of your constant cultivation of Sun Wukong's nameless practice, your ability seal has a little crack. It is reasonable to say that there is a huge creature." If you support it, maybe you can really use the previous ability, but this is just a possibility! And there is a price!"

Jiang Yuan heard the excitement of dying, then thought of the word cost, and asked directly. .

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