Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 23: Turtle immortal

Jiang Yuan, who is returning to the center of the island, feels the change behind him, smiles inexplicably, and then continues to return to the original road.

At this time, Jiang Yuan felt the change in his body while walking. This feeling, Jiang Yuan can clearly feel that the energy of the qigong before the turtle in his body has completely disappeared at this time. I saw that a more powerful gas directly absorbed it and merged it together.

At this time, Jiangyuan suddenly made a strange gesture, and then collected the gas in his body and gathered it on his finger. Then he saw a small finger on Jiangyuan’s finger. aperture! And this aperture just appeared, the surrounding air was distorted!

At this time, Jiang Yuan is experimenting with how strong the gas in his body is. Then I saw Jiangyuan's eyes condensed, and I checked with empty hands. Then I saw a white light shining from Jiangyuan's fingers to a boulder in front!

And just as this gas hit the boulder, a tiny hole was shot in the middle of the boulder! After the hole was pierced, the attack was not stopped, and the 407 continued to attack to the front and finally to the end, even leaving an eight-meter-deep hole on the ground to stop completely.

After seeing this attack intensity, Jiang Yuan was shocked to die because he couldn’t think of it at all. His power at this time was so powerful and even surpassed his own thoughts!

"Sure enough, it is the world of martial arts! The use of gas is really useful. It's not bad. I can only have the ability to protect myself!" Jiang Yuan smiled and looked at his finger.

"If I use the ability of Super Saiyan, and then activate this attack, the attack will be even stronger!" Jiang Yuan thought. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

However, Jiangyuan still did not have the ability to use Super Saiyan, but continued to return! At the end of the day, Jiang Yuan returned to his room, and the people around him didn't notice the changes, and they continued to rest.

By the early morning of the next day, Jiang Yuan woke up.

It may be because yesterday used too much capacity, that is, it was restored by the 9252, but the consumption of Jiangyuan is still very large. At this time, Jiangyuan suddenly fell asleep at noon. At this time, Jiang Yuan, Sun Wukong and the dry forest were all practicing.

But when Jiangyuan woke up, I knew that the turtles at this time were still digesting the energy of last night. It was impossible to come back and bring them to practice, so Jiangyuan leisurely went out.

And when he went out, Jiangyuan saw everyone on the island stalking around, as if looking for something.

Seeing everyone's appearance, Jiang Yuan asked doubtfully.

"What is the situation? Why are you so flustered, how have you been looking for something, what has been lost? Tell me about it, I see if I have seen it, I will help you find it." Jiang Yuan asked.

When Jiang Yuan woke up and did not wait for Sun Wukong to speak, Boomer immediately said.

"There is no loss of things, but we seem to have lost a person here, the old man of the turtle fairy. I don't know what happened today. I have disappeared. This situation has never been seen before, so we are all in Zhao Guixian. "Bumm said.

After listening to Bu Ma’s words, Jiang Yuan understood, and then Zhang mouth said.

"Okay, don't look for it, the old man is still breaking through his strength. There is no missing. Don't worry, let's go back. The course of cultivation today is over." After Jiang Yuan, there is no speech. , went straight away.

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, everyone groaned, but then I reacted and I went to do my own thing.

After half (bddj) months or so, the turtle immortal still did not come back, and everyone still lived the previous days, the only change is that Bu Ma has already expressed his confession with Jiangyuan, and Jiangyuan has not shown it. Oppose, so the two will go out for a walk together as long as they have time, and they look very happy every day.

Sun Wukong and Bu Ma are okay, both of them are relatively simple people, so there is no feeling, but this can be bitter! Because the dry forest has been with the turtles for a long time, so it is also a bit of color. At this time, one of the objects that I attacked has been with Jiangyuan, and the dead forest is helpless.

Jiangyuan’s strength is stronger than that of the dry forest, so the dry forest simply does not dare to provoke Jiangyuan. It can only watch Jiangyuan and Buma’s happiness every day.

After half a month, the turtle immortal slowly came back, and the turtles at this time obviously changed, because the former turtle immortal was walking with a cane and holding a waist. But this time, the turtle immortal has obviously changed.

At this time, the turtle fairy still has a crutches in his hand, but no matter who they are looking for, it is a decoration, and the back of the scorpion has become straight. The most important point is the one on the back of the turtle fairy. The tortoise shell has become even brighter, and one change is that the eyes of the turtle fairy have become more sharp.

After returning to his place of residence, the turtle fairy looked at the familiar people, then smiled in turn, and then began the daily activities, that is, two girls, but at this time, Boma was immediately behind Jiangyuan.

After seeing the action of Boma, the turtle fairy looked at Jiang Yuan, who looked at him and smiled. Then he understood it and straightened his movements directly. He said a lot to Jiangyuan. .

Jiang Yuan knows that the turtle fairy is thanking himself for helping him to improve his strength, and also paving the way for the future of the turtle fairy, so the turtle fairy will say thank you.

"Well, I am also asking for what you want. We are all asking for it. There is nothing to thank. If you want to thank me, then continue to improve your strength. Let me know where your limit is." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

The turtle fairy also laughed and said nothing.

After a while, the turtle fairy seemed to suddenly think of something, and he was shocked and shouted at Jiangyuan Sun Wukong and the dry forest.

Looking at the nervous turtle immortal, the three are puzzled to die.

"What day is it today?" asked the turtle fairy.

When I heard the problem of the turtle immortal, everyone stopped, and after answering a time, I only heard the turtle fairy shouting.

"I rely! Forgot!".

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