Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 24: The First Budokai

When I heard the exclaimer of the turtle immortal, everyone was stunned. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese network where Jiangyuan first reflected, doubts asked.

"Old man, what makes you so excited? There is something to tell us, maybe we can help you." Jiang Yuan responded.

"This thing really wants you to help, but can't say that it is to help me, accurately speaking, it is helpful to you." Turtle immortal back ~ replied.

Sun Wukong continued to ask.

"Teacher, what is it? How is it that you are particularly important when you say it? What is it? You can say it directly, what is it - love!"

"Hey, I have always forgotten it. I haven't participated in it for a long time, so I forgot it. I don't know if you have heard of the world's first martial arts conference!" said the turtle fairy.

Jiang Yuan heard the words immediately. I carefully recalled the things and time in the mind about the world’s first martial arts conference, and then the memories overlap. It’s really a while before the beginning of the world’s first martial arts conference. It’s time for Sun Wukong’s big show, and finally Sun Wukong. Even madness turned into a gorilla. If it weren’t for the help of the turtle fairy, perhaps Sun Wukong would become a monster completely.

But this world, because of the joining of Jiang Yuan, Jiang Yuan extracted the Super Saiyan gene of Sun Wukong! Although Jiangyuan only extracted a little, it did not hurt the source of Sun Wukong, but it may help the madness of Sun Wukong, and this world may not need the turtle immortal, perhaps Jiangyuan himself can solve this problem.

At this point, Jiang Yuan nodded and said.

"Well, I know a little bit. Is it the game of the strong confrontation between the world? When it comes to a strong match, it is the best in the world!" Jiang Yuan said. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

The turtle fairy nodded in surprise, because the turtle fairy completely could not think that Jiangyuan would know this thing, because before, Jiang Yuan and others said that Jiangyuan suddenly appeared in the valley of Sun Wukong, it is reasonable to say I shouldn't know about this, but Jiang Yuan would even say that he has a little understanding. At this time, the turtles are more strongly confused about Jiangyuan.

However, these are irrelevant, because Jiangyuan’s strength is very tyrannical in the eyes of the turtle fairy. If you really want to be disadvantageous to them, now they are already dead, and it doesn’t take so long, plus I still have Sun Wukong because of Jiang Yuan’s help, and the strength has improved so fast, so the turtle fairy did not think much.

"Yes, the world's first martial arts conference is what this means, that is, in the world, find the strongest, and will become the world's first! This is not just a game, it is the glory of a person who learns the world!" The turtle fairy said, and said that at the end of the day, only the glamorous fire appeared in the eyes of the turtle fairy!

The former Guixian people also participated in the world's first martial arts conference, but never got the first, but in the back, as the age increased, the turtle immortal has been a lot of reputation, so I forgot this thing. .

This time is different, the strength of the turtle fairy has increased a lot, plus two apprentices, Sun Wukong and the dry forest, although the strength of the dry forest is much worse than Sun Wukong and Jiang Yuan, but in the world It can also be considered a good hand! The strength of Sun Wukong is even more powerful. In addition, there is also a power-changing state of Jiangyuan. The turtle fairy knows this time, the first of the world’s first martial arts conference must be theirs!

When Sun Wukong heard that he could become the best in the world, he was excited to die. Then he began to ask questions continuously, and he wanted to know more about the world’s first martial arts conference.

The turtle immortal also answered them in one by one. At the end, Sun Wukong and the dry forest were excited to start immediately.

As for Jiang Yuan, when he came to the world of Dragon Ball, he had already thought about the future plans. Although there was no strongest in the first World First Budo Conference, the only strong ones had already absorbed the genes themselves. However, for the world's first name, Jiang Yuan is also very important.

"Although I forgot, but I heard the time you said, it seems that there is still some time for preparation. Ok, let’s get ready, go to the world’s first martial arts conference! Today we will not practice, rest early, and clean up. Clean up, then let's go tomorrow! "After the turtle immortal, he immediately turned and left.

When I saw the turtle immortal left, everyone left, and went back to my room to pack things up.

After arriving at the room, Jiangyuan didn't have much to clean up. When Boma left, he gave Jiangyuan a capsule and said that he could put everything in it, but Jiangyuan just found himself after loading a few clothes. Nothing can be loaded.

Then I saw Jiang Yuan lying on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, and his mouth slightly rising.

"Interesting, I did not expect that it has been so long, the world is the first! Not bad, the name is very good, it is also very suitable for me, since I have already arrived in the world of Dragon Ball, then the world's first name, it must be mine. !! Jiang Yuan whispered. After the talk, Jiang Yuan closed his eyes and prepared to rest.


This day is destined to be a sleepless night. Only after seeing other people return to their rooms, they are so excited that they can't sleep because of the world's first martial arts conference.

Early the next morning, the day was just bright, and the turtle immortal woke everyone.

But after seeing everyone, the turtle fairy is angry and dying!

"How did I tell you all, I said, rest early, take a rest, look at you, how are all ones are listless!" Turtle immortal shouted.

At this time, only everyone was seen. Except for Jiangyuan, everyone else was wearing this panda eye for this morning meeting.

Then I saw the turtle fairy sighing and helplessly dying.

"Forget it, let's go, let's not go too far, well, we should start now." After the turtles, they took the lead to the edge of the island.

When I got to the edge, I saw that the Turtles found a boat and then prepared to get everyone on board.

But at this time, because of the world's first martial arts conference, all the people did not get on the boat. Because of the speed of the boat, everyone still knows that if the boat is drawn to the mainland, the time is too much.

At this time, I saw that Bouma took a capsule from his pocket and then threw it at the sea. At this time, he saw a submarine in the sea! .

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