Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Strength breakthrough

Jiang Yuan and Sun Wukong and others have been arguing in the venue of the first martial arts conference in the world. At the same time, Jiangyuan is still using his gas to feel the strength of those who participate in the world’s first martial arts conference. Look. Wool, Chinese net

With the constant feeling of these people's strengths, Jiang Yuan found that the strength of this year's people is really not very strong, at least compared with Jiang Yuan, the difference is still a bit big, even even Sun Wukong is better than but.

Suddenly, Jiang Yuan felt a few strong breaths, and then Jiang Yuan looked in that direction.

Not only Jiangyuan, but the turtles have become more powerful because of the breakthrough of strength. At the same time that Jiangyuan felt it, the turtles also noticed these breaths, and then they looked at that direction together.

However, when the turtle immortal saw the coming, his eyes suddenly changed. At this time, the eyes of the turtle fairy shed a little bit of cold light, and they continued to intensify.

At this point, I saw three people on the opposite side. I took the lead with an old man. The old man had a hat with a crane on his head. His colleague also wore a pair of glasses. The face of the old man was very impressive. Uncomfortable, feeling very treacherous.

After the 13 of the old man, he followed two people, one of whom was exactly the same as the little one, and his face was white and his eyes were dull. His face was still painted with two red-red faces floating in the air.

The other man, who is very strong and looks slightly ordinary, but the only thing that gives people a strange feeling is that this man has three eyes! There is also a vertical eye on the head of this man.

The clothes of these three people are all in one style, and each person’s clothes are printed with two words! crane! Then I saw that these three people slowly walked to the front of everyone., the treacherous old man said after seeing the turtle immortal.

"I haven't seen you for a long time! Turtle immortal, I didn't expect you to be alive for so long. It really surprised me. I thought you are dead now. It really is a thousand-year-old turtle of 80,000 years. The vitality is strong!" I still sneered a bit.

And the turtle immortal is also a responsive reply.

"You are the same. People like you, I thought I should have died long ago, but I didn't expect to be alive. I was also very surprised. Right, there is your unlucky brother. How are you doing now? I heard that The killer, I don’t know if I am still alive."

When I heard that the turtle fairy said that my brother, the old man’s eyes became cold, but after a while he recovered.

"This does not require you to worry, my brother, live very moist, and can continue to live for a long time. But brother, we have not seen for a long time, I can't think of you can still think of my things, really hard to get Ah." After the old man is ready to leave with the two behind him.

"Teach you a sentence, or give up the younger brother, we have been with the door brother for so many years, I don't want you to be ugly, hurry to leave, this time the world's first martial arts conference, you have no chance of winning, because my apprentice will be thorough Kill your confidence!" Turtle Immortal also refused to respond.

Hexian people heard the words stopped, but after a while, they still left with a smile, but everyone can find that the cranes are already angry.

Seeing that the Hexian people left, the turtle fairy sighed.

"Oh, I can't think of it for so many years. He still looks like this. If it wasn't for him, maybe the master can still live very well, but now it has been so many years, I didn't expect it to be like this." Then the turtle fairy said it. Did not send away.

Seeing that the turtle immortal was gone, Jiang Yuan and others did not continue to wait in the same place, but left with the turtle fairy.

At this time, everyone returned to their resting place and returned directly to their room, ready to face the game in the most perfect state.

Not long after Jiangyuan returned to the room, he heard someone knocking on his door and opening the door to see it was Boomer.

Buma stood at the door of Jiangyuan's room, and looked at Jiangyuan with grievances. It was like Jiangyuan doing something that was sorry for her.

Jiang Yuan knows that Boma was because of this period of time, she was angry when she ignored her. After all, the two talents have just established a relationship with each other, and Bumma is still the first love for Jiangyuan, so Bumma hopes that Jiangyuan can accompany himself every day. But this time, a few people have been on the road, even after arriving in the World City, because they are going to race soon, so the time spent together is very small.

"What's wrong? What expression is it, how can you be depressed?" Although Jiangyuan knows that Bumma is angry because of what it is, Jiangyuan can't say it in advance, because Jiangyuan understands that if he directly breaks it, Bouma The grievances may be even bigger.

"Hey, you asked me what happened. This time, you are busy every day, even if you are in the World City, you have not accompanied me, nor have you accompanied me out to play, you asked me what happened." Say, do you not like me? "When you say Boma, you will hold Jiangyuan's arm constantly shaking."

Jiang Yuan heard the words and smiled and responded. 210

"Isn't this just arrived in the World City? Plus, I am going to start the game soon. How can I accompany you more? Then there is a game, so I have to deal with the game. You are still angry, but right, OK. Don't be angry. "Jiangyuan touched Buma's hair and said softly.

Feeling the movements of Jiang Yuan's relatives, Bouma's grievances were slightly reduced, but they still said nothing.

"No, I want you to go out with me to go shopping. I will participate in the competition tomorrow. I will have no time to accompany me when you participate in the competition, so you have to go out with me and go shopping." The hand pulling Jiang Yuan directly rushed out of the room.

Feeling the movement of Buma, Jiang Yuan smiled a bit, then let Boma pulled himself to the street.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and the two were constantly dressed in the venue of the First Budokai Conference.

Although the sky is already dark, but because the world's first martial arts conference will be held tomorrow, there are still many people here, and there are many people selling small things outside.

But Boma is like a child. When he sees something, he will rush to it, then touch it for a long time, and finally see another strange thing, and pull Jiangyuan away again. .

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