Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 27: Dumpling attack

Looking at the happy and screaming Bu Ma, Jiang Yuan also felt very happy. Look. Wool, Chinese net

The two are walking in the middle of the night, and every time they go to a fun place, they will play for a while. At the end, Jiangyuan and Bouma have completely forgotten all the troubles. The only thing left is the world of two. .

At this time, the two have been immersed in happiness, and even Jiang Yuan has already ran away from the purpose of this trip. The only thing that comes to mind is the happiness with Bummer.

The time passed slowly, and the happy time was always short. At this time, the sky was already very late, and the number of pedestrians connected to it was getting less and less. Finally, there were only a few pedestrians on the street. .

But Boma hasn't played enough yet. At this point, he saw Bumma holding a mouth, Ba said.

"I haven't played enough yet. Why did it end so early? It's really disappointing. Really, tomorrow, you will start the game. The next time you take me out to play, I don't know when it is. For you, these cultivators. There is not much time for me to come out to play," Buoma said dissatisfied.

Jiang Yuan smiled.

"Well, don't complain, time is too late, so, after a few days, after the end of the first contest in the world, I will take you to play, definitely take you to play, and, I will take you with you, let's go find Longzhu. Before, you didn't always look for Dragon Ball. Just right, I have nothing to do. Let's go find it together.” Jiang Yuan comforted.

Upon hearing Jiang Yuan’s words, Boma shouted happily.

"Really! Do you really want to follow me to find Dragon Ball? It’s really good. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese net." After the end of the Buma jump, Jiang Yuan’s hand is constantly shaking. .

Jiang Yuan felt the happiness of Boma, and he was very happy and nodded.

Seeing the action of Jiangyuan, Boomer finally satisfied, and then agreed to Jiangyuan's request, followed Jiangyuan slowly back to the place where he lived.

Just when the two men walked back, suddenly Jiangyuan heard a voice and heard the sound. It seems that someone was training. Then Jiangyuan walked in the direction of the sound, and Boma also followed Jiang Yuan. Slowly walked over.

After walking for a while, finally, Jiang Yuan saw the face of this person. The people who were practicing at this time were the two people behind Hexian who met in the first contest in the world.

As Jiangyuan walked in, the two felt that someone had come over, and then they filled up the movement and looked at the coming person. In the moment of seeing Jiang Yuan, the eyes of the two changed their appearance.

"Oh, I don't think you are still very hard, so late is still practicing, but no matter how you cultivate, the final outcome is lost to me, so you are just doing useless work ~ 〃!" Jiang Yuan confident Said.

The two men were even more angry when they heard the words. Only the burly men wanted to do it directly, and the little boy who floated in the sky changed his color and stared at Jiangyuan.

Seeing the actions of the two, Jiang Yuan laughed again.

"Oh, it seems that you want to do it, but for me, your strength is still very weak, maybe your teacher can fight against me, so you still give up, lest you can't even play the game tomorrow. When the Hexian people are angry, the two of you are very miserable!" Jiang Yuan confidently looked at the two people in front of him.

After hearing Jiang Yuan, the two were even more angry. Then they saw that the light in the floating children’s eyes was more dazzling, and the hands were lifted up, directly facing Jiang Yuan’s He held his fist in the void.

At this time, Jiangyuan felt that his body was bound by a nameless force, but Jiangyuan did not have the slightest tension, and continued to talk about laughter.

"Don't be good? Maybe someone who doesn't know will suffer a loss, but for me, your strength is too weak, so I have no effect on me." Then I saw Jiang Yuan's whole body. The shock of the earthquake directly shocked the **** of the whole body!

When Jiang Yuan was in the world of Marvel, he absorbed the spiritual genes of the Phoenix woman! Therefore, Jiangyuan's mental strength is very strong, and after the Dragon Ball World, although all the power has been sealed by the laws of the world, but because of this period of cultivation, the previous strength has also recovered one or two.

But this is a little spiritual power, and it is not the same as the little boy on the opposite side.

I felt that Jiangyuan had broken away from his **** in a flash. The floating boy was shocked. The expressionless face finally changed, only to see the little boy's eyes full of surprise.

"Hehehe, you are called dumplings, I advise you not to do useless work, because this power is really bad for me, so I am sorry, if you still want to continue, maybe I will choose to destroy Drop me! I think you can feel it too. "After finishing, Jiangyuan smiled coldly again.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s cold smile, and after hearing Jiang Yuan’s name, the floating boy’s fear of hatred.

"Who are you, how do you know the name of the dumplings, we have never seen you before, who is you, tell me clearly, or be careful, I am not you." At this time, the burly man asked out.

Then I saw the burly man posing in a fighting position, as if preparing to attack Jiangyuan directly.

However, Jiang Yuan completely ignored him, but continued to stare at the dumplings.

"You still save the province, I admit that you are a bit strong, but for me, it is completely furnishings, so you still don't want to shoot, or I will not help (good Li Hao) to destroy you. "The voice just fell, In addition to the strong atmosphere in Jiang Yuan’s body, this breath has just shrouded in the burly man’s body and directly prevented him from acting.

"You are called Tianjin Rice, I know you, and I know you very well. Maybe you don't think I have seen me, but I know you, and I know you very well." Jiang Yuan once again said amazingly.

After that, Jiang Yuan turned and left. Continue to say when you leave.

"Maybe you think your strength is not bad, but it is only limited to this, so I advise you not to act rashly. After all, tomorrow is the beginning of the first martial arts conference in the world. If you can’t really participate, I don’t think this is You want to see, so, be careful, let me tell you by the way, I am called Jiang Yuan. "When Jiang Yuan went straight away." .

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