Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 34: Victory

Just as the dumplings landed on the outskirts of the contest, the surrounding audiences held their breath, and after a while, they heard a cheer outside!

"Ha ha ha, wonderful, great, this is the most exciting game I have seen this year. It is so wonderful. I thought I was wasting my time before. I didn't expect it to be so wonderful, hahaha, comfortable. Look ' Mao. Line, Chinese, Wen, and Net. The audience shouted.

And as the audience shouted, the referee also reflected, and then excitedly walked to the side of the dead forest, and supported the dry forest that was about to fall to the ground, shouting.

"This competition, I announced that the dead forest wins! Thank you, the little guy of the dry forest gave us such a **** competition, everyone remembered his name and shouted out loudly." The referee shouted.

Encouraged by the referee, all the surrounding audience shouted loudly.

"The dry forest, the dry forest, the dry forest, the dry forest!" shouted the last sound and shocked the audience.

After the dead forest himself heard that he finally won the victory, finally the last strength in the body because of the strong support also disappeared, and then he saw the dry forest smile and fell to the ground.

At this time, Jiang Yuan saw the appearance of the dry forest, and quickly came to the contest, and then caught the dead forest, and said that the mouth was rising.

"Sure enough, the intensive training before was not wasted, the resistance to the attack is indeed very strong, you won, not bad." Jiang Yuan said.

While Jiangyuan was talking, he did not idle. He directly ordered 9252 to check the body of the dead forest. After a period of time, he told Jiang Yuan at 9:27. The dry forest was only because of excessive exertion, as long as a good day off. After nothing happened, Jiang Yuan finally gave a sigh of relief, and then helped the dry forest to walk down the contest venue. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

At this time, Sun Wukong was also attracted by the wonderful battle between the dumplings and the dry forest. Sun Wukong now feels passionate and thinks that the dumplings floating in the sky are so strong, and the Tianjin rice as a brother will definitely be more tyrannical. At this time, Sun Wukong finally found the goal of the battle. The goal of Sun Wukong is to defeat Tianjin Rice!

But now, when I didn't think about these things, I saw that the dry forest was helped. Sun Wukong also came up to help, and directly followed the Jiangyuan two people to help the dry forest return to the resting place.

Just as the two of them supported the dead forest and returned to their place of residence, the turtle fairy also walked back slowly and looked at the dead forest that fell on the bed. The turtle's eyebrows wrinkled and said coldly.

"What happened, how did he become like this, is there something happening?" asked the turtle fairy.

Listening to the voice of the turtle fairy, Jiang Yuan and others knew that the turtle fairy was angry, and then explained directly, and immediately said the performance of the dead forest.

The turtle fairy listened to the answers of the people a little bit, and the eyebrows slowly stretched out. At the end, they laughed.

"Well, it’s my apprentice, my style. It’s estimated that the crane fairy will have to worry about it for a while, and I can use this thing to ridicule him. Before he was very bad, now I see myself. The apprentice was defeated. It is estimated that the Hexian people can strengthen their fighting for him more!" Turtle Immortal said happily.

But when I heard the turtle fairy, the people around me didn't laugh because everyone was concerned about the body of the dead forest. Only Jiangyuan was thinking about other things.

Because according to the development of Dragon Ball's plot, the next is the battle between Tianjin Rice and Sun Wukong, but because of his own joining, the story of Dragon Ball has changed. One is that Sun Wukong's strength has become more powerful, and the strength of Guixian people has also become Powerful, and another point is the hidden factor of the crane immortal.

Jiang Yuan remembers that when the Tianjin rice was lost, Hexian people were angry and wanted to punish the two people. However, at this time, the turtle immortal shot, directly blocking the attack of Hexian people, and finally returned to his own small with Tianjin rice and dry forest. On the island, follow the turtle immortal practice.

But now because of the change in the trajectory, Jiang Yuan does not know exactly what direction he has developed in the end.

However, after thinking for a while, Jiang Yuan felt that these things were not what they should think about, and then relaxed. At this time, Jiangyuan’s heart is most expecting that he can still receive the goods!

After a while, everyone returned to their room and was ready to start the next battle. After returning to his room, Jiang Yuan went out again with Buma and then went back to the room to sleep.

····Seeking flowers········

Early the next morning, after Jiang Yuan woke up, he stretched out a lazy waist and immediately went to the competition.

After three days of fighting, the crowd had already reached the top 100 challenge. After Jiangyuan arrived at the contest venue, he immediately began to draw the game sequence.

After a period of time, the dead forest was also awake, although the body of the dead forest was very serious because of the injury, and the physical exertion was too much, but after a day of rest, the dry forest has also recovered. More than half of the time, the dry forest at this time can already participate in the competition.


"Yes, it will be recovered in one night, very good. What do you say in the next game, can you participate?" Jiang Yuan worried.

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, Yan Lin smiled and nodded, and directly compared to a posture with physical strength.

"Do not worry, the little injury that is no problem is still difficult to beat me, the time has come back, and as long as I don't encounter a particularly strong player, I will definitely be able to advance!" Su Lin said confidently.

Jiang Yuan nodded, but his heart was still very tense, because at this time he had reached the top 100 battle, everyone is very strong, and it is impossible to meet the weak.

However, Jiangyuan was unable to fight the enthusiasm of the dry forest, and only nodded comfortably.

At this time, the forests, Jiangyuan, and Sun Wukong have already finished the game sequence. Jiangyuan’s order is 46. The dry forest is No. 31, and Sun Wukong is No. 12.

Looking at the crowd, Sun Wukong was the first to participate in the battle. Jiang Yuan and others went together to the battle position of Sun Wukong. After arriving, the opponent of Sun Wukong turned out to be a grandfather. And this old man said very proudly when he saw Sun Wukong.

"Young man, I advise you to surrender quickly, or fight with me is likely to make you seriously injured, so for your safety, you still surrender." After that, he stood proudly. .

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