Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 35: opinionated

Looking at the old man's arrogant style, Jiang Yuan's heart is infinite contempt.

"Less nonsense, you can't fight in the end, if you don't fight, you will surrender quickly, and you want me to surrender, is your strength?" Jiang Yuan said with a grin.

When I heard Jiang Yuan, the old man was dying.

"Kid, tell you, I am not the weak opponent you have encountered before, and you are now irritating me with the success of Art Scene, so I will let you know what is desperate!" The body exudes a breath.

Feeling the breath of the old man, Jiang Yuan stunned a bit, but it was Jiang Yuan's god, so the opposite man thought that Jiangyuan room was afraid. Keep on saying.

"Kid, do you know that you are afraid now? That line hastened to surrender, I still abide by the promise just made you go away." "Two-three-three" said the old man continued to stand proudly.

Jiang Yuan heard his eyes and looked at the sky, directly yelling at the white idiot, and then did not start.

In fact, just when Jiangyuan felt the breath of the old man, he was not afraid of it. On the contrary, Jiangyuan felt that the strength of the old man was so weak and how the room was promoted!

I want to know that there are only one hundred competitions, but I feel from the breath. Although the old man is a bit strong, at most, he can only advance to the third round of the second round. In the last hundred matches, the old man is completely impossible. Come in.

Looking at Jiang Yuan's appearance, the old man shouted angrily.

"Kid, you are looking for death!" After the old man rushed to Jiangyuan, he was a punch on Jiangyuan. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Jiang Yuan looked at the old man who wanted to attack himself. He despised to die, and the body did not move at all. He still stood still and waited for the attack of the old man.

The old man thought that Jiangyuan was afraid to move because he was afraid. At this time, the old man’s mouth rose, as if he had already seen his victory.

However, when the old man’s fist attacked Jiang Yuan’s fist, he only saw Jiang Yuan’s understatement of his own hand, and immediately grabbed the old man’s fist, and then gently applied it with force. The old man is hurting to die.

"Ah, it hurts, hurts, lightly. Lightly. Kid, you lightly, my old bones can't stand such great strength, hurry and let go, you know who I am! I am the world's federation, financial executives Father, you hurry to let go!" the old man shouted.

However, as a person who came to the world of Dragon Ball for hegemony, Jiang Yuan managed to manage the identity of the old man. He continued to force the old man’s hand and finally pulled the old man in his direction.

"Old man, don't think that when you are old, you can do whatever you want. I advise you to surrender quickly, otherwise I will probably have to take a heavy hand!" After Jiang Yuan's hand, he increased his strength again.

When Jiangyuan increased his strength, the old man called again, and Jiangyuan looked at the pitiful appearance of the old man and slowly relaxed his strength.

Feeling that the power of Jiangyuan has become smaller, the old man thought that Jiangyuan was afraid of his own background, then smiled and approached Jiangyuan, whispered.

"Kid, are you scared, you are like this, now you surrender directly, and then give me the victory of the game, I will say good things to my son, then you will be able to enter the world federation, and the position can also ask, I See your strength is good, so, I recommend you to go to the security department of the world federation, when it is directly a captain, if you perform well, you can even become a department leader. How about kid, think about it. When I finished, I saw the old man looking at Jiangyuan with a smirk.

At this time, the old man seemed to feel that he had completely grasped Jiangyuan and continued to smile and settled Jiangyuan.

After listening to the old man, Jiang Yuan finally understood how the old man came to this stage. The original opponents were not very weak. A large part of them were impressed by the requirements of the elderly. Finally, they gave up directly. game.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s impression of the world’s first contest was suddenly reduced.

However, Jiangyuan was relieved when he thought of the game.

"This kind of person has everything, even if I haven't met it, others will always meet it, so I can only blame me for being unlucky. Of course, I also blame him for being unlucky, because the world federation is just a decoration for me, but it is optional. "When Jiang Yuan is finished, he looks smirk and approaches the old man."

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s appearance, the old man thought that Jiang Yuan had agreed, and then he said with a smile....

"How about the young man figured it out, I know, telling you that as long as you enter the world federation, you can traverse the whole earth, no one can stop you, and your family will be because of you. Entering the world federation and going to work and arrogant. When you wait for the next World Championships, you will come again. I feel that your strength is good. Together with the status of the federal staff of the world, you can definitely be again. Get the first, how come the opportunity is rare. Surrender." The old man continues to lure, confuse Jiang Yuan said.

"Oh, what do you say is true to the elderly? Can I really enter the world federation? My parents always hope that I can enter the government department. When my parents are happy, they are also very disgusted. I have been fighting to kill!" At this time, Jiang Yuan still wants to continue to play the old man.

After listening to Jiang Yuan’s words, the old man knew that there was a play and immediately said.

"No problem, I said to do it, so after the end of the game, you will wait for me outside, when I will take you to the district to find my son, with your strength and mind, you can definitely climb very high, and And my son's help, rest assured that absolutely no problem!" said the old man.

Jiang Yuan heard that the expression on his face changed directly. At this time, Jiang Yuan’s feeling is like tangled.

5.7 Looking at the performance of Jiang Yuan, the old man continued to add vinegar and said.

"Don't think about the kid, the chance is rare. If you miss it, you will never have it again. Come and surrender." After the old man is ready to escape. By the way, give Jiangyuan a hit.

However, Jiangyuan laughed when the old man was ready to escape.

"Old man, to be honest, what you just said may be tempting." It is useful to confuse others, but for me, I don't like it at all, so I am sorry, I refused, and you can only be eliminated, just like you. Said, wait for the next time in the world's first contest, you are participating, you will definitely get the first!" After Jiang Yuan's hand used strength, then he threw a throw, only to see The old man became a parabolic image and flew out of the contest! .

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