Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 56: Release the turtle qigong

Jiangyuan, who was in the army of the corpse, only saw that every time Jiangyuan took a step forward, several corpses flew into the sky and smashed.

When Jiangyuan was speeding up, the speed page of the corpse army was wiped out faster and faster, but in just a few minutes, Jiangyuan had already eliminated hundreds of corpses.

However, the more Jiang Yuan rushes to the front, the more pressure he can feel, because the strength of the corpse army does not seem to be the same. The front corpse is like a soy sauce, more accurately it should be out as an ashes. It is completely sent to death to consume Jiangyuan's physical strength.

Just when Jiangyuan rushed for more than 20 minutes, he only saw that Jiangyuan had entered the middle of the corpse army. At this time, Jiangyuan could no longer be defeated as if he had just started. A walking corpse, everyone needs Jiangyuan to consume a little power.

"Mom, it seems that this corpse army is really evil. This strength has been specially robbed now, and I still can't see the head at first glance. I really don't know what will happen to the strength of these corpses." "Jiangyuan thought in his heart."

But at this time, 9252 was once again jumped out and said.

"Don't be discouraged, don't you find out? Or you didn't pay attention to what changes you have now?" asked on September 25th.

After listening to the words of 9:527, Jiang Yuan looked at the doubts. At this time, Jiangyuan was fighting and watching what changed.

When looking at his own appearance and strength, Jiang Yuan did not notice a slight change, but when Jiang Yuan entered his consciousness, he suddenly discovered that his biological energy seems to have changed!

"Nine-five-seven, can these corpses also provide me with bio-energy!" Jiang Yuan asked. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

"Yes, you finally found out. It is true that these corpses are easier to deal with at the beginning, but there are not many bio-energy given to you. It is more than 70 that will give you a chance to extract genes immediately. And when you get to the current position, as long as you kill more than 20, you will be able to provide you with an opportunity to extract immediately! As the strength increases, your biology will gain more and more." Seven explained.

Jiang Yuan heard a word, and then fell into the killing.

Knowing that these corpse troops were able to extract bio-energy from themselves, Jiangyuan’s motivation to kill these corpses was even stronger. He only saw Jiangyuan’s efforts to kill these corpses.

After another half an hour, Jiangyuan’s side has been cleaned up by Jiangyuan except for an open space, and around the open space, there are still a lot of walking dead. At this time, Jiangyuan's biological energy has acquired a very objective quantity. It is enough for Jiangyuan to specify the opportunity to extract twice!

However, the physical strength of the people is still limited. These corpses and corps, although not very strong, can not hold a large number, but also do not care about death. Even if it is finally destroyed, it will rush to Jiangyuan, just to clean up Jiangyuan, the aggressor!

At this time, Jiangyuan has felt a trace of exhaustion. The physical strength in the body is slowly approaching the end because of constant consumption and not being restored.

"What to do, these corpses and corps have no physical strength at all, but I am almost out of strength now. If I continue this way, it is very likely that I will be exhausted by physical strength and eventually die directly!" Jiang Yuan’s heart was anxious to think of.

However, these corpses did not give Jiangyuan the opportunity to think about it, and they continued to rush to Jiangyuan.

Looking at the steady stream of corpses, Jiang Yuan was completely angry.

"Mother's, I really thought that I was bullied. I still rushed over to me. Didn't you know that Mud Bodhisattva still has three anger? Today I will let you know and provoke my end!" The direct direct shareholder's own strength has directly rushed into the army of the corpse.

As Jiang Yuan’s figure rushed into the army of corpses, only seeing these corpses accelerated the speed of being eliminated.

At this time, Jiangyuan thoroughly used all the power. He only saw a red blood dance in the body of Jiangyuan. When this layer of blood dance appeared, it was the speed at which the corpse was destroyed.

Slowly, Jiangyuan finally felt that the pressure on the left side of his body was slowly reduced. Jiangyuan knew that he had already rushed to an edge, and the corpse on this side has now been himself. It’s almost gone, as long as you’re working hard, you’ll be able to rush out.

Jiang Yuan then stood directly in the same place, and then directly held hands together, using his body's vitality to prepare to display the turtle qigong.

It took a certain amount of time for the turtle qigong to be released, but now Jiangyuan is preparing to use all his own power to cast the qigong, and the time required is much more.

Fortunately, before the Jiangyuan Chong), the speed of the thorn was relatively fast. At this time, there was no corpse around Jiangyuan. The remaining living corpses are also a short distance from Jiangyuan.

Now Jiangyuan is clearly fighting against time. Jiangyuan must gather in the shortest time to gather Qigong Qigong, or else it is likely that Jiangyuan will eventually die.

"Come on, hurry up, hurry up, 387 and hurry up, it’s too late." Jiang Yuan anxiously shouted. And full force to promote the turtle qigong.

Seeing that the army of the corpse is about to reach his own front, Jiang Yuan’s forehead has left sweat because of tension. However, a group of walking corpses from Jiangyuan have jumped up and directly rushed to Jiangyuan.

Looking at these corpses that pounced on themselves, Jiang Yuan bit his teeth and directly bite his tongue. Then he saw Jiang Yuan’s vitality gathered in Jiangyuan’s hands in an instant.

I feel that all the energy has been gathered, Jiang Yuan laughed.

"It’s okay, or else I’ll be your dinner, but the next ones can only wait for death, because I have to go out alive.” After that, Jiang Yuan screamed at the Turtles Qigong. Then a huge beam of light rushed out.

Just in the moment when this huge beam of light rushed out, all the corpses in front of Jiangyuan kept screaming, and finally the sound was reduced a little.

Only on the path that Jiangyuan released the turtle qigong, all the corpses have disappeared, and Jiangyuan’s physical strength is also consumed.

Then Jiangyuan immediately exchanged a little bio-energy for himself at 9527, and quickly rushed out from this emptied path! .

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