Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 57: Powerful

Just as Jiangyuan continued to rush to the outside, the corpse army began to fill up the vacancy just a little bit, and Jiangyuan was only a little bit away from the distance. Look. Wool, Chinese net

Looking at the corpse army that reappeared in front of him, Jiang Yuan once again had an action. These corpses were a set of storms and finally rushed out.

When Jiangyuan rushed out, it appeared in front of Jiangyuan that it was the huge palace in the center of the city. After the army of Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan had already rushed to the front of the palace. No one rushed up. They are constantly roaring in the ground, but there is no movement.

"Call, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that this palace is taboo for them. Maybe there is something in this palace that can make them dare not approach!" Jiang Yuan squatted beside the palace. Said one side.

After a period of rest, Jiang Yuan slowly stood up and then turned and looked at the palace in front of him.

At the periphery, Jiang Yuan saw a little bit of the shadow of the palace, but when he finally arrived at the palace, Jiang Yuan’s heart was filled with shock again.

Although Jiang Yuan guessed that the palace would be very huge, but completely missed it, when he actually arrived, he looked at the palace and it was so large.

The height of the entire palace is about tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high, and the size of the palace is more than three or four hundred meters, huge.

Looking at such a huge palace, basically all built with gold and crystal, Jiang Yuan's heart is full of shock!

After a period of time, Jiang Yuan returned to normal, and then he sorted out his thoughts and emotions and walked into the palace. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Because of the previous lesson, Jiang Yuan was extra careful when he walked into the palace at this time, for fear that he would trigger another organ.

But perhaps Jiang Yuan is too careful. When it is halfway through, there is still nothing happening.

Looking up and looking at the palace above his head, Jiang Yuan sighed.

"I don't know what this traverser means. A palace is so noble and magnificent, and it has made the steps of this palace so long. It has been going for a while, but it still hasn't ended yet. It’s half gone and it’s ̈.” Jiang Yuan said. After that, Jiang Yuan continued to walk over.

However, when Jiangyuan took a few more steps, Jiangyuan felt a pressure. This pressure directly shocked Jiangyuan, as if Jiangyuan was not allowed to move forward.

At this time, Jiangyuan knew that this might be the ban imposed by the previous traverser. At this time, Jiangyuan felt that after this pressure, he did not retreat in the slightest direction and continued to walk toward the top.

Jiangyuan’s speed of walking this time was once again full, because every time he stepped forward, Jiangyuan felt that this pressure had increased by one point. The more pressure there was, the more pressure on Jiangyuan’s forehead. There was a trace of sweat.

"I really have nothing to look for. Is it necessary to set up such a ghost thing to test people? But do you think this thing can be difficult to get me? Is it too simple to think about me? I will let you know what is called obstinacy. After saying that Jiangyuan adjusted his breath again, he continued to move upwards.

Jiangyuan has already reached the middle and upper reaches of the steps, leaving only a little distance from the palace, and Jiangyuan can now see the gates of the palace.

After learning the rest of the steps, there are still thirteen distances left. Jiang Yuan’s eyes are extraordinarily serious. Then he speeds up the speed directly. He wants to rush directly to the top of the steps and reach the gate of the palace.

Slowly, Jiangyuan continued to rush, and finally reached the top of the steps, and there was only one step left in front of Jiangyuan.

However, the penultimate step to Jiangyuan’s pressure is already very strong, because Jiangyuan actually felt his body inside, because of these huge pressures, the deviation actually occurred, and the internal organs have received injuries. It is.

However, Jiangyuan did not give up, and he was about to reach the top. Jiangyuan stared directly at the front, only to see the left ankle facing the steps and stepping on it.

Just when Jiangyuan’s left foot fell on the last step, Jiang Yuan couldn’t help it anymore, and spit it out directly, and the flower in front of him was like falling down.

Only Jiang Yuan shook his head, relaxed the application, continued to move forward, and immediately rushed his body toward the front. The position of the thorn was suddenly reached on the last step.

After going up, Jiangyuan was able to feel a little pressure at first, but after Jiangyuan stood firm, this pressure immediately disappeared, as if it had never happened.

When Jiang Yuan boarded the last step, he heard the voice of Poseidon before.

". Very good, I didn't expect you to endure the pressure of my momentum. It's very good. You are the third of the seven people who came to me to come to the palace door, but the test is not over. I hope you can Get what you want." After the sound disappeared again.

Hearing what the person claiming to Poseidon said, Jiang Yuan did not expect to have other tests at this time, but after careful consideration, this Poseidon is very powerful, and this palace is built so majestic. It is normal to have other tests. Then Jiangyuan continued to move forward.

When I came to the square in front of the palace, Jiang Yuan discovered that even the square of this palace was very large. Jiangyuan is now at the very edge.

Since Poseidon said that there is still a test, and this square is so huge, Jiang Yuan feels that it is very likely that there will be a test for himself in this square.

However, since it came here, Jiangyuan would never give up easily, and then Jiangyuan continued to move forward.

Every step, Jiangyuan's momentum will be strong, and this momentum is constantly increasing. Walking on the square in front of the palace, because of the pressure of Poseidon, Jiangyuan has faintly noticed the need for a strong road. Things, and now Jiangyuan is feeling this power.

A little bit, Jiangyuan finally came to the end of the square, and on this road, Jiangyuan did not encounter anything, just like this square is just a display.

"Maybe I think about it, but I have already arrived here. I need to be careful about everything. Okay, the show is about to start soon. I hope that the receipt will be a little more." Jiang Yuan said with a chuckle, then hands A force directly pushed the door of the palace. .

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