Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 61: Competitive relationship

After absorbing this figure in September 5, the eyes closed and returned to Jiang Yuan’s body. Look at the 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network again closed your eyes.

Looking at the closing of the eyes of the 9:27, Jiang Yuan knows that 9252 is definitely something important, so it has become this appearance.

Then Jiang Yuan did not disturb 9 527, and walked toward the front again, and the newly installed armor was still worn by Jiang Yuan.

At this time, Jiangyuan has reached the center of the palace. The structure of the entire palace is unobstructed. I can clearly see everything around me.

I saw only one empty statue in front of the palace, only a stone statue, and this stone statue turned out to be a Chinese ancient animal beast Xuanwu.

Legend has it that Xuanwu is one of the gods and beasts that guard the Quartet in the history of China. It is amazingly defensive and has a great reputation for the use of water spells. The four great beasts guard the Quartet, preventing the evil demon from invading China, and protecting China from peace.

After seeing this stone statue, the memory before Jiangyuan slowly emerged again, only to see Jiangyuan approaching the stone statue a little bit.

Just when Jiangyuan arrived in front of the stone statue, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but touched the 13 stone statues, but when Jiangyuan was about to meet it, he immediately screamed at 9257.

"Stop, don't touch this thing. If you touch this thing, chances are that we will all die here!" shouted anxiously at 9258.

When he heard the sound of 9/27, Jiang Yuan immediately woke up and wanted to take back his hand, but it was too late at this time. Jiang Yuan’s hand had already touched the basalt stone statue. Looking at the 1 Mao 2 line 3 Chinese network, when Jiang Yuan’s hand was held on the basalt stone statue, a screaming sound was heard in the stone statue, and then a sound like Long Feilong was heard throughout the hall!

Not only that, but when the sound came to mind, the outsiders heard the sound again. At this time, all the people on the whole earth heard this horrible roar, and they noticed a trace from the roar. Silk is like a breath of God, and people start to tremble from the depths of the soul!

At this time, all the people on the earth were awed by the ordinary people. They thought that it was the gods who came to the world, and they fell directly on the ground, and they bowed their heads.

And a bit of strength, this time is also a look of horror, for fear that he will be cleaned up by this sudden emergence of strong atmosphere.

As the initiator of Jiang Yuan, I don’t know that it’s just a small movement of my own that has produced such a huge shock on the earth. However, Jiang Yuan himself is facing a bigger crisis at this time.

Just as the screams of Xuanwu rang, the stone trembled slowly, and as the stone trembled, the stone above the stone figure fell off and eventually became a small one. The basalt body.

The small Xuanwu was just born, and once again screamed at the sky, and Jiangyuan looked at the basaltic shackles in front of him and was shocked.

"Oh, it’s late, it’s all made up of people. I can’t think of you in the end. I’m not convinced you.” He said with a sigh.

Jiang Yuan also knew that he was in trouble at this time and asked quickly.

"What's wrong, what happened in the end, I just wanted to touch this stone statue by myself, but suddenly you let me regain consciousness, but when I regained my consciousness, I found that I had already encountered the basalt stone statue. Then this happened, what is the situation?" Jiang Yuan asked doubtfully.

"Oh, nothing more. If this is the case, I will tell you about it. Before you have guessed that there are other traversers in the world, it is speculated that this Atlantis was created by the traversor, but Just when you defeated the armor, I realized that all the previous guesses were wrong, even though this Atlantis was created by this traversal, but the traverser finally fell to himself. In the palace!" said nine five two seven.

Hearing that there was a traverser falling into his own palace, Jiang Yuan was shocked, because in the impression of Jiangyuan, the strength of this traversor should be very strong, and it is completely capable of crushing himself, but this is the case. A strong man finally fell into the city he created, and this is a terrible thing!

"What the **** is going on, you can tell me clearly!" Jiang Yuan shouted.

"You don't worry too much. Now we are in a hurry. I still remember the armor. In fact, the armor is the spirit of the passer, and I just appeared to absorb the armor of the armor, because It’s not just that there is fighting between the people you cross, and even if we only see the spirits, there are battles. As long as you absorb more spirits, the stronger our strength, the more help we can give you."

"There is another point. After we have absorbed this instrumental spirit, we are able to extract the abilities that they have absorbed from the traversers to feed back on you to help you strengthen your ability! And the former armor is To create the spirit of this traverser of Atlantis, I just closed my eyes because of my ability to absorb the spirit!" explained in 1955.

After listening to the 407 words of the 9:257, Jiang Yuan was completely shocked, because Jiangyuan completely could not think of it, not only the competition between them, but even the existence of competition between the spirits. The spirit is engulfing another instrumental spirit. There is only one choice between the competitors, that is, fighting until the other party dies!

I want to understand the whole of the eyes of the whole.

Looking at the appearance of Jiang Yuan, until 9/57 until Jiangyuan had already understood this matter, he sighed again.

"It seems that you understand. Yes, that's what you think. The competition between your passers-by is to fight for a win or lose. Stand for life and death. Only the one who survives can be considered a winner!" Whispered.

Upon hearing the confirmation of 9527, Jiang Yuan breathed the air in a big mouth to ease his inner surprise. After a while, I only saw that Jiangyuan had finally recovered. Then Jiang Yuan’s eyes condensed and continued to ask.

"What about this basalt stone statue, why don't you let me touch him, and why do I feel a strong attraction on this stone statue, attracting me to be close to him, and want to touch it? Is it true? Is this also a singer's instrumental spirit? Or is this the killing of Poseidon's instrumental spirit?" Jiang Yuan asked. .

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