Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 62: uniform

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s question, I nodded silently in September 5, saying that Jiang Yuan was right. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

"You guessed it, this stone statue should be the thing that kills Poseidon, because when you are about to touch this stone statue, I feel that the armor of the armor is shaking slowly, And this feeling of shaking and shaking is not like fear, but more because of anger!" said nine five two seven.

Jiang Yuan sighed, then looked up again and looked at the small Xuanwu in front of him.

When Jiang Yuan looked at this basaltic, Xuanwu actually looked at Jiangyuan, and his mouth still left a humanized expression, which revealed a mocking expression.

Looking at the expression of Xuanwu, Jiangyuan was very angry. Jiangyuan couldn’t think of it. He was dismissed by a spirit.

"Rely, what expression do you have, look down on me, I admit that your strength is very strong, but I don't believe that I can't clean you up. Today I let you know, the consequences of looking down on people." After that, Jiang Yuan instantly I rushed to the front of Xuanwu, and raised my fist, and attacked the past with the flesh of Xuanwu.

When Jiang Yuan’s fist touched Xuanwu, Xuanwu did not even have the slightest meaning of shaking. On the contrary, Jiang Yuan himself felt a huge pain and made Jiang Yuan grin.

Jiang Yuan couldn't think of it completely. As Xuanwu's defense power was so strong, even if he used his full strength, he couldn't help him, and he could only use his ability to shake the earthquake and let himself be injured.

However, Jiangyuan still believes that the basaltic attack has been carried out against the evil spirits, and he has attached strength to his fist.

Only Jiang Yuan’s fist was hit again on Xuanwu’s body, and Xuanwu still did not have any reflection, but Jiangyuan’s power was even greater because of this time, so this time’s reaction to Jiangyuan’s body It is even stronger. I only see Jiang Yuan’s arm showing a strange angle and bending a little toward the back.

Jiangyuan completely couldn't think of it. He attacked others and eventually he was injured. But at this time, things have already happened. Jiangyuan can only accept his life, and his heart is constantly thinking about what he should do.

Jiang Yuan came to the bottom of the sea to find the power of such super defense. This time, Jiang Yuan saw the moment of Xuanwu, and immediately had a goal. He had already regarded Xuanwu as the preferred target of his own extracted genes.

However, there is a condition for extracting genes, that is, Jiangyuan must be able to subdue him, or he willingly let himself extract genes to be successful.

However, there is too much difference between Jiangyuan’s strength and Xuanwu. Let’s not subdue him. Even if you want to break the defensive power of Xuanwu, it’s an idiotic dream. In addition, Jiang Yuan has already revived Xuanwu, and this Xuanwu is the magic weapon of other traversers. The competition between the traversors is to kill each other and to take away his spirit.

Now that Jiangyuan has resurrected Xuanwu, he must be a way to subdue this Xuanwu, otherwise Jiangyuan is likely to die here.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s mind constantly thought of ways, but no matter what method, every time it appeared, it was immediately denied by Jiang Yuan, because Jiangyuan could not meet this condition at this time.

Just when Jiangyuan was still thinking, the small Xuanwu in front of his eyes opened his mouth.

"The ants, are you resurrecting me? Interesting, I don't think that after so many years, some people can come here, right, the waste at the door, is it cleaned up by you, the strength of this waste is not good, but When I died, I sealed it. Now you have killed him and raised it to me. So, I will give you a choice, surrender to me, or kill me by me~" Xuanwu said with ridicule. .

After stopping the basaltic Hua, Jiang Yuan got angry and suddenly gasped out, but now he is like a fish, there is no chance to resist.

At this time, Jiangyuan regretted his actions in front of him. If you haven't touched the stone statue by yourself, you don't have these things now.

But now that everything is finished, Jiangyuan’s only thing to think about is how to escape. Because Jiangyuan couldn’t think of killing him, maybe he can use other energy to awaken the power before he can.

"What do I do when I am 9:527, then what good way can you cope with the current situation?" Jiang Yuan asked.

After listening to the thoughts of the September 5th, I shook my head. Now I have no way, and the only way to believe that you also think of it is the power before you directly wake up. That's it.

Jiang Yuan was silent because Jiangyuan’s situation was very tense at this time, but if the power before the awakening is likely to attract the power of the world law, then even if he has dealt with this basalt, he may not be able to resist. The power of the laws of the world.

However, Xuanwu did not give Jiangyuan any opportunity to think, and directly took a picture of Jiangyuan.

I saw a huge turtle claw photographed toward the top of Jiangyuan.

Seeing the turtle's claws in front of him, Jiang Yuan was horrified and immediately hid to the side, but when Jiangyuan ducked, the aftershocks of the tortoise claws spread directly toward the surrounding, and then saw a dust flying to the ground. Surrounded by, and brought a strong wave of air. And this strong air wave immediately sent Jiang Yuan out.

Only after seeing Jiang Yuan’s body hit a stone pillar behind him, he stopped and immediately saw the innermost part of Jiangyuan, highlighting a blood.

And this (good Wang Hao) mouth blood just spit out, immediately squatted on the armor of Jiang Yuan, and then saw that the armor actually began to shine with a little bit of light, while in the light There is still a virtual shadow of a person!

Looking at the sudden appearance of the situation, Jiangyuan could not completely remove it, but since it was out of armor, he had already recovered his armor. Jiangyuan believed that this situation must not be unfavorable to himself, and then his eyes stared at him. .

At this time, Xuanwu attacked Jiangyuan again. Only Xuanwu’s mouth was closed, and the next attack was brewing. After a while, I only saw an ice-blue light column protruding from the innermost part of Xuanwu. This light column was with an extremely cold atmosphere. Jiang Yuan attacked.

When I saw the icicles coming to Jiangyuan, the sound of a man sounded. .

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