Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Strengthen the body

But time did not give Jiangyuan too much opportunity to think. It didn't take long, and the reminder was again on September 25th.

"What do you want, hurry up and choose, or you will miss it in a chance. When you have nothing at all, hurry up and choose!"

Jiang Yuan heard a word, and said something directly!

"Mother's, fight." After that, I saw Jiangyuan directly chose to develop the extracted genes. The extracted gene is of course the most needed defense gene now!

Just when Jiangyuan had just chosen a defensive gene, Jiang Yuan immediately felt that there was another exciting force in his body.

"Choose the defense gene, choose it, and extract the gene for you! Extraction begins!"

Just after the beginning of the extraction of the four words, Jiang Yuan felt a strange force into his body, and constantly transforming his body.

When this force entered the body of Jiangyuan, the power was too strong. Only the body of Jiangyuan was directly blasted by Jiangyuan’s body because of this powerful force. Jiang Yuan is all blood, and his muscles are constantly breaking.

Jiang Yuan couldn't stand the painful feeling of this kind of pain, and yelled at the sky to relieve his pain. Then I heard the screams of fear in the entire palace.

Jiangyuan is constantly groaning because of the pain, and the body is constantly changing while changing. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

I saw that Jiang Yuan’s body was constantly shredded by this force, and then recovered and tempered. After each recovery, he could see a little change in the body of Jiang Yuan, and the color of the skin was slow. Slowly turned into a yellowish color, it is extremely heavy.

At the same time, after each tear, I will return, Jiangyuan's body will support for a while.

I don't know how long it took, Jiangyuan has been suffering from too many pains, the nerves are completely numb, and the throat is completely screamed because of the constant embarrassment, leaving only a little bit of awkward voice.

Slowly, I saw that the body of Jiangyuan has not changed. At this time, the body of Jiangyuan has completely changed into the color of the earth. The skin of the yellow color looks extremely heavy and thick. Just like the land, it looks very strong.

At this time, Jiang Yuan’s body once again showed a force inside. When this force appeared, Jiang Yuan immediately felt a cool feeling emerged from his body to restore his body. All the injuries, throat, heart, internal organs and the like were repaired a little bit. Finally, all the internal organs were covered with a faint white light, forming a protective film.

At this time, Jiangyuan also woke up. The body was sitting on the ground for a long time. There was already a little numbness. At this time, Jiangyuan felt that his body was extremely ugly and only able to Slowly stood up.

When he stood up again, Jiang Yuan stretched out a lazy waist, and there was a sound of firecrackers in his body.

"Ah, comfortable, really comfortable, this is the power of basaltic, it is really powerful. Now my body's defense ability is not comparable to Xuanwu, but it can certainly resist many attacks, and the turtle If the immortal wants to clean up me now, it is estimated that even if it is my defense, he will not be able to defeat! "Feeling the power in his body, Jiang Yuan said confidently.

"Not bad, I don't think this Xuanwu is really a good thing, but we are also considered to be rich and dangerous. You just extracted the defensive gene of Xuanwu, but I did not expect it to be among the defensive genes of Xuanwu, and his blood. Ability, now you are not only amazing in defense ability, but even your strength has increased a lot. In addition, your current attack on the water system has already had a certain immunity! "Suddenly said in September 5th.

Just Jiangyuan just felt his defensive ability. At this time, when he heard the words of 9:527, Jiang Yuan finally found that his body was changed so much because of this strengthening! Even surpassed the Super Saiyan gene extracted from the body of Sun Wukong!

However, Jiang Yuan’s thoughts are correct, because when extracting the genes of Xuanwu, so many bio-energy, if it is the extracted gene of Sun Wukong, it is estimated that it can directly specify the extraction of ** times, but to the body of Xuanwu, It was only extracted once!

"Oh, it’s really a rich and dangerous one. It’s really dangerous. The reward is bigger! But I still have to thank the man and his spirit.” When he said the man, Jiang Yuan suddenly rang and then started himself. The body calls for men.

". Hey. Seniors, are you still there?" Jiang Yuan asked.

After Jiang Yuangang finished speaking, he saw the man slowly coming out of Jiang Yuan’s body and looking at Jiang Yuan with a smile on his face.

"Yes, kid, very good, you can help me, but a heart knot, Xuanwu has been killed by you, but also captured the gene, it can be considered a revenge for me, I can safely go. "The man said with a smile.

At this time, there were a lot of questions in Jiang Yuan’s mind that he wanted to ask the man, and then he had a long mouth.) Ba wants to ask, but the intention is that this thing may be the pain in the man’s heart, and it is silent and closed again. mouth.

The man saw Jiang Yuan’s movement and sighed and said.

"I know that you have a lot of questions in your heart, but I can't tell you all, but I can give you a reminder. Then I can remember what I said," the man said.

"In fact, there is still a ranking among our passers-by. As long as you successfully wear (good Zhao Hao), the two worlds will open a list, and above this list, we are all through. Nouns, including ten strong, five kings, three supreme and one god-level powerhouse!"

Jiang Yuan because of the stalker who just knew it, so I didn’t even think that there was a ranking. At this time, when I heard the man, Jiang Yuan was like a new world, and listened meticulously.

"And the Xuanwu we just packed, if I didn't guess wrong, his master should be one of the five kings! So the kid must be careful with your path, because it is very likely that they will meet them. You must be careful when you arrive!" the man reminded.

Although I know that the masters of Xuanwu are amazingly powerful, Jiang Yuan simply couldn’t think of this Xuanwu master, but he is one of the five kings! At this time, Jiangyuan knew that he had caused a big trouble! .

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