Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Maximize promotion

But when I think about it, I think that these things are nothing. There is no need to think about it. If you think about these things, you should think about how to improve your own strength and let your own strengths cope with future troubles. of.

Then Jiangyuan said with a smile.

"Thank you for your reminder from my predecessors. I know that you are out of good intentions, but since things have already happened, you can’t hide them. It’s better to face them quietly. Moreover, now I may only be ants in his eyes. He wouldn't have thought of my existence at all, so as for the future things, I wouldn't think too much, because I know that things are going to be counter-productive. I am doing what the county is doing right now, that is, improving the strength. The rest are all in the future. Things, when it really happens, I always have the opportunity to deal with it, so I have nothing to fear!" Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

After listening to Jiang Yuan, the man smiled silently.

"Kid, don't know how to say hello, whether it is that you don't know who is not guilty, or that you are daring, you must know that although we are a minority, but in all the world, all The number of traversers has reached tens of thousands, and only a few hundred people can be on the list, but when they reach the top ten, the five kings, the three supreme, and the status of the extension, that The strength is definitely not what you can imagine, because then you will know what kind of opponent you are facing now!" The man persuaded.

"What do you say about the seniors? Can these things be considered by me now, can I help me? Or do you think I can do anything with the present? I have no way at all. It is better to choose silence first, and then wait until the time is up, let it go, I believe that God will not treat me badly. Since I chose to be a passer, then I definitely have an advantage. The things, I am very confident, I can definitely deal with it!" Jiang Yuan said confidently, and then distributed in Jiangyuan's body in addition to a strong breath!

This breath has nothing to do with the strength of the power, but after it emerged from Jiang Yuan's body, it gives people the feeling that Jiangyuan is like a strong and always strong! Or (bdea) said that it is a king, giving people a sense of emptiness, giving people a special awe!

Feel the change of Jiangyuan at this time, the man grew up with a mouthful of mouth) Ba, did not respond for a long time.

However, Jiangyuan had just revived this breath and soon returned to its original state. Looking at the surprised man, Jiangyuan was very different.

"Predecessors, what happened to you? Was it shocked by my great ambition Lingyun? Or you agree with what I said, anyway, I feel that no matter what, it is natural, everything is spiritual, Everyone has their own value. Since I have chosen me, I definitely have doubts about my own existence! So who is the book in the future who wins, hehe is not necessarily!" Jiang Yuan said confidently.

Just when Jiang Yuan said the following words, the man finally came back to God. At this time, Jiang Yuan looked at him with a bitter smile, and his heart was sour and sour.

"Hehehe, kid, maybe you still have a chance to do that. You don't know how powerful you have changed inadvertently. You have just reached an artistic conception. I only felt it in the body of the top ten, but when you say it with confidence, you don’t expect me to feel this kind of mood from your body! And you may not know this. This kind of artistic conception is powerful, because if you want to enter the seats of the top ten strong people on the living, this artistic conception is indispensable, and we call this artistic conception Nirvana! Nirvana Nirvana! Only you feel this artistic conception After that, you can be like a phoenix nirvana, and you will be able to fly to the sky and reach the level of the strongest person in the future! The kid has to say, I really envy you, and envy your strength and luck!" The man is bitter Said.

Although Jiang Yuan just felt his own change, he did not know that this change was so powerful, and he was able to make such earth-shaking changes. At this time, I heard the man’s explanation, Jiang Yuan finally realized it!

But at this time, the man's face changed again and continued.

"Although you have realized this kind of artistic conception, there is still something you don't exist, and this kind of thing is what you want to achieve in the future, because it allows you to reach the realm of the stronger more quickly!" The man said again.

Jiang Yuan heard the question and asked.

"Predecessors, I don't understand, I don't know what kind of things you said later. What else is needed to make my strength improve faster? I hope you can explain it to me?" Jiang Yuan doubts Asked, Jiangyuan at this time is like a modest student, all things want to know very clearly.

"Between all the traversers, we are brought to the world of crossing through a kind of opportunity, and each world has different strengths. Similarly, the things and opportunities that lead you through are different. And this thing is nothing else, it is a spirit!" said the man.

Jiang Yuan can't figure out what is different between the instrument spirit and the instrument spirit. At this time, Jiangyuan only touched the men's armored spirits of the 9252, and the knowledge among these passers-by was Do not understand.

Seeing the doubts of Jiangyuan Manchester United, the man continued to explain with his heart.

"In fact, the spirit of the room is different from the roommate. The simplest thing is that some of the spirits are called instrumental spirits, but they are just an auxiliary tool that can help you do things, such as giving you the initial ability to extract others. The ability, and some of the spirits can also let you absorb these abilities, and once again improve your ability, and other spirits can give you advice on what you need Yang, let you Have a better choice and be able to maximize your strength!"

"The same, between the spirits, there is one of the most powerful difference. That is, every kind of spirit is only seen. When crossing, it has a special ability, but some of them are very weak. You can't feel it, and the ability of my instrumental spirit to believe that you also feel it, that is the power that affects people! So you can understand it?" The man asked. .

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