Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 84: Super strong

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, everyone first saw it, and then Sun Wukong quickly asked. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

"Jiangyuan Big Brother, what did you say just now, you said that you want to leave, do you want to say goodbye to my door? What makes us wrong? Or because our strength is too weak, you think we are dragging you down, So I have to leave?" Sun Wukong asked anxiously.

After Sun Wukong asked this sentence, all the people stared at Jiangyuan and wanted Jiangyuan to give them a satisfactory explanation, because the problem of Sun Wukong was the question of all people.

When he heard Sun Wukong, Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly. Why did Jiang Yuan have not said this thing for a long time? He was afraid of the current scene, but when he really encountered it, Jiang Yuan had a feeling of helplessness.

Jiang Yuan is a very "three-three-three" who is afraid of parting. He is even more afraid to see the eyes that arise because of parting. At this time, when he heard Sun Wukong, Jiang Yuan smiled and bent down and touched the head of Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, not to say that you are abandoning you, your strength is great now, and I believe that your future strength will be very strong, just because I promised Boma, I want to go with her to the world of two people, together Travel, the battle is looking for Dragon Ball, so I am sorry for Goku, Jiangyuan Big Brother has no choice but to choose to leave." Jiang Yuan said.

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s explanation, all the people sighed and finally did not know what to say.

Think carefully, it seems that Jiangyuan’s approach is quite right. Boomer has been with Jiangyuan for some time, but until now, Bouma has not enjoyed the world of Jiangyuan’s two people, and has been following Jiangyuan in the east. Run west and worry about Jiang's Anwei. Look. Wool, Chinese network and now Jiangyuan wants to accompany Buma, it should be done. thing.

Because Sun Wukong is relatively small in mind, he is still ready to continue to ask Jiangyuan some things. At this time, the turtle fairy directly pulled over Sun Wukong.

"Yes, kid, since you have chosen, then you can do it on defense. I also believe in your strength and your growth rate. All things can be overcome, but don't forget that you still have a home." On a small island, and on this small island, you still have a group of family members, waiting for you, tired, injured, do not want to go, come back, go home." Turtle immortal said.

When I heard the words of the turtle fairy, Jiang Yuan’s nose was counted, but she even cried out, but she finally held back.

"I have an old man, don't worry, I know how to do it. When I don't like to go, I will take Bouma back. I will stay with you at that time. Wait a minute, don't dislike us. Even if you want to drive us away, you can, I won't win, but I guess you have no chance." Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

When he heard Jiang Yuan’s teasing, the turtle fairy smiled and then walked in again to the venue of the contest.

Slowly, just when everyone entered the venue, I saw that everyone’s eyes were on the pedestrian, and the strength of these people was definitely the most powerful group in this competition. In addition, a single Jiangyuan strength can knock down all opponents.

When the referee saw Jiang Yuan and others coming in, he shouted directly and excitedly.

"Next, let us welcome the strongest combination of our session, Tianjin, Sun Wukong, Turtle Immortal, and Jiang Yuan debut!" the referee shouted loudly.

When I heard the voice of the referee, the four men looked at each other and then walked up to the martial arts in accordance with the strength of the strength. Jiangyuan walked in the first position, and the turtle fairy walked in the second position, and Sun Wukong and Tianjin rice two, Tianjin rice automatically gave up the third position, and went straight to the end to show The power of Sun Wukong.

After the four men took office, the referee shouted again excitedly.

"Next, let us use the warmest applause to welcome the strongest of our competitions. These six people are our last six strong, and as for their strength ranking, I believe that you have also in your heart. The answer, the next winner is Jiang Yuan! "The referee shouted loudly.

Then all the audience began to work hard, not only because Jiangyuan's strength conquered them, but also that if there is no Jiangyuan, perhaps all people are now a dead body.

But there are always some people who don’t open their eyes will come out to make trouble....

Hearing the referee’s reading and seeing all the audience applauding, one of the six people standing on the stage said.

"Whoever admits that he is the first place, the last game has not started, it was destroyed by the gorilla, so this term should not be ranked at all, and in the end all four of them have lost the qualification to fight, So the first place should be the two of us." The little man said.

Just after the man of the little man finished speaking, the talents noticed the person. At this time, they saw the appearance of this little man and its insignificance, and it looked very horrible.

When the little man was talking, he also passed another player around him. It seemed that he was preparing to let the player say two words to express his dissatisfaction.

The person next to the little man felt the action of the little man, and also looked forward to the title of the world's first, and then echoed to express his feelings.

After seeing that both of them expressed dissatisfaction, Jiangyuan had not spoken yet. The hot temper of Tianjin Rice rose and immediately shouted.

"Rely, what are you two, even when you say this at the last time, do you think that you can compete with us? We can kill you all by one! Now you still want to take it. First, I want to be beautiful!" Tianjin Rice shouted loudly.


I heard the sound of Tianjin rice, and both of them trembled. I shaken it because the two people in Tianjin had seen it before. The two did not feel that they could be the opponents of Tianjin rice. As for other people, it was even more Needless to say, one is a Monkey King who can become a monster, one is a turtle fairy who can compete with the monster, and another Jiang Yuan is to save everyone, and defeat the super power of the Monkey King, even if they are It’s silly and I won’t say anything more.

"Although your strength is strong, but in the end you still lose the fighting ability, so you are not qualified for this first place. The first place should make us." After a while, the little man seems to be the first again The name of this title has attracted the same, and the teeth continue to say. .

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