Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 85: out of control

Jiang Yuan, who has always held a wait-and-see attitude, couldn’t help it at this time, laughing and walking out and saying.

"Small man, since you feel unfair, then what do you say is fair?" Jiang Yuan asked.

All the players were very jealous of Jiang Yuan. At this time, the little man saw Jiang Yuan suddenly stand up and smiled and talked to himself. The little man immediately felt a cold wind and blew himself toward himself.

However, the small man looked at the intensive audience and the players around him. In addition, he is still on the top of the contest. There are still a lot of people around him. It is expected that Jiangyuan will not dare to act rashly, and he will have a sigh of relief.

"I just said that you have lost the ability to fight, so this time, the first, you have to be disgraceful. Need to let it out, let us get it." The little man said.

Jiang Yuan heard a cold smile, and did not say anything more. He only saw Jiang Yuan slowly moving toward a small man. The closer he went, the colder he laughed.

Seeing that Jiangyuan walked toward himself a little bit, the little man felt the fear of not being 13 often, and slowly pushed it backward toward the rear, and he stammered and asked.

"You. You and you. What do you want to do, tell you, here is the meeting place of the contest, you don't act rashly, what's wrong, I told you about your distressed things, you want to hurt your hands? Here So many people look at it, won't let you lose sight of it, don't come over!" the little man shouted loudly.

Jiang Yuan heard a smile and said.

"Small, I admit what you said, yes, there are so many people here, they are really looking at me, I really shouldn't do it, the average ordinary person does not really do it. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese Net, Jiang Yuan said.

When I heard Jiang Yuan, the little man thought that Jiang Yuan was afraid, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"Because you know that you don't hurry back, and you should give up your first title, don't give us a martial arts person. Hurry up," said the little man.

"I thought it was so powerful, just scared and scared, how strong and powerful, my mind is immature, not being played in my applause." The little man thought.

When Jiang Yuan heard the little man, he still didn’t stop, and went on, and then immediately reached the moment in front of the little man, quickly speeded up, and immediately rushed to the front of the little man, directly Stretched out his left hand, grabbed the neck of the little man, and gave it up directly, and said with a cold smile.

"Yes, I mean, I really shouldn't do it, but it's an ordinary person, but do you think that I need to take care of these things for me? Do you think I am also an ordinary person? In this society where people eat people Do you think that I will be afraid? Strength is the proof of everything!" Jiang Yuan said. Then I threw the little man out at once.

After throwing it out, Jiangyuan did not stop to move his own, but continued to follow up, and suddenly pulled the head of the little man, and hit the ground, only heard Peng’s voice, small The head of the man was inlaid on the ground, and the previously repaired contest venue was destroyed again.

Immediately after Jiangyuan stood up, he continued to laugh, and his eyes glanced around.

"Who else thinks something is wrong? You can talk to me. If you feel that something is wrong, you can stand up. I will talk to you about it and see if I really did it right!" Jiang Yuan said.

Before the small man continued to follow the strong man, after seeing the small man's end, he did not dare to speak directly, and silenced. At this time, if he heard Jiang Yuan's words, he would like to recall the small man's end, immediately not Dare to talk, all the previous wishes were shattered.

After a while, I saw that all the people had no objections, and Jiang Yuan laughed.

"That's right. We are right in this ranking. Although we didn't participate in the competition at the end, don't you think about it? Do you think that you can compete against your strength, or that you have confidence to stop? At that time, although you felt that we did not participate in the competition, I felt that my heart was not balanced, but if you have the confidence to compete with me, you can stand up and I will be a stinking rogue today. I will see who you dare to say. No word, I hit him to admit it!" Jiang Yuan loudly shouted.

When I heard Jiang Yuan, all the people were silent, and then they didn’t know what to say. Yes, although Jiangyuan did not participate in the competition at the end, the situation at the time was not blocked by all others. They stood up, and if it was not blocked by Jiangyuan, perhaps now it is a ruin, and all the people have become dead, so Jiangyuan’s ranking is clear!

"Yes, who of you want to stand up, I look at your strength, I admit Mr. Jiang himself today, I don't admit it to others, you say it!" The audience around it also echoed loudly.

Finally, with the appearance of this person's voice, other audiences shouted out, and finally could not control it. The audience's voice grew louder and bigger, directly covering the entire venue.

At this point, the referee saw this situation and suddenly knew that if he did not stand up and speak, the scene would be out of control, and then directly said.

"Well, the strength of Mr. Jiang 370 Yuan, there is no doubt that no one of you can room his opponent, so this time the contest, I announced that the ranking of the world's first contest, the first room of Mr. Jiang Yuan Name. Turtle immortal second, Sun Wukong third, Tianjin rice fourth, fifth is strong dog, sixth is originally a mouse, but because it now automatically exits, the next ranking forward one! The referee said loudly.

Hearing the voice of the referee, other hungry names, no one else, and all the people shouted excitedly at this time.

"Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan, Jiangyuan!" After the completion, I am ready to rush.

Seeing that all the viewers are out of control. The referee quickly said it and let them calm down, then arranged for Jiang Yuan and others to leave.

After leaving, Sun Wukong asked in confusion.

"Jiangyuan Big Brother, what is the situation? Why I just heard the referee say that I am the third place. I didn't faint when I was fighting with Tianjin Rice. How did I get the third place? It shouldn't be the fourth place. ?? Sun Wukong asked in confusion.

When I heard Sun Wukong, Tianjin Rice just had to explain, Jiang Yuan interjected.

"Nothing, you just have to remember that you are the third place, and you are deserved!" Jiang Yuan said. .

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