Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Strong

When I heard Jiang Yuan’s words, Sun Wukong snorted and did not ask again. Look. Mao. Line. 中.文.网

Although Sun Wukong’s mind is a little smaller, since all the people do not say it, there is absolutely no reason why I can let myself know. Sun Wukong would not want to ask again, because even if he asks again, Jiang Yuan I won't say it.

When Tianjin Rice saw that Jiangyuan did not say this and interrupted his own words, he understood that Sun Wukong’s final mineralization into a gorilla’s room did not want Sun Wukong to know, so he chose not to say it. Then Tianjin Rice also chose to let this thing be silenced.

At this time, the first contest in the world has come to an end, and everything has ended. Everyone has begun to return to their place of residence.

Because of the addition of Tianjin rice and dumplings. Therefore, Tianjin rice and dumplings also went to the place where everyone lived.

At this point, because it was over, everyone went back to the residence, first cleaned up, and then everyone suggested to celebrate together. Relax and relax!

This proposal has just been put forward, everyone agrees, and then after I have packed it up, I will go out.

In the previous battle game, all the people and nerves were highly nervous, so there was no time zone to rest, and now that they can go out to celebrate, everyone is very happy. Not much time, I rushed out.

After arriving outside, Jiangyuan first continually shuttled on the street, looking at every novelty, went up to see two eyes.

On this road, after everyone was happy to go shopping, they chose the place to eat.

Because Boma is a city city, so I know everything about the good food around, and Boma is very rich, so I chose the best local area to eat.

After that, Jiang Yuan and others shouted loudly.

"Boss, you have to come up with something delicious here. Today we have to eat a big meal, eat more, and have any good to come up to me!" "Sun Wukong shouted loudly.

When he heard Sun Wukong's words, Jiang Yuan smiled helplessly, because Sun Wukong's performance at this time was completely a food can be expressed, and in the mind of Sun Wukong, in addition to cultivation is eating.

When I heard Sun Wukong, the boss went straight out. When I saw Jiang Yuan and others, I first saw it, and then said happily.

"Oh, the strongest of the first contests in the world, when I was in the game, I went to see your game. At the last time, I was there. I liked your strength very much. It’s a great privilege to think that you have come to my small shop to eat. So, today, you just eat it casually, just pick it up, eat what is directly counted as me, and let you come to my small place to eat, it’s my pleasure!” Happy to say.

Jiang Yuan completely couldn’t think of himself to come out and eat a counter. He even met his own fans. In the end, he could only help but smile.

"Then thank you to the boss, but I really don't need this. We still have money, so you can give us a dish. How much money will I give you, how much money I will give you, this room principle problem, you also transfer money. Not easy," Jiang Yuan said.

"What is said about this? I know that your strength is very strong. There must be a lot of money, but if you come to the store to consume, then I will have to entertain you, or let my friend know. I will say how I am so stingy, I will definitely blame me, so don’t say anything else. Today, this meal is counted as me.” After that, he shouted directly at the kitchen.

"Come, give me good, then these strongmen, what they eat and drink, are counted on my head, if they are not happy, you do not have to do it, understand it!" Boss loudly Shouted to express his status.

When the boss’s words were just finished, someone immediately walked out and directly took over the position of the boss and began to entertain Jiangyuan.

At this time, the boss said with a smirk.

"In this way, everyone, I have a small request, I don't know if you can meet my request." The boss said.

Just after the boss had taken care of himself and so on, Jiang Yuan directly nodded and agreed.

Seeing Jiang Yuan’s reaction, the boss said with a smile.

"This is the case. I have a lot of friends with me. I have an idea of ​​studying martial arts since I was a child, but I have no choice but to walk. I have no success in the end, but we all worship the strong, so that you can give the strong, can you give I am a signature, so I have a little bragging capital with my friends. When they are, they must all look at me with an envious expression." The boss said, while still expressing the expression of obscenity, directly in his mind. I thought about the picture after that.

Seeing the boss's sincere look, after agreeing, he agreed, and then followed the boss to start a photo, one person and then came a big photo. Finally, the boss’s smile with a satisfied face left.

After seeing the boss leave, Sun Wukong couldn't help himself. He brought all the food he liked to watch, and finally got a little drink.

After a while, the food of Jiang Yuan and others started, and then everyone saw that everyone started to move.

". Today, the day when the contest was over, we all have achieved a very good result, so I wish all of us, the future things will be smooth, and the strength will be stronger! Jiang Yuan said loudly, then lifted the wine glass and gave it a bite.

Seeing (Li Dehao) Jiangyuan's movements, all the people have learned to learn.

After Sun Wukong had just eaten a little something, he also learned Jiang Yuan’s appearance and killed all the wines. But when he finished drinking, he saw that Sun Wukong had a fight, then he was confused, confused, and did not know the direction. .

At this time, I only saw that Sun Wukong was completely drinking, and began to sway, and began to talk nonsense.

"Jiangyuan Brother, I admire you. When I first met you, I felt that you were particularly powerful. You are my idol. If I am a woman, Bumma definitely has no chance. I will be early. Start with you, directly with you." Sun Wukong said.

When he heard Sun Wukong, Jiangyuan had no choice but to look at Buoma around him. At this time, Buma stared at Sun Wukong with anger and hugged Jiang Yuan. Express your status. .

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