Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 79: Shock

Seeing the star boy is also nowhere to go, and still do not know where his soul is located, Jiangyuan shook his head helplessly, looked around and found himself seems to have not gone out of this mountain forest since entering the forest. I have to say that this mountain forest is quite big. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Then I got up and looked at the star boy and said, "Let's do it. You know a lot of places. When you say a place, let's go there first, such as ~?"

Star Boys nodded and said: "This is reasonable, but even if I say these places, we have to get out of here before I can know where to say - ah?"

Looking at the star boy with a black face, Jiang Yuan also sighed helplessly. Looking at the forest, Jiang Yuan said: "The key point is that we don't know anything about it here. We must find a familiar one. People, otherwise we don’t know when we can go out.

Star Boy also endorsed Jiang Yuan’s suggestion, and then the two began to look for such people, but Lin Haijun, how can I find such a person?

At this time, 9252 reminded: "Hey! System prompt! The host has entered the territory of the Black Yao snake, it is recommended to evacuate!"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan’s heart snorted, thinking that he wouldn’t, wouldn’t he meet these guys so lately? Finally, I thought that this forest has never been seen in my own impression.

So this group of black yao snakes should not be the group they met, but when Jiangyuan returned to God to remind the star boy, he found that the star boy had already sneaked into it, and he sighed in his heart, then Quickly catching up with the Star Boy and stopping him, and seeing Jiang Yuan, the Star Boy asked with some doubts: "What do you stop me?"

When Jiang Yuan hadn’t said anything, he saw a dark-painted guy behind the star boy’s body being quietly coming over. Seeing Jiangyuan’s words, he picked up the star boy and ran out. And those black Yao snakes saw Jiang Yuan and the Star Boys running away, but they also chased them up.

As I ran and looked at the dark snakes behind me, Jiang Yuan was a bitter smile. Good guys, what kind of hatred do I have with these guys? I have encountered a batch of ones, and now there is no end to chase!

Resentful in my heart, but I can only think about it in my heart. Unless I don’t want to live, I’m stunned by the star boy’s sorrow, and I’m stunned by the overwhelming group of snakes. The kid's reaction ability is fast, otherwise the old man may have to feed the snake belly.

With the star boy flying, I have to say that it is a physical activity. Although I didn't care about it at first, it took a long time, and the Star Boy is a rather big problem.

Most of the physical exertion is on the star boy. Looking at the star boy yelling on his handcuffs, Jiang Yuan is also a bitter smile, thinking about the good guy, you are easy, the little man is fighting hard. You are here to scream and scream for two things.

Then I heard the star boy screaming: "Mom, the kid is running soon! These guys have to catch up."

Hearing the roar of the Star Boy, he thought it was a prank. But when Jiang Yuan looked back, he didn’t scare his eyes and quickly flew up.

I didn’t know when, after Jiang Yuan’s body, there were three to five black Yao snakes of different sizes. It was enough to look at the same group as the previous group of black Yao snakes.

Although it is very hard to speed up, Jiangyuan knows how long it will last.

When the heart is suffering, the star boy is also mourning at the side: "The old man is famous in the world, and finally he is swallowed by these little guys. The old man has a hard life!~~~"

Looking at the star boy crying here, Jiang Yuan directly gave him a slap in the palm: "Give a little quiet!"

After talking about Jiang Yuan, he felt that he was shocked by the sound of a broken body. He was in the body and instinct, and Jiangyuan avoided this attack from the side. The example of the next two rooms has been greatly reduced.

Seeing here, Jiangyuan dared to delay and continued to fly. At this time, if anyone saw this scene, I did not know the situation and thought that Jiang Yuan had raised a group of black Yao snakes.

At the same time as this riot, not far from the four figures are coming to Jiangyuan, "I said Fengzi, can you not make this joke with me, if let my family know, then I still Don't die!"

"Luo Gongzi is modest. Who doesn't know that Luo Dagong's family is at home and is loved and loved. How can it be punished with you because of this little thing?"

····Seeking flowers··········

If Jiangyuan still has the mood to see it at this time, he will find that there is a familiar figure among these people, and this person is not the one that Jiangyuan encountered before.

Feelings were overwhelmed by the front, and the four were also a glimpse. Then one of them asked with some trepidation: "This, what's wrong with this?"

Just when the voice of this person just fell, the wind was clear and the eyes were sharp, and you saw Jiang Yuan. When you just wanted to say hello, the facial expression was the same as when Jiang Yuan met the black Yao snake group.

Then the wind smashed and turned and flew out. Just when the three did not know what was going on, Jiang Yuan, who saw the three people, quickly shouted: "Hurry up and escape!~~~" Jiang Yuan went straight through a few people, and the three were frightened after seeing the scene after their body.


And then the Luo Gongzi responded slightly better, and then directly turned away and fled without regard to the two.

But the two people at this time were not so lucky. When the two reacted, the two were already drowned by the snakes.

The wind that ran at the forefront looked at Jiangyuan, not far behind, and smiled: "Jiang brother, we met again."

When Jiang Yuan heard this voice and looked up and saw the wind, he smiled bitterly: "Yes, we have met. I found that I have no luck since I saw you."

"Why did Jiang brother say this?" At that moment, the Luo Gongzi chased him up and said: "You still have the mood to talk about the old, and run quickly!" After the two of them looked back, the good guys were actually in the East. Accelerated.

Then several people quickly went out.

Just when Jiangyuan was about to hold on, the wind and the net slammed down with a smile, and the Luo Gongzi stopped and gave a tone.

Jiang Yuan was very puzzled. When the snakes were about to approach four people, a group of angry people directly shocked the snakes. "Looking at the animals, I dare to take a step forward, and the old man will kill you!"

When the words fall, an old figure appears in a few people, and when the star boy sees this person, his eyes are bright.

The snake group is full of fear because of the appearance of the old man. It can be seen that several people behind him are also unwilling. .

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