Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 80: Unbelievable

I saw a few of Jiang Yuan’s foods that were about to go to the mouth. The heads of the black Yao snakes were very unwilling, but it was very taboo to look at this old man.

Just after the two sides stalemate for half an hour, the old man finally impatiently broke out the breath of his body, and the snake group who felt the breath of this breath no longer insisted, after not being willing to look at Jiang Yuan and others, With the snake group retreat.

When I saw that I finally got out, the four people were sitting on the ground and gasping.

The old man took back the breath and looked back at Jiang Yuan and the star boy's brow, and then asked: "Who are these two boys?"

Feng Jing said: "The two are my friends, the elders don't have to worry."

After nodding, when the old man once again hit his eyes on the star boy's body, he said in an unbelievable way: "You actually..." "Three two three"

Star Boy pretends to be naive and asks: "This grandfather, how do you look at me like this?" Other winds and Luo Gongzi look at the star boy, thinking that it is not a child? Why are you making a fuss?

The old man also knew that he was out of order, and then he said to the star boy: "You come with me!" After saying that he did not ask Jiang Yuan to disagree, and the two hands disappeared with one wave.

Feng Jing looked at Jiang Yuan's anxious look, but also smiled and comforted: "Jiang brother does not have to worry, the veteran will not hurt your brother." Hearing here, Jiang Yuan nodded with a black face, originally If you want to refute anything, you can think about the lyrics of the Star Boys. The less people know the better.

Then I thought, I actually have a brother of more than three hundred years old, hehe, this is also a strange thing that is unique between heaven and earth.

Just when Jiangyuan was in a daze, the old man came to a mountain peak with a star boy, watching the misty clouds surrounding the peaks of the mountains, and the breeze came, giving people a sense of entering the fairyland. At this time, the old man said faintly: "Boy, I can feel that you are different from others, why not say why?"

Star Boy knows that this person knows the strangeness in his body, but he can still pretend to be an ignorant child. When he looks at the old man, he says, "Grandpa, are you talking to me?"

"Oh, I am still here with me!"

When the words fell, the old man took a shot at the foot of the star boy, and the scared star boy immediately showed up in his original form. "I am going, you are an old man, want to murder?"

But this sentence just said, Star Boy knows that he has been set. Then he sat helplessly and sat on the ground and looked at the old man and said, "What do you want?"

The old man said with a smile: "I am only curious about the secrets of you."

Star Boy said helplessly: "I don't have any secrets in my body. I am just an accident. You can't ask anything in me." Seeing the star boy knows the answer he wants, but others don't Say, you can't do it to a child.

Then he said helplessly: "In fact, I just want to live a few more years, and you should know this pain."

Seeing the old man sighing, the star boy is also faint and said: "Yes, but this is really an accident, or God may not want me to die so fast, I really can't help you, old man."

The old man smiled and shook his head and said: "Nothing, everything is still natural, eh? I don't know what you are calling?"

Star Boy laughed: "Star Boy."

"Yuan Meng."

After the introduction of Yuanmeng, it seems to have thought of something. Finally, I looked at the star boy and said something incredible: "You, you are actually a star family?"

"Is there still someone who knows my star family? It's not easy. I'm a good star. It's a pity. It's already a thing of the past. It's a lot of pain, and I am lucky enough to survive."

Yuan Meng said with a voice: "Don't you want to take revenge?"

Star Boy shook his head and said: "As you said, the star family is destroyed, it is just natural. Why do I have to ask for more, and then say, when is the report? And then live to our age. What is it?"

As the Star Boy said, Yuan Meng also agreed to nod and then said: "Well, those kids should wait for anxious."

Star Boy said: "Yes, I don't know if I can drag you down one thing?"

The old man smiled and said: "The things that the people of Xingjia entrusted are sensational. Of course, I can help."

"Thank you, because my soul is still incomplete, so I want to ask the old buddy, you can trust people to help me find other scattered souls, you don't have to worry about anything else, this is for you!"

After that, the star boy handed a porcelain bottle to Yuanmeng, and then reminded: "The east of this place, in the land of ten miles, can help you find my other souls..."

After picking up the porcelain bottle, Yunmeng nodded and said firmly: "Do not worry, this thing is esoteric on me."

Then the two of them finally came back when Jiangyuan was in a hurry.

Seeing that the Star Boy had nothing to do, Jiang Yuan also sighed. Seeing Jiang Yuan’s appearance, the Star Boy was also a hot heart and then tweeted: “Yu Ya, the big brother thinks so fast, I think so urgently. Yet?"

After talking about narcissism, I touched my delicate face.

At the same time, this sentence, including Jiang Yuan, is very black-faced, thinking how this guy can be so narcissistic? Then, under the enthusiasm of Yuanmeng, Jiangyuan’s helplessness followed the wind and returned to the wind home.

On the way back to the home of several people, 9252 reminded: "Hey! System prompts! Giant creatures appear outside of kilometers, the strength is still unknown, it is recommended to evacuate."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan and Yuan Meng also said at the same time: "There is a Dongxi West." And Yuan Meng is looking at Jiangyuan in a glance, thinking that the scope of this kid's perception is so wide?

This discovery makes the Yuan Meng unbelievable.

But at this time, there is no extra time to think of anything else.

Just when other people did not react, a dark shadow shrouded the land of 4.6. Two large ‘lanterns, like the sun in the sky, stared straight at several people.

Seeing this big guy, even the Yuanmeng is a bit scary, but I can imagine how far this guy’s strength has reached.

Then Yuan Meng said gloomyly: "You rushed to run. I have sent a message to the family. After a while, someone came to pick you up. My county blocked this guy."

At this time, the wind was clean and said: "No, the old man does not leave, I will not leave!"

Yuan Meng is drinking: "Hurry!"

At this time, a few people suddenly heard the air rushing and squeezing the pressure, and the huge explosion of the cockroach. I know that this big guy started to work. Yuan Meng’s words did not say that he broke out all his strength. Two golden gloves appeared in his hands, which contained the power of terror. .

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