Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 99: storm

Because of this, when the couple came to the city with the caravan, they were actually taken by a bully, and then a group of people were taken away to take Li Guang’s wife in public.

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan did not expect that it was also popular and bullying. Then I saw Li Guang’s sad expression, Jiang Yuan said with a smile: “Da’s big brother still wants to see your wife again.”

Hearing here, Li Guangqi stood up and said with red eyes: "How can I not want to see my wife~?"

Jiang Yuan quickly got up and said: "Da Li, don't be angry first. What I mean is that if you want to go back to your wife, of course, you have to make sure she is still alive. If all this is true, you Want to go back to your wife, I can help you -!"

Hearing here, Li Guang stared at Jiangyuan as a life-saving straw directly on the ground and said: "Jiang Jiang, if you can help me to get back my wife, I am willing to be a cow, how do you want to go _ !"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan is also very incomparable, and then smiled and said: "What do I want you to do with a man? I am also reporting the kindness of Li Da Ge who is willing to let me live in your home."

Li Guang was embarrassed to say: "When you say these things, as long as Jiang brothers can save my wife, I will do whatever I want."

Finally, after Jiang Yuan and Li Guang discussed some grievances, they went to rest.

Jiang Yuan is sitting on the squat and finally said: "How much biological energy does it take to raise strength?"

At this time, 9:27 said: "Hey! System prompt! This system only supports extraction and promotion. now has a host-owned bio-energy estimated to be 37 million bio-energy. Can be searched for extracts."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan calculated it in his mind. After all, it can't be used all the time. Otherwise, it will be a little troublesome when you need to use bio-energy.

Finally said: "Specify to extract two hundred pounds of strength."

"Hey! System Tip! Designation success! Spend 6 million bio-energy! The host's biometrics are expected to have 31 million bio-energy!"

Then Jiang Yuan felt full of enthusiasm and filled with a warm current, which made Jiangyuan endure a low-pitched voice, then punched it out, and then there was a sound of a blast of air in the house. With both hands and all the body, now has increased the strength of two hundred pounds, Jiangyuan mouth 丨 丨 light and light and then closed his eyes and continue to adjust the interest.

The next morning, as usual, Jiang Yuan was compiled very early, and it was adjusted for one night. Nowadays, the spirit is full. Not long after, Li Guang also came out, watching his body and Jiang Yuan see the same thing they wore for the first time, then Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "Large brother, when will you go?"

Li Guang did not think that Jiangyuan would get up so early. Under normal circumstances, Jiangyuan was very late. In the end, Li Guang said with a smile: "It will take some time. You are waiting here now. I will go to see the situation of other people. Then when I set off, I will come back to find you."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said: "That's good, I am here to wait for Big Brother Lee."

After watching Li Guang go out, Jiang Yuan pondered, because this time he went, I don’t know what will happen. Of course, Jiang Yuan hopes that everything will go in a good direction.

Then Jiang Yuan began to practice Mingyang Xuan Gong in the courtyard. When he followed the heart of the law for a small week, Li Guang’s voice came over. “Jiang Laodi, we should go!”

Hearing here, Jiangyuan exhaled and then got up and went out.

Later, it was discovered that only three of the caravans counted themselves as four. I think it might be arranged by Li Guang. After all, I went to Li Guang this time and didn’t know what would happen. It would be a good thing to have fewer people. Jiang Yuan also thought of this place, so he did not say anything. After the other two people greeted each other, they opened the road.

The two men are purchasing and keeping goods, and Li Guang is responsible for protecting the two people. They were originally a yellow-haired boy. They are not willing to bring them. After all, they don’t know who protects them, but these days. The strength of Jiangyuan is obvious to all, so the joining of Jiangyuan has made the other two very excited.

The two men also introduced themselves, and the name of the purchase was Li Shan, and the name of the goods was Li Lin. Hearing here, Jiang Yuan is also a glimpse. Seeing Jiang Yuan’s doubts, Li Guang also explained the reason for this surname.

····Seeking flowers·····

It turned out that the people in the entire village had been Li’s name for a long time, and no one had a different surname.

After the four people walked out of the village, Li Guang stopped and said: "This time we can't go the road before, because the land of wind and sand is unpredictable, so is the storm, so we have to recalculate a road, if That road is not safe before going again!"

A few people felt that they were good, and then they planned a path together.

Because the city is in the southeast of Lijiacun (the name of Jiangyuan's temporary name), if you want to reach the city, you must turn over a barren hill a hundred miles away, and then pass through a very dangerous storm danger zone. . However, Li Guang and others did not repair it, and it is impossible to resist the stormy weather that lives here.


So they can only recalculate a route every time they travel to ensure safety.

Then, after watching the three people decide, Jiangyuan followed the three people and started to walk. There is only one camel in the village. Although the body is very large, all the goods are to be carried, and three people are walking. This dangerous sandstorm is not a wise move, so they are walking every time they come out.

Followed by the three people, and walked for a half-hour, Li Guang said: "First take a break, then we are moving forward." Hearing here, Jiangyuan had no choice but to stop and follow a few people. Rested, and this time Li Guang came to Jiangyuan and sat down.

Looking at Jiang Yuan said: "Jiang Jiang, this time we mainly come out to purchase, and buy the Dongxi West that the people in the village need. We will stay in the city for three days, and we must have three days to pass. Going, otherwise there will be big troubles."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan was stunned and asked: "What big trouble?"

“It’s not a person in the city. If you stay in the city for more than three days, you will be arrested and killed! It’s been a long time ago, thinking that someone would want to stay a few more days before, then...”

Almost knowing, Jiang Yuan did not think that this honest management person is so troublesome. .

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