Marvel Super Extraction

Vol 4 Chapter 100: Punch

Finally, after the four people had enough rest, they continued to move forward. On this road, Li Guang constantly explained to Jiang Yuan everything in the city and various rules, so Jiangyuan was helpless. In the underground world, there are still so many rules, I really want to dominate the party.

Just when a few people walked about a fifth, the film space began to dim, and Jiang Yuan had to say here: "My God, here is day and night?"

Li Guang said with a smile: "That is of course, maybe it is different from the world outside of you. We are here for half a month during the day and the remaining half months are for the night. Look at 1 wool 3 Chinese network"

Hearing here, Jiangyuan is also a long-term experience. But when I think of the night, there will be some things that will be seen in the east, and then I just want to ask Li Guang, where the sands can be found in the night. At that time, Li Guang three suddenly stood up and let Jiang Yuan glance, then said in September 5: "There are a group of black pelicans in the 100 meters near the host. The strength is generally not enough. The terrible toxins are really horrifying. !"

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan also stood up, and some dignifiedly looked at the nearby movements. Afterwards, Jiang Yuan felt that several people’s feet began to shake and began to shake up. Seeing here, Jiang Yuan shouted: Run!"

Afterwards, Li Guang and Li Lin quickly shunned, but Li Shan was not so lucky.

While the three people avoided, the ground exploded in an instant, and a group of black lacquered East West also climbed Lishan’s body at lightning speed. When Lishan reacted, it was already late, and Jiang The source is that after the two people settled down, the sword turned out to appear out of thin air, and the sword gas burst out with it. Jiang Yuan’s big hand waved and the sword flew directly past the past.

Because of the reason of the sword, so the black lacquered Dongxi Xiyu flew out directly, and the sword was about to arrive in front of Li Shan and was heard under the control of Jiangyuan.

Seeing that Li Shan was a little numb in the same place, Jiang Yuan drank: "Hurry up!"

Being so drunk, Li Shan also came out from the fear and shocked emotions just now. Besides, he ran straight to several people in Jiangyuan, but he did not run far, a huge figure instantly Li Shan rushed out under the soles of his feet.

However, the speed of this figure is so astounding that even Jiang Yuan did not react. It was also a slow shot, but it was slow, and several people heard the cracking of the bones and Li Shan. The screams, and then the figure disappeared after the raw Lishan was eaten.

And everything happened so fast that the two people after Jiang Yuan’s body did not react. When the reaction came, they were screamed by the scenes.

Seeing that Li Shan was late, and knowing that he could not return to the sky, Jiang Yuan had to take back the sword and calm the two, because the grievances have not ended, because the big disappeared, but the small but not.

At the same time that Lishan was eaten, Jiang Yuan also saw the only camel in Lijia Village, which had not been left by those black bones.

Therefore, Jiangyuan knows that there can be no more waiting here, although the small is very good to deal with, but the big guy who can't touch himself at any speed really makes people feel uneasy and upset.

Then, under the appeasement of Jiangyuan, the two talents accepted the reality in front of them, and they were calmed down a lot. However, they were still scared to walk, but they saw that the blacks climbed here and they were forced to open. Run, and Jiangyuan Temple escorted the two.

However, Jiang Yuan’s calculations did not count the big guys. After eating Li Shan, he did not leave. Instead, he began to stare at Li Lin and Li Guang in the next moment.

Just as Jiang Yuan’s sword swept away the black scorpions that had approached a lot, the screams after the body made Jiang Yuan’s dark road bad, then turned to a moment and came to the incident, then Then I saw a huge scorpion hook that fell into the ground, and Li Guang was mixed on the ground.

Seeing this kind of Jiangyuan is completely ignited, and a sigh of anger, the aura spreads directly, and then Jiangyuan whispers a few times and then slams the sound of the sand, and then the big guy at the bottom is also After being shocked, the soul trembled and trembled. Then he climbed slowly from the bottom of the ground and squatted to the ground. Even the little guys were still motionless, and the little eyes were filled with the look of fear.

After the use of the dragon scorpion, Jiang Yuan also took a third of the spiritual power, and some black cockroaches were shocked to death because they could not withstand the pressure brought by the dragon owl. It is a series of calculations and totals of 9527.... Inadvertently, Jiangyuan received 300,000 bio-energy.

Even so, Jiang Yuan’s use of the dragon’s throat is a bit uncomfortable. Then, while the big guy was still shocked by the dragon, he quickly ran the two airflows in the body, clenched his fists, and then saw that Jiang Yuan’s figure disappeared into the place, and the next moment appeared directly there. The big guy was squatting and slammed down with a punch.

The big guy who feels threatened is also reflected, but it is already late, a fierce punch on his head, let the big guy directly smash, and then Jiang Yuan is smashing a few punches, so that this big guy does not Any chance of reaction until it begins to scream. Jiang Yuan slowly stopped and looked at the big guy who had already surrendered in front of him. Jiang Yuan drank: "Give you a chance to live and bring me to the designated place. If you dare to play tricks, Xiaoye will ask you directly. Life!"

Then the big guy and a group of black donkeys squatted on the floor.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan also put down his heart, because Jiang Yuan was afraid that this big guy would fight back when he stopped, and if he counterattacked, even Jiang Yuan was not sure whether he could subdue this big guy.

Suddenly this situation did not happen, and Jiang Yuan did not think that Long Hao actually had such a shocking effect on these animals. Then Jiang Yuan carried the stunned Li Guang to the back of the big guy. Although he saw that human beings were on his own back, he could not help but feel angry. However, due to Jiang Yuan’s arrogance, he was forced to submit.

In this way, Jiang Yuan began to travel long distances according to the route arranged by Li Guang and the map he found from Li Guang...

I don't know how long it took, Li Guang also woke up from the coma, looked at the dim space, suddenly thought of mixing into the previous scene, then suddenly got up and found himself lying on the back of a big guy, and finally inadvertently I saw Jiang Yuan on the back of this big guy. I didn't respond for a while. .

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