Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 168 Enough points, can I draw the tech world for the 3 time? (Subscribe!)

The moon and stars are sparse, the autumn wind is still bleak outside, and the sound of the leaves blowing is very comfortable.

And a more comfortable voice has been immersed in the huge living room.

Sister Commander and Sister 2b fell to the side weakly.

Locke crossed Erlang's legs, holding a cup of hot tea with wolfberry in his hand, taking a sip from time to time.

His eyes stayed on the holographic TV screen not far away, and a smile appeared on his face.

On the screen is his feat of single-handedly repelling the Chitauri army over New York today.

"My Cao, this kid is so handsome, no wonder there are so many women who like him, isn't he a jerk?" Locke said shamelessly while drinking hot tea.

He himself never thought that one day he would be able to see his figure on TV, not to mention the feeling is quite good.

Hearing his slightly narcissistic words, the commander's elder sister got up from the sofa and rested her head on Locke's lap with her tired body.

She likes this pose very much. From bottom to top, she can better see Locke's handsome face. From such a perspective, Locke also appears more powerful and domineering.

Definitely, the most important thing is to make it easy for her to do whatever she wants at any time.

"Master, when did you become so narcissistic, you can't even see your face in this picture! The commander said with a smile.

Although she said so, she looked at Locke with admiration and infatuation in her eyes.

The man in front of her is the only and forever male god in her heart, commonly known as yyds!

"That's right, I don't know what kind of skills this person who secretly filmed the video has, and we didn't even take a picture of our young master's face. It's really too spicy, bad review!"

At this time, Miss 2b put her head on Locke's other thigh, her sexy red lips opened and closed slowly.


Locke sucked in a breath of cold air, sat up straight, two big hands, spread back on the sofa, and looked casual.

"Although I can't see my front face, just through my majestic and tall back, everyone should be able to imagine my handsome face, right? What do you think?" Locke closed his eyes slightly and said with a smile on his face.

In fact, this can't be blamed for the poor skill of the person who took the video. On the contrary, the person who took the video is very skilled.

You must know that Locke was at an altitude of several thousand meters at that time, and this distance alone cannot be captured by ordinary photographic equipment.

In addition, at that time, Locke's whole body exuded a dazzling light like the sun. If it were ordinary equipment, let alone the back image of Locke, it would have been exposed long ago.

At the very least, Locke, who is on the screen at the moment, can clearly see his figure and outline. This technique is already quite cowhide.

"Giggle, young master, we just don't think it's useful! We are too familiar with you, young master, let alone looking at your majestic and tall back.

I just glanced at you a little bit, no matter any part, I can imagine how handsome you are, young master, and invincible.""!

The commander covered his mouth with a chuckle, his eyes were as tender as water, charming as lines, and his mature and sexy temperament rushed towards his face, making Locke hard to guard against.

Commander sister is really going further and further on the road to mature Onee-san.

"Sister Commander, you can't do this, you still need to see it? I know the young master better than you, and I can smell him from a few miles away!"

Hearing the words of the commander's sister, Miss 2b on the side said with a half-smile.

"Giggle, what's the smell?" the commander's sister asked with a smile.

"It's definitely a unique masculinity of the young master!" Miss 2b's eyebrows were raised, her eyes turned into a pair of beautiful crescent moons.

The tip of the ruddy tongue slid across his lips, a wicked smile climbed onto his pretty face, and he raised his eyebrows at Locke, as if you understood.

Seeing this, Locke shook his head speechlessly, these two wives are really helpless, and there is nothing else they can do for their husbands!

"Okay, the two of you don't sing double reeds with me, do you sing together, is it interesting?"

Locke pinched the pretty faces of the two at the same time, and planned to get up and go to the study to take stock of his gains today.

Since the end of the Battle of New York, he has not stopped, before the Ancient One came to meet him, and then he took his wives into the spiritual world for a one-minute tour.

If it wasn't for his good health, he would almost be unable to come out, but at night, he thought he could finally relax.

But I didn't expect that the commander's sister, who was wearing a teacher's uniform and gold-rimmed glasses, and the 2b sister, who was wearing a yoga suit, came in with the class schedule in between.

It was said that it was their turn to take classes today, and they also made it clear that they could not ask for leave for the island language class and yoga class.

In this regard, Locke could only honestly follow the two teachers into class without tears.

Then it is like this, the whole process is really not stopped at all, it is not too much to say that it is a day-to-day operation!

Only his perverted physique can hold it up, if anyone else, he would probably already be lying on the first floor of the hospital.

The so-called death from exhaustion should mean this.

"It really doesn't make much sense for me and 2b to sing double reeds, but if the object is replaced by you, it should be very interesting, 2b, are you right?" The commander said with a charming smile.

"Well... well, what the commander's sister said is right. It really doesn't make much sense for me to sing with the commander's sister. Why don't we change it, let's sing with the young master?

Miss 2b tilted her head slightly, and looked at Locke from bottom to top, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.

With a helpless expression on his face, he leaned back slightly, his entire back resting on the sofa.

With her right hand lightly on Miss 2b's silky sock-like hair, she straightened up a little, picked up the clothes that were pressing on her back, and put it on.

At this time, a gust of autumn wind passed over the tea table in the living room, passed through the green plants placed by the window, and finally fell on Locke with a hint of coolness.

I couldn't help shaking, this damn weather, it's so cold!

As if worried about Locke catching a cold, Miss 2b closed her lips lightly, with a blurred smile on her face, without speaking, she walked to the window and closed it.

"Master, don't catch a cold, my sister will warm you up!"

Before Locke could react from the coolness brought by the autumn wind, the commander's enthusiasm rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.

Not to mention, it was really warm, even a little hot!

Time passed quietly, and in the study, the hour hand of the gem-set quartz clock pointed to 1:00 am.

The night owl, Locke, did not sleep as usual, but was extremely excited.

Because the rewards of the system come as scheduled.

[Congratulations to the host, participating and witnessing the battle of New York, reward points 80 points. 】

Looking at the text message that appeared in front of him, Locke's face was full of excitement.

As expected of a big event that he did himself, he actually rewarded him with 80 points.

To know that 100 points can be used for a big draw in the world of science and technology, and the amount of 80 points is really a lot.

Calls up attribute information.

【Host】: Locke

[Technology World 1]: Neil Mechanical Age,

【Tech World 2】:Things Falling from Heaven


Looking at the 120 points in front of him, Locke became more and more excited.

Because it means he can have another big draw!

But just when he was excited about this, he thought of something, and suddenly his face was a little depressed.

According to the rules of the system, if you want to have a big draw in the world of science and technology, you must complete the science and technology task of the world that was drawn last.

And as far as he knows, there are quite a lot of scientific and technological tasks for things that fall from the sky.

Mission 1: Create artificial Angel, Icarus, Nimf, and Astraea.

Task 2: Develop mass-produced artificial Angels and create an artificial Angel army.

(Really?) Mission 3: Build a city of Zeus (because it is too difficult to build a small interstellar city with an area of ​​30 kilometers, you can also use 30 points to close the mission!)

Task 4: Build a Wishing Slate, (Because the difficulty is too high, master a B+ technology instead, you can also use 50 points to close this task!)

Looking at the task list displayed in front of him, Locke wanted to cry without tears.

The first two are not difficult, even the third task, he can still accept it.

But the fourth one to create a wishing slate is really too much.

If he could create this thing, Dormammu would probably have to kneel on his ground begging for mercy, and he has become a technological overlord.

This is obviously an impossible task!

Fortunately, the system also knows that the task is too difficult, so I changed one for myself, otherwise it would be really difficult!

However, even if the mission was changed, his third lottery draw had to be postponed.

After all, B+-level technology is not so easy. It seems that if you want to become a technology overlord, there is still a long way to go!

With a sigh, Locke couldn't help but feel a little depressed, this system is really strict!

Ask for flower evaluation, monthly pass, all kinds of requests, thank you!!.

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