Marvel: Tech Prodigy, Make Your Own Wife at the Start

Chapter 169 Brand new plan to build a mobile planetary fortress, 100times the progress of Hulk serum

To say the most painful thing in this world is to want to extract a new technological world, but suffer from no points.

The most painful thing in this world is that there are points, but because the system tasks are not completed, the technology world cannot be drawn.

Now Locke is in such pain, it's really annoying!

But fortunately, his technology big bang system is not only able to extract the technology world.

Based on previous experience, even if he did not complete the technological tasks left over from the previous technological world, he could extract individual technologies or conduct strengthening analysis.

Quietly leaning on the bench, Locke rubbed his handsome face dejectedly to make himself appear more energetic.

It is not easy to obtain points, so every time he draws, he is extra cautious.

Drawing out a new technological world is not just a simple lottery activity, it also involves his future life and a series of future plans, which cannot tolerate him being careless.

His hands were lightly placed on his chin, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he quickly recalled all the things that happened during this period of time in his mind.

Then he opened his notebook, picked up a pen and began to scribble on the white paper, writing down his next plan.

Since it is not yet possible to extract a new technological world, then plan what you need to do in the future.

Then combined with the current 040 situation, consider how to use the 120 points.

Whether to extract a single technology, or to carry out strengthening analysis.

Although a few minutes ago, he was still in the warm package of the commander's sister, constantly releasing his physical strength and swallowing the other party's breath.

But now he is still extraordinarily energetic, and his thoughts are very agile.

There is no way, this is the benefit brought to him after the body strengthening.

The body's metabolism is always on fire, keeping his body in a brand new state.

Seriously, if it wasn't for such a heaven-defying body, he would have been killed by his harem girl group long ago.

But then again, if it weren't for him having such a heaven-defying physique, his group of robot wives wouldn't have tossed him so endlessly.

After all, according to the rules and regulations of robots, robots cannot put their owners in any danger.

At this moment, if their constant juicing behavior is placed on a normal person, it would already constitute a charge of intentional murder.

After all, dying from exhaustion is no joke!

But after thinking about it, it was funny again, he could actually refuse their behavior, just a word.

(bacc) But why didn't he say no?

In the final analysis, it's not because my Isp attribute is too protruding, I blame me!

Shaking his head and smiling, he threw aside all the messy thoughts in his mind, and his eyes stopped on some of the plans he had written before.

Plan 1: Build an outer space base.

This has been ticked before, and it is completed.

However, because the system issued a task to build the city of Zeus, although the task only required him to build a small interstellar city with an area of ​​30 square kilometers, even if the task was completed.

But since it was a plan, Locke didn't need to be polite, so he went straight to building the city of Zeus.

So next, he needs to expand this space base and expand it into an interstellar city with an area greater than or equal to 30 square kilometers as soon as possible.

In this way, his task 3 can be completed.

Then he needs to keep expanding constantly until he has built his own real city of Zeus.

As for the time it takes to complete this plan, he has no limit and set it up as a permanent plan.

After all, he is very clear about the power of the city of Zeus. If he can really build it, his power will definitely reach another level.

However, in order to complete this plan, the material of the earth alone is definitely not enough.

In his expectation, he will focus on some unmanned small planets in the later stage, and build his movable city of Zeus based on the small planets.

But if it is really that level, this is not a city, but an active planet similar to Yigo.

With a smile of excitement and anticipation on his face, he nodded silently, scribbled and corrected, and changed plan 1 to build the city of Zeus.

With a look of satisfaction, he looked at the second plan.

Plan 2: Build artificial Angel, Icarus, Nimf, Astrea.

His eyes moved to the small flower pot by the window where Icarus had planted watermelon seeds, he smiled and ticked directly.

Plan 3: Develop mass-produced artificial Angels and create an artificial Angel army.

This plan is in progress, and the Angel Legion is also the technological force he is most looking forward to creating so far.

According to his own calculations, once the artificial Angel Legion is built, the combat power they can exert may surpass his current Yoba Army in the future.

Definitely, it's just combat power.

In Locke's heart, the Yoba Army is not only his armed force, but also his harem girl group, with an extraordinary status.

Plan 4: Research on gene-directed mutation technology.

This plan is the research direction Locke thought of after seeing Ancient One.

After all, the human body's genes have infinite potential. If he can really make achievements in the field of genetic technology, then he is likely to get unexpected results.

And this plan 4 also corresponds to the task 4 formulated by the system: master a b+ level technology.

Although so far, he does not know whether the gene-directed mutation technology can reach the level of B+ technology.

But he couldn't help thinking so much, anyway, there is no better research direction at present, so let's formulate it first!

In addition to the research on gene-directed mutation, the big boss is still conducting research on the 10,000-fold Hulk serum!

Based on his knowledge of the 10,000-fold Hulk serum, once it is researched, it should be able to achieve a B+ grade technology score.

And this is the main reason why Locke is struggling with how to use the points at the moment.

Is it to directly open a single technology lottery, or wait for the research results of the big boss?

He was very entangled. After all, once the Ten Thousand Times Hulk Serum was created and a systematic strengthening analysis was added, the strengthening potions that could be created would definitely improve his existing strength.

And now he is already the pinnacle of the Level Sub-God Father, and his strength has improved again, so he is naturally the Level God Father, and even more than that.

Therefore, the research results of the leader are worthy of his expectation.

With a contemplative expression on his face, his fingers tapped on the table, enough to see that Locke At the moment was still in hesitation.

"Forget it, the use of points is still to wait. Find a time tomorrow to see where the guy has gone, and then make plans! Locke thought silently in his heart.

Now he still doesn't know how far Dr. Stern's guy has progressed, and he hasn't seen him for a long time.

So he had to find some time to meet a group of talented scientists under him.

Ivan Vanke, Dr. Zola, and the big boss, these are all think-tank talents recruited by themselves!

During this time, I have been busy building Icarus and the others, and it has been a long time to put them aside.

It's time to beat and beat them, after all, there are no idlers in his base.

Definitely, except for his wives.

But speaking of them, they are not idle people, on the contrary, they are very busy, busy juicing!

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